Dogball's record since tout announcement

"You've had a great year handicapping. Your baseball
record was great and the Angels came through in the
World Series. The football season has been just as
good. "

Look man, dont like me or my business, fine, but you cant argue the facts. No one gets lucky for a year you clown. I wish you luck, but you are a very different person in your e mail then you are here. If you own a restaurant and handicapp so hard, it is great that you have the time to be obsessed with me. Just state facts and thats fine and never count your chickens before they hatch. Pitt should cash tonight up 17-0 , but only an amatuer would call it a win in the first quarter.
Good Luck
Dogball you need some math lessons. With all the posters on this forum someone is bound to have a great year. It's just a numbers thing.
Are you kidding me it's over. No wonder why you said it doesn't matter who QB's for TB. There's a huge difference between King and Johnson.
Independent party will Monitor both of us in any of 3 sports i do, nfl, mlb or nba (starting jan1)
My luck is bound to run out and I will bet you ten thousand that says I beat you. As for the math lesson. Considering you have a degree in math would you be so kind to tutor me in math, afterall you have a degree in math. And I assume you will do it for free as you expect everyone to provide services for free.
Very interesting. Let me think about that. Since you don't think this games over I'll put up 4-1 that Pitt covers this game.
Like you would offer a challenge with a 17-0 lead /infopop/emoticons/icon_biggrin.gif
You said it isn't over. I guess you don't know what you're talking about. I'll give you 5-1 or were you just blowing smoke again.
But I am not willing to CHASE a wager that is not going my way. Yesterday, you were quite alarmed when you thought I CHASED, but were proven wrong.
Only a cheating spinelss bung hole like you would insist on a 17-0 lead to go head to head against me. But I will lay odds in our one on one competition because you have proven that you area stiff. SO think about that and we will arrange it. Also I am going to be in California in January. What part do you live in? Perhaps we can meet for my math tutorial. Have you never been on the wrong side of a big comeback. It is not over
I live in the Chicago area. I think we should make our bet on a $500 per week basis. We can then settle up each week. We would need some rules on the amount of units that we can bet each week. Save that tout money up. You can use it to pay me.
Well Dogball once again I call your bluff and you want no part of the challenge. You can't scam those of us that have been around for a while. We've seen it all too many times.
Lets get a few things straight. I am above a bottom feeder like you. This is my only offer on the challenge and then, scream at me all you want, I wil never respond to your stupidity again. You make no sense and are a ballless prick.

i put up 10k, you put up 7k, there are your odds with a mutually agreed upon 3rd party.
The challenge is one month, afterall, anyone can get lucky for a week.
The challenge can be in any of the three sports I named above. The rest we can work out, accept or decline, no matter to me.
One more lie from you and I will post your entire e mail where you act like the bitch you are. Lets just act like the adults we are. Accept or decline
Best of luck
If you do post my e-mail you better take out my phone number. If you want to make that bet then you post up the 10k with me otherwise we make it 500/week.
For the last time, best of luck, I have allowed myself to be dragged down to this level, NOw when I ignore you, you will have no audience whatsoever.
Good Ridiance
Dogball challenged me to a capping contest. He said he's put up 10k to my 7k. Sounds like one those Costa Rican books that offer a 50% sign up bonus to me and then run with your money. I told him the only way I'd do this is if he posted up the 10k otherwise we can make it 500/week. Of course he's not willing to do either one.
For all of those signing up for his service you've been warned.
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>If you want to make that bet then you post up the 10k with me otherwise we make it 500/week. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

raiders, it does in fact sound like you are a scammer. You are asking dogball to send you $10K, LOL. I don't hear you offering to send $7K anywhere.

Dogball's integrity is not in question here, rather it is raiders72, the guy who has devoted 50 of his 80 posts to bashing dogball, a guy that has won big money.

Meanwhile, you claim that you make a living gambling, yet you had only played 3 NFL games the entire season, effective last Saturday.

Where are you going to post up your $7K, kid? Quit talking smack, and tell us where you are willing to post up your cake.
Ham I know your still wet behind the ears and need someone to lead you around and tell you what to pick but you're going to have to look elsewhere. Your new hero Dogball is going down the tubes. He knows he got lucky why else would he charge for picks. If you can consistently win you just play the games. If you can't win you charge others to make money.You have a lot to learn but even the dullest of minds learns by repitition so just watch these scammers and learn.

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