Also consider this. How many masks do the doctors and nurses go through? I doubt they use the same one over after a surgery. As opposed to sheep now who have their own personalized germ cloth.
if dealing with covid patients nurses wear a N95 under their surgical mask plus a face shield and a hazmat type suit and gloves. they toss out the masks and scrub down their face shields and suit/gloves after each shift and put them in a locker. in feb/mar they had to reuse the N95's but still threw away the surgical masks.
now people walk around with surgical mask, which is easily penetrated by the size of Covid which is a few microns, and reuse it day after day without washing it.
reminds me of the war on plastics where every Karen and Conor brought their own bacteria-ridden bags into Trader Joe's and then every time they put a piece of fruit in the bag, then decided to put it back in the produce section, they passed the bacteria to another half dozen shoppers.
simple minds create simple "solutions". they recently banned bringing in your own bag and it's only a matter of time until they ban walking in public with your own mask
fact is deaths are about 10% of what they were 3 months ago which is what really matters.