WVU is a stiff - a stiff and a thief - he talked shit - got in over his head with Lapdance - was about to lose 14k - and took off from where he posts every day for how many years? - then when his bet turned out to win he miraculously showed up out of the blue and said pay me - now I understand 14k is a lot to lose over a somewhat bullshit bet but he stole that money from Lap - he had no intention of ever paying him - my problem is all the lying he did relating to it - if he had the balls to say, "Lap, 14k is a lot for me to lose over an internet bet - can I just buy out now (when the Lakers looked like a lock)" - but no - he takes off - starts ghosting at EOG - then shows up and demands Lap pays him - at least have the courtesy to not take the dime - on top of it he said the money was going to go to charity - then after he gets paid he laughs about sending the money to charity - on top of this he does not have the balls to meet Lap in person - on top of this he tells everyone that Lap is stiffing/slow paying him - Lap should have beaten the living fuck out of him - AND NOW HE HAS THE BALLS TO START A LIST ABOUT STIFFS? - hey, I guess he gets what he deserves - a miserable life out in Davie with a hag and Ken says the dude is totally broke.
Greenbacks stiffed JC on a ban bet. Does that count?
Why the fuck would anyone ever trust someone on the internet to wager on a sporting event anyway? What, were all the books closed that day? Oh , lemme guess, the so called stiffs didn't have the cake to top up their account so they looked for some sucker here to satisfy their degenerate need to gamble . Actually , I have no sympathy for anyone dumb enough to put themselves in the position to get stiffed like that. Talk about naive! Sorry if this offends anyone but it is pretty much common sense! Trust no one in this game. Fuck, it's tough enough when you're dealing with people you've known for years in a face to face situation, never mind over the internet! Just my two cents, hope it helps at least one potential sucker. I booked for a number of years and there's all kinds of guys trying to take a shot at you , hoping to win, all the while knowing they can't pay if they lose. They define " degenerate". They are the reason I no longer book. 'cause I wasn't into breaking body parts to get paid. Cheers and Good Luck...getting paid that is, LOL!!
Can you provide proof?