What is wrong with all of the people criticizing what Trump said??
Sad that people are still making it about race instead of for what it really is.
Do you think as an American, Mexican-American, African American, Canadian, German, or anyone else similar is welcome in Muslim countries?!?
Hell no & they'll slit you're throat in a heartbeat so don't think just because your skin isn't snow white that they won't do it.
So why should they be welcome here?!?
The End Game could very well not have anything at all to do with (actually) welcoming Muslims Immigrants in to this country.
In this moment that concept serves The President's (
and those running for President's) need to sound as though they are caring human beings, "True Americans" which The Sheeple like to hear. Ra Ra
AMERICA!! And "American
Values" "
MY GOSH aren't we the most amazing people ever to walk the earth?!!?
Never mind that American Politicians have used this very same cloak of Patriotism to slaughter Hundreds of Thousands of Muslim People including many children under 5 years old within the last 50 years, Sheeple don't wanna know about that.
The True End Game, as far as the Democratic Party is concerned at least probably is to continue to threaten to allow 170,000 Syrians into U.S. as to give Trump more to work with knowing that Trump will not get the Republican Nomination which will cause him to go Independent which will lead to him getting a sizeable enough percent of the Republican Vote to
ensure that Hillary gets elected.
I personally think the stance on Mulsim Immigration by these Politicians is a "device" they are using to accomplish a larger goal...a thing as small as having an issue upon which to pontificate about how American they are & what wonderful people they are or a thing as Large as keeping their party in The White House....
.....by sinking the Republican Nominee with a
Valid Question:
"Is Trump actually on Hillary's team?"