Do you Trust your local water supply?


Sep 21, 2004
Bottom line is there is no justification to replace tap water with bottlwd water unless your house or infrastructure has some form of underlying issue. And let's be honest, just because something is sold by a big corporation doesn't necessarily make it safe.(er)

I think this is true, I think we have been conditioned to think that bottled water is safer than tap water. Multiple tests/studies have shown plastic particles in bottles water and depending where it is stored and its temperature through transport and other things can increase the amount of particles in the water which our bodies do not process well. If you think you need a better filtration system then add it at home. I can look no further than my dad in in his mid 80's very healthy has preached for 25+ years saying bottled water industry and its message of being better than tap water was one of the biggest racket going.

Nirvana Shill
Oct 20, 2001
I think this is true, I think we have been conditioned to think that bottled water is safer than tap water. Multiple tests/studies have shown plastic particles in bottles water and depending where it is stored and its temperature through transport and other things can increase the amount of particles in the water which our bodies do not process well. If you think you need a better filtration system then add it at home. I can look no further than my dad in in his mid 80's very healthy has preached for 25+ years saying bottled water industry and its message of being better than tap water was one of the biggest racket going.

probably his good health is more attributed to good genes then whether he drinks water out of a faucet... sometimes its a mental thing.. for me the water just tastes better out of the bottle... who knows whether the pipes in your system has gone bad , even if that's possible..

Rx God
Nov 1, 2002
I believe the local water ASS Wipes...

cheat me outta of $$$ each month...

my bill has almost tripled in resent years...

fuck them,,,

How is it even possible to have the bill triple in just a few years ? Is your usage consistent or did that radically increase ? Maybe you have some kind of undetected leak or something. These companies need government approval for rate increases in my experience, at least they around here. My bill runs about $100 every 3 months, that's nothing compared to electrity or even worse heating oil during the winter, the oil really kills me.

They have you by the balls with water, you can't possibly go without it and would pay 10X the price for it if these companies weren't regulated and could charge whatever they demanded, the electric service is right behind it, I guess you run a generator or something if they got ridiculous with the prices. I can't think of any alternative to the water company, no option at all there

Jun 16, 2011
Bottom line is there is no justification to replace tap water with bottlwd water unless your house or infrastructure has some form of underlying issue. And let's be honest, just because something is sold by a big corporation doesn't necessarily make it safe.(er)

I live in Katy Tx. (a suburb of Houston).
Some times I won't shower in the morning because the water stinks much worse than I have ever smelled.
Needless to say, I don't drink tap water.

2009 RX Death Pool Champion
Apr 3, 2005
How is it even possible to have the bill triple in just a few years ? Is your usage consistent or did that radically increase ? Maybe you have some kind of undetected leak or something. These companies need government approval for rate increases in my experience, at least they around here. My bill runs about $100 every 3 months, that's nothing compared to electrity or even worse heating oil during the winter, the oil really kills me.

They have you by the balls with water, you can't possibly go without it and would pay 10X the price for it if these companies weren't regulated and could charge whatever they demanded, the electric service is right behind it, I guess you run a generator or something if they got ridiculous with the prices. I can't think of any alternative to the water company, no option at all there

I think he may be talking water bill as a total...Here in the south they have a combined water/sewer bill...I am president of our HOA and our bill has gone up 4x in the last few years and it is all sewer...Cities have adopted policies where they charge you more for water going out than coming in...They bill this on based on your parking lots,driveways and roof footage and they do not correct for areas that receive no rain for months at a time...However right now we receive rain every 3 days or so...Our association will be bankrupted in the near future because of either water/sewer bills or blanket insurance bills....We have 88 units with 1200.00 or so water usage,but over 5000.00 bill...We are 1 fire/tornado etc away of being UN-insurable other than LLoyds of London at a cost of over 4 times than we currently pay which is 36k a year...We have had 1 fire in the last 20 years and I elected to just pay for the damages rather than file a claim....And that saved us a ton of money...

Oct 29, 2005
I think he may be talking water bill as a total...Here in the south they have a combined water/sewer bill...I am president of our HOA and our bill has gone up 4x in the last few years and it is all sewer...Cities have adopted policies where they charge you more for water going out than coming in...They bill this on based on your parking lots,driveways and roof footage and they do not correct for areas that receive no rain for months at a time...However right now we receive rain every 3 days or so...Our association will be bankrupted in the near future because of either water/sewer bills or blanket insurance bills....We have 88 units with 1200.00 or so water usage,but over 5000.00 bill...We are 1 fire/tornado etc away of being UN-insurable other than LLoyds of London at a cost of over 4 times than we currently pay which is 36k a year...We have had 1 fire in the last 20 years and I elected to just pay for the damages rather than file a claim....And that saved us a ton of money...

Great stuff Buster...

this fits my dumb (rich) village to a tee,,,pricks...

they like to buy light posts instead of fixing roads ...

OH, I forgot....we have ALL NEW SUV's 5-O cars...

silly me....

Rx God
Nov 1, 2002
Well he didn't say anything about sewer president Buster, but that makes sense . Personally I hate condos and all their stupid rules and fees

2009 RX Death Pool Champion
Apr 3, 2005
Great stuff Buster...

this fits my dumb (rich) village to a tee,,,pricks...

they like to buy light posts instead of fixing roads ...

OH, I forgot....we have ALL NEW SUV's 5-O cars...

silly me....

Get involved...Trust me it is not hard to do...The amount of people that complain is 3 to 1 and they have no idea what they signed into...It's laughable the number of people that try to sell and when property inspection comes seller had no idea what would be covered....Just went thru this yesterday and of course just like always for the lat 25 years I won...

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