Doing some soulsearching and realized folks that I have been calling dumb libs like Bozzie, Knight, Chop, Avocado, Wilbur and more have valid opinions


Jul 14, 2007
And I never said believing in Qanon was a prereq to be a conservative, the fuck are you talking about?

How many boosters you gonna get? You're not gonna consult with the RX first? Why not?
Dec 11, 2006
You're as vague as it gets. Renegade? Where'd you dream that up?

Sheeple? Look in the mirror?

You've got a lot of unsubstantiated blather. Go away.

Jul 14, 2007
Mich will get boosted until they tell him to stop getting boosted yet has the temerity to call others sheep, lol. No wonder Dr Love has so much fun with this joker.

"I trust my doctor"

It is amazing how much people just become good little conformists when thinking for themselves has real stakes.

Which is good, because most people probably shouldn't think for themselves. Why societies with uniformity tend to do better.

Sep 21, 2004
The Shrink was a radical Leftist , loved Obama and pleaded for people to vote for that Commie , sad that Ken was so wrong when it came to reason and logic
Dec 11, 2006
Mich will get boosted until they tell him to stop getting boosted yet has the temerity to call others sheep, lol. No wonder Dr Love has so much fun with this joker.

"I trust my doctor"

It is amazing how much people just become good little conformists when thinking for themselves has real stakes.

Which is good, because most people probably shouldn't think for themselves. Why societies with uniformity tend to do better.
Errrr, it is YOU who called ME a sheep. I take my doctor out. I trust her. Go away.

Jul 14, 2007
How many boosters are you going to get? Who the fk cares. Like I said, I'm not against the shot. I'm against mandates. This is the third time I've said that.

Why wouldn't you review the science that has been presented to you on the RX and decide that getting all of these boosters is going to cause you major health problems? What? You just don't trust these guys?

So you believe everything about the NWO cabal and they're intentionally trying to destroy the country, but you also think they put a vaccine out a year ago and it is on the up and up? That's certainly an interesting take.

Re: Sheep, you said I was a CNN host for the simple fact I pointed out you and other conservatives on this site (myself included) don't really find much interest/agreement with most of the newer content. I mean, it isn't the end of the world but it is what it is. Sorry for pointing out what is pretty glaringly obvious. I've been under the weather all week so maybe could've worded it better (although probably not because you seem pretty thin skinned about this shit)

Jul 14, 2007
You talk like a CNN host.

Since when did believing in Qanon become a prerequisite to be a conservative? It's not. Only fools believe that.

Conspiracy? What conspiracy? Everything is a Republican conspiracy to some. More foolishness.

anti-vax? More BS. Conservatives believe in self determination. Vax if you want. Don't vax if you don't want. Most conservatives are not against the vaccine. They are against mandates.

Election rigged? There has been ample evidence presented by statisticians, mathemarticians, legislatures, study groups, and common people sworn to affidavits that there was chicanery surrounding this election. Proving it is something else when politics gets in the way of truth.

NWO? Denying that there is not a NWO effort amongst some of the most influential world elites is also folly. Have you been following the cancel culture administrated at all levels of Big Tech? Why do you think that cancel culture exists?

What else ya got?

Just reading this back is funny, I said Mich doesn't delve into the richer aspect of any of those topics I described which is where most of the political content here is going.

And his response on every single issue doesn't delve into the richer aspects of any of these issues. He doesn't follow the Q thingy, he doesn't think the vax is bad for you (he loves that shit, his doctor told him it is good), his NWO take is as milquetoast and generic as possible, pretty much everyone would agree with it on some level.

So unless he just misconstrued what I said or something, I'm not even sure what his issue is.
Dec 11, 2006
Let's try this again. I go out with my doctor. I am in love with her. Yes. I trust her.

What does that have to do with CNN?

Jul 14, 2007
The point is you really have no point. Probably liquored up and just misread what I said.

And let's be honest, if not for whatever personal relationships you have with your doc, you would be getting jabbed up every 6 months until the end of time anyway, so it seems pretty irrelevant.
Dec 11, 2006
The point is you really have no point. Probably liquored up and just misread what I said.

And let's be honest, if not for whatever personal relationships you have with your doc, you would be getting jabbed up every 6 months until the end of time anyway, so it seems pretty irrelevant.
And how do you know that?

I am not liquored up. I responded to your nonsense, point by point. But somehow now you expect a full dissertation on each of those false "conservative" attributes that you presented.

Go back to bed. You're under the weather. Remember.
Sep 21, 2004
the poli forum isn't dead? I see 4 posters in there right now all just cutting and pasting

festeringzit (Vaxxed up for the win), Stevie Ray (Greenbacks 2.0), you and roadreeler (not sure he got the message no one is reading anything? even the rest of y'all decided coming upstairs was the sharp move)

0 discussion in the entire forum.....oh, jatt king is down there too with some troll threads

I average probably 2 mins per day down there...

Not sure what this is supposed to mean:
festeringzit (Vaxxed up for the win),

Jan 13, 2019
Oh god, the drunk old Texan with an IQ of fitty is back with his buffoonery.
Unlike the other moron here that rest his case, at least you do have a case.....of the dumb ass!

Jul 14, 2007
And how do you know that?

I am not liquored up. I responded to your nonsense, point by point. But somehow now you expect a full dissertation on each of those false "conservative" attributes that you presented.

Go back to bed. You're under the weather. Remember.

I never called them conservative attributes. I don't think they are, what are you talking about?

I said that is where the content is now, thus you get less political dialogue on the site. Then I said most of the conservatives on this site just aren't all that into that stuff.

What you thought I said was that they were conservative attributes and I was mocking them. Thus beginning your sad ire towards me.

Why did you think that? Well, because you're an idiot. But deep down, you already knew that.

Jul 14, 2007
I average probably 2 mins per day down there...

Not sure what this is supposed to mean:
festeringzit (Vaxxed up for the win),

I just checked today and saw you had a few bumped posts. But yeah, you're a good example.

Most of the content nowadays you don't have much interest in I don't think. But rather than push back on it or laugh at it like say Chop, you just don't really acknowledge it.
Dec 11, 2006
I never called them conservative attributes. I don't think they are, what are you talking about?

I said that is where the content is now, thus you get less political dialogue on the site. Then I said most of the conservatives on this site just aren't all that into that stuff.

What you thought I said was that they were conservative attributes and I was mocking them.

Why did you think that? Well, because you're an idiot. But deep down, you already knew that.
Yea, I know I'm an idiot.

OK. sure.
Sep 21, 2004
You talk like a CNN host.

Since when did believing in Qanon become a prerequisite to be a conservative? It's not. Only fools believe that.

Conspiracy? What conspiracy? Everything is a Republican conspiracy to some. More foolishness.

anti-vax? More BS. Conservatives believe in self determination. Vax if you want. Don't vax if you don't want. Most conservatives are not against the vaccine. They are against mandates.

Election rigged? There has been ample evidence presented by statisticians, mathemarticians, legislatures, study groups, and common people sworn to affidavits that there was chicanery surrounding this election. Proving it is something else when politics gets in the way of truth.

NWO? Denying that there is not a NWO effort amongst some of the most influential world elites is also folly. Have you been following the cancel culture administrated at all levels of Big Tech? Why do you think that cancel culture exists?

What else ya got?

I pretty much concur with everything here.

I am reluctantly vaccinated. I'm not against the vaccination, I am against the mandates, as Mich said.

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