how many of these spread quarterbacks will ever amount to anything in the NFL where there are real players at every position on defense and the game gets exceptionally fast?
the arizona cardinals are the closest nfl team trying to play this "big 12" offense. this means no regard to timeouts, clock management or down and distance. they can whip up on their inferior opponents in their division, but washington, philly, both new york teams and carolina have all punished them. i know they did beat dallas, buffalo and miami (at home) but there is no guarantee they are going to the playoffs.
back to the ncaa, the game is quite inferior to the nfl so they have to add gimmicks. just like basketball. i am stunned why so many people like ncaa basketball and hate the nba. under that premise they should be in head over heals love with high school ball. until this season the ncaa 3 pointer was a joke. how many times have you had what seemed to be a sure under in a game only to see 25+ scored in the last 90 seconds because coaches play bomb and foul plus their timeout crap. then you hear some jackass announcer say even though his team is behind by 9 points with 7 seconds left he is still coaching. nba teams rarely do this. they know when they are going to lose and go home.
the greatest athletes are in the nba and nfl. every other league is bush league.
one day the sportsbooks will start hanging totals of 80+ on oklahoma and 50+ on their team total. these style points are just another reason that college is so inferior.
the arizona cardinals are the closest nfl team trying to play this "big 12" offense. this means no regard to timeouts, clock management or down and distance. they can whip up on their inferior opponents in their division, but washington, philly, both new york teams and carolina have all punished them. i know they did beat dallas, buffalo and miami (at home) but there is no guarantee they are going to the playoffs.
back to the ncaa, the game is quite inferior to the nfl so they have to add gimmicks. just like basketball. i am stunned why so many people like ncaa basketball and hate the nba. under that premise they should be in head over heals love with high school ball. until this season the ncaa 3 pointer was a joke. how many times have you had what seemed to be a sure under in a game only to see 25+ scored in the last 90 seconds because coaches play bomb and foul plus their timeout crap. then you hear some jackass announcer say even though his team is behind by 9 points with 7 seconds left he is still coaching. nba teams rarely do this. they know when they are going to lose and go home.
the greatest athletes are in the nba and nfl. every other league is bush league.
one day the sportsbooks will start hanging totals of 80+ on oklahoma and 50+ on their team total. these style points are just another reason that college is so inferior.