I'm only 32 but have been steadily contributing to retirment accounts and mutual funds for 10 years now.
And I would have been better off to bury all of that money in my backyard. Its depressing. 10 years of investing wasted.
<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width=368 border=0><TBODY><TR><TD class=grabotleftyel height=30>JNJ</TD><TD class=grabotleftyel>$ 48.37 Johnson&Johnson
<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width=368 border=0><TBODY><TR><TD class=grabotleftyel height=30>PG</TD><TD class=grabotleftyel>$ 47.32 Procter&Gamble
<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width=368 border=0><TBODY><TR><TD class=grabotleftyel height=30>WMT</TD><TD class=grabotleftyel>$ 48.28 Wal-mart </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width=368 border=0><TBODY><TR><TD class=grabotleftyel height=30>AAPL</TD><TD class=grabotleftyel>$ 88.66 Apple
These stocks are discounted by 50% or more, in the case of Apple, they were around $165 last spring. The consumer goods companys are blue chip and wally World peddles all of those companies goods.
If a man can weather the next few years with some ups and downs these companies will pay off. P&G is looking to sell of it's phamacutical biz and is currently looking for takers- will generate revenue to focus and grow core business.
If the media would stop the incessent negative sky is falling routine the country could take a breath and make some rational decisions and evaluate our options. I almost fell out of my chair when FH said we are in a depression. This is a very bad economic cycle but not even close to depression. Of course there are parts of this country much worse off but there are other places where it is biz as semi-usual. I drive around now saying wow "I can't believe that place is packed" WTF is that??? I had to bitch slap myself. If there is value at a store or you want to eat out you still do it and low and behold there are MANY doing the same. Remember 10% of the mortgages are bad that leaves 90% good and 90% of americans working hard to pay their debts. I do feel bad for anyone on here who has lost their job but keep your chin up and don't fall into this media black hole.
everyone take a deep breath...There will be bags of money to be had in this market soon and you and I can try to make our 106K back into a 401K.
peace out