Enfuego, I'm not sure where you've been....but effective 2018 the US Military is going to the "blended retirement system". In fact, all E6 and above have to take an online training course on the new system.
You and I are safe, we'll get our pensions.
Here's a summary:
Long story short....any new military member is being put on a matching TSP plan.
This is going to cause huge issues once a service member reaches 8-12 years of service. There is a plan to give out retention bonuses, but that will be dependent upon the needs of the service and will change annually (i.e. if they need pilots, they'll give a fat bonus to stay in....if they don't need pilots they may not give a retention bonus at all).
Just more fucking w/ military benefits.....
The only good thing this does is it is helpful to the service member who does not reach retirement (they will walk away w/ money in a TSP)...but I imagine many of them will just cash it out and spend it.
I know all about it but it has no impact on me is what I was saying.