The area of Texas is about 262,000 mi[SUP]2[/SUP]. Dividing this figure by the current human population of 6.8 billion leaves each person with about 1000 square feet, a small plot the size of a big room about 33 ft x 33 ft. Sounds plausible enough, right?
"Bottom Line: For everyone presently on this planet to enjoy the lifestyle of an average American, we would need about ten planet Earths. We have only one. For everyone to live like an American, Earth can only support about one-tenth as many people. To increase the average quality of life, the number of people on Earth must be reduced. "
Assumptions like that are based on the fact that there will be no major improvements in productivity and standard of living. That is the main reason doomsdayers have such a low batting average throughout history. They underestimate human ingenuity.