How about that Nelson hit...Jeezz now they are crying cause he got a few broke ribs...Blah Blah Blah put on skirts pussies.
Your comments in this thread show you to be one of the biggest assholes on this forum.
Spare me the back in the day bullshit. I've watched football since 1970, watched Jack Tatum level many receivers. He rarely launched his head into anyone, particularly another player's head. He hammered people with his shoulders, the way most did in that era. I've never seen so many people launch their heads into players as they do today.
These players today are far faster, bigger, and stronger than players of the past. Failing to adjust the rules for this is beyond stupid, which would make them the equal of you.
You think this league makes Billions of dollars so that the public can watch 2nd and 3rd string players? Nobody here is against good, hard hitting football. But launching your helmet into the jaw of a defenseless player doesn't make you tough. Its a bullshit play.
I don't give a shit what you've done for this country, that doesn't give you license to call these guys pussies.
I would love for one of these "pussies" to ram the crown of their helmet into your ribs, and listen to you try and call them pussies as you're gasping for air.