<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by CrAzY Jivin' IvaN:
HAHAHAH This Dogball character is a joke...

He bets like $5 a game not 5K....

He is obviously lying.

There is no way he would be foolish like that...if he was, he would be bankrupt by now... And you bet 5K on NBA games every sing
le day you'll go broke!

Dogball your hilarious.

Dogball doesn't even give analysis to his nba plays - because he probably doesn't know much about it lol.

This guy is a complete joke!

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woah is this coming from the same man who swears he is taking breaks but comes back a few days later time & time again?
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by hamneggs:

There was a time when it was rare to see an Irish post down here. I used to think that you were reserved and PC. I heard stories about the days when you did not agree with the Rx. I had no idea the kind of monster that laid within.

Now you have come out and shown me the type of a basher that you can be. You mixed in the pictures as well, which is something that I have not yet gotten into. Having said that, you have put together a series of very comical posts. LMAO

If I could express my own opinion, I think that deep down you have a lot of respect for him. As you know, he has always been a gentleman around the Forums and has shown us a solid effort in various sports. Of course, he has time to turn things positive in the NBA.

You won't like this, or maybe you will, but just listen up. You can imagine that people are paying for a _service_ when they pay a tout. Think about what it means to provide a valuable service, although you are likely thinking about a service that provides no value. Value is highly relative. What is valuable to one has no value in the eyes of the next.

People buy picks for a variety of reasons. For some, it is a plan to make money. We really don't think about the people who are going to gamble, but want to be able to blame it on someone else instead of themselves if they should lose. There is no question that providing picks is a service, whether it is done for free or for compensation, whether it has value in your eyes or not.

I know people that buy used socks for more money than they would pay for new socks. They ask for them in a plastic bag, sealed, and well used. How crazy...but the used socks have value in the eyes of those that like to smell them.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>


Hammy - I agree with much of this. Well said sir.

To be clear I don't want to sound like I am against free enterprise, people have the right to both buy and sell picks if they so choose. My problem is with this Dogball guy specifically, no one else. Sometimes my posts paint with a broad brush but he is my main focus, not anyone else. People have a right to buy and sell honestly if they desire. Just as people have the right to call BULLSHIT when a Dogball like tout is exposed.

Good post though, often I get angry buyers who purchase picks who think I am calling them idiots and get offended. You're only an idiot if you buy from Dogball. Down a documented -54.4 units but swears he is really 90 units better than that somewhere else? That's just one of many tricks and lies this man has has bestowed upon us. These kind of guys give the honest touts a bad name, assuming one actually exists.....


I know I am down over -54 units in the NBA but I am winning over 90 units on the plays I don't tell anyone about until the game is over. - Ben "Dogball" Matlock/Tout

New member
Sep 21, 2004
you state that you know people that would pay more for dirty socks than clean ones so that they can smell them. eeks, you are definetly hanging out with the wrong crowd kid.

the rubber room is several social steps up the ladder for you i can see.

Dogball doesn't respond because he is just a lil' kid!


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New member
Sep 21, 2004
hammy,how can you sleep @ nite???? dogball is obviously targeting the compulsive gambler.

what makes u think that he is targeting the compulsive gambler? i am not saying that he isn't targeting the compulsive gambler. Let's say that he is targeting the compulsive gambler...why does that make it any different if he were targeting someone who hardly gambles at all?

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Hammy- Did you see Matlock's latest post in offshore? It shows a winning ticket on BC. How come he's had a losing record for the last three months on everything documented but continues to print these winnings when the games are over?
raiders- haven't looked..just stuffed my face w/shrimp and cocktail sauce.

elmer- yeah, i am sober..i don't see what is so deplorable about a compulsive gambler who wants to pay for a service.

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New member
Sep 21, 2004
hammy,do you see anything wrong with sellin drugs to addicts with a compulsion to take drugs?
"To be clear I don't want to sound like I am against free enterprise, people have the right to both buy and sell picks if they so choose. My problem is with this Dogball guy specifically, no one else. Sometimes my posts paint with a broad brush but he is my main focus, not anyone else. People have a right to buy and sell _honestly_ if they desire. Just as people have the right to call BULLSHIT when a Dogball like tout is exposed."


Thank you Pat for explaining your exact position on the issue I had mentioned earlier. I don't know the exact issues at hand between yourself & dogball but I knew you would be fair about the whole scene so that I must commend you on.

It really depends on the drug. For example, I think that pot growers are ok dudes.

Your analogy does not quite fit. It's close, but it doesn't quite fit. I would say that sportsbook is to gamber as drug dealer is to drug addict.

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New member
Sep 21, 2004
ok hammy,in a transaction between a buyer & seller,should the seller assume any ethical or moral responsibility?
elmer, yes a seller should assume moral responsibility.

What is wrong with selling a service that a buyer sees value in? We are talking about a free market here, where you have to weigh your arguments against the right of contract.

That is a tough burden, elmer. The right to contract is really strong, and that is what the tout business is based on. It's an agreement to provide a service.

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<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by elmer9:
hammy,how can you sleep @ nite???? dogball is obviously targeting the compulsive gambler.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I don't hear you attacking sportsbooks who obviously target the compulsive gambler.

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