Do you guys want to write the headlines for tomorrow?

Nov 8, 2012
Everything you stand for on this site is a policy of the left. You've never been on the other side. That's why you get labled a "liberal" and it has nothing to do with your TDS.

Remember after the Parkland shooting? You railed on the 2nd Amendment for months. Just admit you are a liberal and own it. It's ok.

I dont recall being anti 2nd Amendment after the Parkland Shooting.

I also live less than 2 miles from the school, live in the school district, the shooter was found right by my kids' school, and knew 3 of the teachers who had their room shot up.

Was scary shit.

If you can find where I was "Anti 2nd amendment", please send me a PM. I'll own up to it or at least explain myself

Jul 14, 2007

Agree with what? He didn't actually say anything. It was 100% word salad you would find on "The View"...Not trying to pick on Knight either, atleast he responded unlike the rest of the liberals but he didn't say anything about policy there.

As far as GOP/Dems being = on fiscal issues, that simply isn't remotely true. The Dems want to spend far more than the GOP and most of the long-term liabilities on the fed balance sheet was put there by Dems (SS/medicare, Great Society, Obamacare)...GL removing it.

One side wants to spend XYZ trillions on technology that doesn't work when the sun doesn't shine, the other doesn't. The left is done man (in terms of being legitimate in my eyes, obviously politically they're completely ascendant), we can't even play false equivalency "both parties suck" with them anymore, they're that bad.
Nov 8, 2012
Agree with what? He didn't actually say anything. It was 100% word salad you would find on "The View"...Not trying to pick on Knight either, atleast he responded unlike the rest of the liberals but he didn't say anything about policy there.

As far as GOP/Dems being = on fiscal issues, that simply isn't remotely true. The Dems want to spend far more than the GOP and most of the long-term liabilities on the fed balance sheet was put there by Dems (SS/medicare, Great Society, Obamacare)...GL removing it.

One side wants to spend XYZ trillions on technology that doesn't work when the sun doesn't shine, the other doesn't. The left is done man (in terms of being legitimate in my eyes, obviously politically they're completely ascendant), we can't even play false equivalency "both parties suck" with them anymore, they're that bad.

I'm not sure what you want me to say. You call me out so i'll respond but truth be told, i have a good chance to NOT WORK tomorrow so i'd like to finish up my work.

I have leaned left this whole Trump Presidency and as of the beginning of the year, i was unsure who i was going to vote for next month. I did prefer Biden and Bloomburg as i hate far left.

I have not liked the way that Trump has handled Covid. Would Hillary or Biden handled it better? I'm not saying they would. However, I think we need better leadership. I look at past Presidents since i was a kid and we were always able to look up to them and the first lady. Not many kids these days can respect our leader. Not many adults can either.

I know he has a cult following and has done good in certain areas.

However it always cracks me up when a Trump lover in their 30's brags about their 401k. Dude, you aint cashing out for another 20/30/40 years so who the f*ck cares?

There are many other things i would like to discuss but my priority is hanging with my wife and kids tomorrow. I dont want to tell my family "sorry, i was stuck talking politics on a gambling website with guys like patsfan, enfuego, and harry carey. But maybe we can hang out next week?"

EV Whore
Apr 18, 2006
I'm not sure what you want me to say. You call me out so i'll respond but truth be told, i have a good chance to NOT WORK tomorrow so i'd like to finish up my work.

I have leaned left this whole Trump Presidency and as of the beginning of the year, i was unsure who i was going to vote for next month. I did prefer Biden and Bloomburg as i hate far left.

I have not liked the way that Trump has handled Covid. Would Hillary or Biden handled it better? I'm not saying they would. However, I think we need better leadership. I look at past Presidents since i was a kid and we were always able to look up to them and the first lady. Not many kids these days can respect our leader. Not many adults can either.

I know he has a cult following and has done good in certain areas.

However it always cracks me up when a Trump lover in their 30's brags about their 401k. Dude, you aint cashing out for another 20/30/40 years so who the f*ck cares?

There are many other things i would like to discuss but my priority is hanging with my wife and kids tomorrow. I dont want to tell my family "sorry, i was stuck talking politics on a gambling website with guys like patsfan, enfuego, and harry carey. But maybe we can hang out next week?"

Still zero about policy. Nothing. Even when you say you "don't like the way Trump has handled Covid", you don't say why or what should have been done differently.

Jul 14, 2007
I would say your obnoxious friends bragging about how much money they have and you citing this in a conversation about policy kinda proves my point. A lot of this is cultural to you.

Perhaps when it was Clinton/Bush 2 you could boil the election down to 1-2 big issues like who will handle covid better, but nowadays the gulf between R/D is getting pretty wide (although perhaps not as stark at the presidential level, Biden seems like the last vestige of even a shred of moderate lane from that side) After him, I gotta think it is all Harris and further but I could be wrong...

Enjoy the weekend though, I obviously have no clue when you do/don't have a lot on your plate.

I appreciate the response, more than we're gonna get out of Bozzie or SmallDaddy. I'd ask Lanquel but he doesn't even know where he is at this point.

Oct 12, 2008
Good luck arguing an economic plan where you spend more than you take in revenues is a good long term plan. It is like the neighbor who drives a nice car, has new furniture, going on expensive vacations and you look at them with envy. Then you figure out they have huge credit card some point you have to pay back the debt.

You will never be able to convince me that is a good economic plan.

in fairness to Trump, running a fiscally conservative govt has never been the plan for any President, has it? balanced budgets? lol......... Was amusing when 'fiscal conservatives' were so concerned with the National debt duriing Obama's reign as president,... now ? not a peep... even pre-covid, clowns

Trump , with a straight face @):mad:, said he'd take care of the National debt in 8 yrs.....cant make that kinda shit up. Decrease taxes AND increase spending would do the trick, had control of both houses for awhile , lol. Is it possible the tea party nutters actually beleived him? those poor souls ,... He's set to ADD 8.3 Trillion to the debt...that's with a T. , keep in mind he's elinimated the debt ceiling, there is none...he has overseen the fastest debt increase of ANY PRESIDENT......what a shit show

May 27, 2007
I'm not sure what you want me to say. You call me out so i'll respond but truth be told, i have a good chance to NOT WORK tomorrow so i'd like to finish up my work.

I have leaned left this whole Trump Presidency and as of the beginning of the year, i was unsure who i was going to vote for next month. I did prefer Biden and Bloomburg as i hate far left.

I have not liked the way that Trump has handled Covid. Would Hillary or Biden handled it better? I'm not saying they would. However, I think we need better leadership. I look at past Presidents since i was a kid and we were always able to look up to them and the first lady. Not many kids these days can respect our leader. Not many adults can either.

I know he has a cult following and has done good in certain areas.

However it always cracks me up when a Trump lover in their 30's brags about their 401k. Dude, you aint cashing out for another 20/30/40 years so who the f*ck cares?

There are many other things i would like to discuss but my priority is hanging with my wife and kids tomorrow. I dont want to tell my family "sorry, i was stuck talking politics on a gambling website with guys like patsfan, enfuego, and harry carey. But maybe we can hang out next week?"

Do you give all the Democrats who sent COVID+ patients to kill nursing home patients a pass? Some would argue these specific governors are responsible for at least 40% of all COVID deaths. Trump did that?

May 27, 2007
in fairness to Trump, running a fiscally conservative govt has never been the plan for any President, has it? balanced budgets? lol......... Was amusing when 'fiscal conservatives' were so concerned with the National debt duriing Obama's reign as president,... now ? not a peep... even pre-covid, clowns

Trump , with a straight face @):mad:, said he'd take care of the National debt in 8 yrs.....cant make that kinda shit up. Decrease taxes AND increase spending would do the trick, had control of both houses for awhile , lol. Is it possible the tea party nutters actually beleived him? those poor souls ,... He's set to ADD 8.3 Trillion to the debt...that's with a T. , keep in mind he's elinimated the debt ceiling, there is none...he has overseen the fastest debt increase of ANY PRESIDENT......what a shit show

All politicians make claims guy. You're stuck on this debt thing. What about Obama claiming we could keep our doctor? Forget that one?

Oct 31, 2004
Agree with what? He didn't actually say anything. It was 100% word salad you would find on "The View"...Not trying to pick on Knight either, atleast he responded unlike the rest of the liberals but he didn't say anything about policy there.

As far as GOP/Dems being = on fiscal issues, that simply isn't remotely true. The Dems want to spend far more than the GOP and most of the long-term liabilities on the fed balance sheet was put there by Dems (SS/medicare, Great Society, Obamacare)...GL removing it.

One side wants to spend XYZ trillions on technology that doesn't work when the sun doesn't shine, the other doesn't. The left is done man (in terms of being legitimate in my eyes, obviously politically they're completely ascendant), we can't even play false equivalency "both parties suck" with them anymore, they're that bad.

Looking at actual numbers Republicans deficit spend more then Democrats when a Republican is in office as president .

We can blame some of that on congress but republicans have added more debt by an average over over 1% more per year since 1929.

We can argue on who is the worst but the point is there is no such thing as fiscal anything . Neither party can claim to be fiscally conservative and the numbers suggest Republicans increase the deficits even more when a Republican is president by over 1%.

Jul 14, 2007
Looking at actual numbers Republicans deficit spend more then Democrats when a Republican is in office as president .

We can blame some of that on congress but republicans have added more debt by an average over over 1% more per year since 1929.

We can argue on who is the worst but the point is there is no such thing as fiscal anything . Neither party can claim to be fiscally conservative and the numbers suggest Republicans increase the deficits even more when a Republican is president by over 1%.

Historical data doesn't mean much given where the current Dem party is, not like history matters when there has been a drastic political shift leftward.

And again, why are you using how much the increase is by when in office? A lot of that noisy (i.e being president when the rona hits, i.e being president when baby boomers are retiring, i.e being President when Obamacare medicaid expansion is being expanded in states)

The dems put all the big drivers of the debt there and now they are more leftward than before. C'mon...

Trump/GOP going along w/ their profligate ways doesn't change that there is a difference here.

Oct 12, 2008
All politicians make claims guy. You're stuck on this debt thing. What about Obama claiming we could keep our doctor? Forget that one?

nope..u got me wrong :)

he has overseen the fastest debt increase of ANY PRESIDENT

sorry charlie, total fail...want me to call it as is it or put lipstick on it?


Oct 31, 2004
Historical data doesn't mean much given where the current Dem party is, not like history matters when there has been a drastic political shift leftward.

And again, why are you using how much the increase is by when in office? A lot of that noisy (i.e being president when the rona hits, i.e being president when baby boomers are retiring, i.e being President when Obamacare medicaid expansion is being expanded in states)

The dems put all the big drivers of the debt there and now they are more leftward than before. C'mon...

Certainly did not want to come off as a leftist apologist .
I have never been more anti liberal party in my lifetime then I am now .

I could never vote for them in its current condition . That was not always the case .

Yes that history goes way back to 1930 but nobody can say with a straight face the republicans is fiscally responsible .

Like you said in another thread .
Both parties just spending what they have to spend to keep that 2.5% GDP growth coming in .

New member
Nov 21, 2013
Spoken like a guy who just got make to look like a complete fucking idiot, has no valid rebuttal, so moves the goal posts.
Fucking liberals. The worst.

fucking liberals

New member
Nov 21, 2013
The liberals on this site never make an effort to discuss any policy, it is always about Trump deficiency as a human being. Yeah, I know he’s a moron and he’s so stupid he’ll probably blow the election.

But atleast he isn’t for free everything, open borders, spending trillions on Green new boondoggles and a whole litany of other garbage.

I’m not talking the X/dafinch loon off their meds types either. SmallDaddy, knightrofins, nozzle, NorthStar.....None of these people ever have anything to say about policy, I think being against trump is just a cultural thing for them. Fit in the right circles, being from a solid blue state, I know a lot of people like this.

And in our slow moving political climate, the good shit is never really on the ballot (say 20% taxes vs 50%) so it’s easy to have this worldview

Allow this Democratic voter to respond w enthusiasm that I happily endorse at least 80% of the DNC published platform

No need for me to "discuss" here in more depth

If you stand in distress at the possibility of a Biden/Harris win, vote Trump2020 and be proud of living in a country where you can do exactly that

New member
Nov 21, 2013
I started a thread months ago asking the Libs/Dems to list all the policies that they would promote in an attempt to convince an independent to vote for them....none of our resident liberals responded...and one reply was we have more registered Dems then Reps so we don’t need to recruit..face)(*^%

They will never change, they have no clue what their party is trying to do to America, they just can’t stand Trump

Vote for the policies, not the person....

If I want to "persuade" people to vote Biden/Harris 2020 I sure wouldn't do it in a very low traffic (less than 50 members who truly participate in *political* chat) web forum like the Rx

I have a better shot of moving Democratic votes within the state of FL simply affixing a BH2020 sticker on the window of my work truck......that is to say my fellow Floridians are pretty much fully settled wrt their Nov 3 vote

New member
Nov 21, 2013
No, this week, there was a day in Florida where the entire damn state had 5 total COVID deaths. I repeat, 5.

And you act like this is still a problem. Why?

111 Floridians died from Covid19 within the past 48 hrs.....close to 15,000 overall w 90% of those occuring in span between late May to Oct 1 after DeSantis "reopened" the state on advice from Tiny

You don't give a shit about Florida/COVID so please stop pretending as if anything you offer on that subtopic is worth any more than said shit

New member
Nov 21, 2013
Everything you stand for on this site is a policy of the left. You've never been on the other side. That's why you get labled a "liberal" and it has nothing to do with your TDS.

Remember after the Parkland shooting? You railed on the 2nd Amendment for months. Just admit you are a liberal and own it. It's ok.

Just admit that you are a FOXnews junkie and trump-defender and own it. You're certainly not alone

Oct 12, 2008
Dr Lanquel, u sound angry....just a heads up

New member
Nov 21, 2013
To add to that I’m probably more republican platform then ever right now because the Republican Party is becoming increasingly more liberal socially .

Problem is there is no such thing a fiscal anything anymore .

I don’t know how people like Enfuego think republicans are more fiscally conservative then liberals .

Its simply not true .


I voted twice for Ronald Reagan founded on his pledge to balance the federal budget

Neither he nor either Bush and absolutely not Tiny have done anything but massively escalate the federal debt

If one is supporting GOP for other reasons, good deal

But stop already w the nonsense of their being "the party of fiscal responsibility"

New member
Nov 21, 2013
in fairness to Trump, running a fiscally conservative govt has never been the plan for any President, has it? balanced budgets? lol......... Was amusing when 'fiscal conservatives' were so concerned with the National debt duriing Obama's reign as president,... now ? not a peep... even pre-covid, clowns

Trump , with a straight face @):mad:, said he'd take care of the National debt in 8 yrs.....cant make that kinda shit up. Decrease taxes AND increase spending would do the trick, had control of both houses for awhile , lol. Is it possible the tea party nutters actually beleived him? those poor souls ,... He's set to ADD 8.3 Trillion to the debt...that's with a T. , keep in mind he's elinimated the debt ceiling, there is none...he has overseen the fastest debt increase of ANY PRESIDENT......what a shit show


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