Gauging the responders here, I"d wager none of you are over 35. Of course some owners bet on their teams. Al Davis is notorious for trying to cover the spread. There is a book that came out in the mid seventies, i forgot the name but in it there are at least 9 instances of the raiders going for spread covers. 10 seconds left Raiders up by 4 at opponents 5 yardline 4th down Raiders can take a knee and end the game. instead they call a time out and kick the FG. oh yeah raiders were favored by 6. asked why he kicked a fg, davis replied "tie breaker, if we finished tied with a team on of the tie breakers is total points scored." tie breaker was Davis's standard answer for all the questionable play calling.
rumor has it that his young coach is not going along with the program (playing for cover) and has told the old man so. if i was davis i'd fire the young punk too. "the nerve of these young punks, you think i'm sitting at the game and not calling the shots."