I am not bashing anyone here...this is just a discussion.I have been involved in one of the most fucked up police encounters I have ever witnessed in my lifetime and I have shared it here many of times.
Have you ever seen a white kid high as a kite and physically assault a police officer and not get arrested and not eat pavement for it? I have. Happened right in front of me. Cop threatened the kid to not touch him again. How many chances?
“cops kill more whites than blacks though. So that means cops aren’t racist and cops aren’t bad people.” Lmfao come on dude I know you are smarter than this. Nice game.
Al Sharpton? Lmfaoooo what the fuck are you talking about? I don’t give a flying FUCK about Al fucking Sharpton? Are you being serious right now? You really are lost with what I am speaking on.
You say law enforcement needs to be reformed correct?...So how...what exactly is wrong?
More blacks kill other blacks than cops every year...that is just more facts.
So where is the blacks killing blacks protest at? Chicago?
Non of these black guys deserved to die...BUT
Since they are bringing up names...
Eric Garner...was committing a crime and was combative...he brought the cops to him by breaking the law and then not cooperating.
Michael Brown was committing a crime and then attacked the responding officer First grabbing his gun...again brought the cops to him by committing a crime.
floyd was committing a crime and then was combative...again brought the cops to him by committing a crime.
Look like I said the guys did not deserve to die but they brought the cops to them not cops out hunting people...
You also bring up law enforcement needing “combat training” you say law enforcement needs more combat training....do you know or understand what combat training is?...It’s choke holds and take downs and restraints...it’s also killing someone with your hands...that is absolutely not what law enforcement need more of...
I get you don’t like cops...but trust me cops don’t go out “hunting” for trouble...they get called out to do their job...and criminals don’t like that.