

New member
Oct 10, 2006
Pudnutz, MLFP, Hal01 aka Diogenes.(with a period). I think its hysterical that you numbnutz attribute my success at capping to being able to fade your bosses plays. What if I told you that's one of my resources to successful capping, is there a problem with that? If you think thats how I can pick nothing but winners, than try it yourselves

New member
Apr 30, 2005
What is with all of these Gleek Plicks in this thread? Must be from Mykonos!:puppy:

Oct 19, 2006
Diogenes, you honestly sound like a cornered thirteen year old kid. You're not picking winners, there's nothing to show that you've ever won a bet. I'm convinced that you and your buddy come home from junior high every day chuckling and drink your cans of Coke through your licorice straws while you think up responses to everyone. You don't post plays, you spend your entire day on this thread, and somehow you still think that you're good at something. You've created a world here where you think that you're important because people continue to respond to your posts. Fact is nobody actually cares about you here. You're not posting any picks and you would have lost the ten dollars mom would give you betting on your hometown favorite by now. It's getting old and the gig's just about up, so sip down that Coke before the licorice gets too sticky and have another Ding Dong kiddo. Nobody cares.

New member
Oct 10, 2006
MLFP, I'm not going to say this again, you are not getting my picks for free anymore. I've won you 125 dimes so far, and yet you continue to ask for more. You spend every waking hour trying to defend the honor of your boss Lang, you foolishly buy his picks, then you try and tell me I'm not playing fair, and the only way I'm able to give out nothing but winners is by fading your boss. That's it, no more plays, keep paying your boss, and keep trying to defend him

Oct 19, 2006
Diogenes, you're living in a fantasy world. I don't want your picks, i was just telling you that you should prove yourself on this forum before you start acting like you're a great handicapper. Start basing your posts on real life too, because everything you just posted has no bearing on reality. We're going to try a little exercise here, okay buddy. Read this next question and do your best to answer it. What is your favorite color? Now, all you need to do is respond with the color that you fancy the most. Once you master this skill we can move on to reasoning, although that could take considerably longer to teach.

New member
Apr 30, 2005
<TABLE class=tborder id=post3426240 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=6 width="100%" align=center border=0><TBODY><TR title="Post 3426240"><TD class=thead style="FONT-WEIGHT: normal">View Post
11-14-2006, 03:01 PM </TD></TR><TR><TD class=alt2>Remove user from ignore list
Diogenes </TD></TR><TR><TD class=alt1>This message is hidden because Diogenes is on your ignore list.</SPAN>
:finger: :finger:

New member
Oct 10, 2006
There's fat Brandon, hey Hal01, now Diogenes. WITH A PERIOD.

MLFP, no. No more Bonus Plays

New member
Oct 10, 2006
Diogenes thinks he so good cause he faded lang 2 time hey Diogenes post a winner that lang isnt on with a write up lets see how good you really are cause to me you are :fatboy:

Oct 19, 2006
Diogenes said:
There's fat Brandon, hey Hal01, now Diogenes. WITH A PERIOD.

MLFP, no. No more Bonus Plays

So you're counting your favorite color as giving a Bonus Play? Is that it? Come on kiddo. Just prove that you're a logical human being and tell us your favorite color. In fact you can just copy and paste if it's on this little list, it'll be even easier:

Blue, Green, Orange, Red, Yellow, Purple, Pink, White <-White, Black

Good luck! We all believe in you!!!
Nov 13, 2006
hope this doesn’t deteriorate into another trash talk thread because if it does it’s a waste of my time.

I’ll assume because it’s pinned it won’t.

Is Floyd the man at 147? Yes! Even though Bado was unquestionably one of the weakest belt holders in the division he was sill recognized as the liner champion. In retrospect, I don’t blame Floyd, he had the money and the ability to leap frog tougher fighters to get a shot at a champion hell bent on cashing in on his new found notoriety.

Any problems or perseved backlash with Floyd were self inflicted, not for what he’s done but what he professes to be and what he has not yet done. Floyd consistently raised the stakes in what started off as a bad boy marketing strategy. Once crowned P4P king he demanded tribute and right fully so. As P4p king Floyd called down good fighters only to deliver sub-par sparing matches against far less then originally proposed opponents. Floyd further raised the stakes when he attempted to quell any challenges by denigrating and verbally disqualifying any fighter that might pose a threat. The tide was beginning to turn, boxing insiders and fans alike begun questioning Floyd’s actions. Floyd and his minions denounced anyone that dared question him or his motives. What happened next was the sin of all sins, Floyd’s proclamation as “the best that had ever lived”, better then Ali or Robinson along with other PROVEN ALL TIME GREATS. Floyd’s hubris had finally gone too far, his self appointment as Cesar and emperor was too much. The Baldo fight in and of itself was not a flash point as much as it was an awakening, the emperor had no cloths. Floyd further punctuated that fact with his diatribe and subsequent announcement of retirement in his post fight interview.

In short, Floyds claim to be the all time greatest was by self appointment and not consciences or deductive conclusion.

Is Floyd the best that has ever laced up the gloves? We don’t know but what has become clear is that self declaration isn’t enough, he’ll have to prove it in the ring.

From this moment on the ball is in Floyd’s court.
Floyd is now the man to beat and every fighter from 140 to 147 wants a shot at him just as they should. Right here and now Floyd has the ability to define himself and prove that he is the best at 147 by taking on all comers. If Floyd has no intention to defend his status or continues to create unreasonable obstacles then he will risk going down as one of the best up to 135lbs and a collector of trinkets, cashing in on his long past accomplishments. If that’s enough for Floyd fine, it should be enough for any fighter but that doesn’t make him the best that ever laced up the gloves, or even the best from 140 to 147 because he hasn’t fought the best.

To fight the best Floyd has to face the realization that there isn’t a promoter on the planet willing to guarantee him 10 million to fight Cotto, Tony, Hatton or Williams to name a few. Unless Floyd drops his massive demands to a level that’s remotely viable there’s little chance of him attaining that defining fight. It seems that even Oscar these days thinks Floyd has priced himself out of the market and coming from the all time highest walking paycheck that’s a lot.

There are ways to attain all time greatness but self appointment and the demand for tribute is not one of them.

Floyd has options, he can accept fighting a challenging opponent for what the market can support and then prove it in the ring. Accept what he has done as great enough and retire, although a far cry from his lofty declaration. Last and hopefully least Floyd can continue to blame others for what he’s not getting.

That's my two cents for what it's worth! <!--IBF.ATTACHMENT_1877118-->

Oct 19, 2006
Diogenes said:
No, not a tough game at all guys. Vikes are play. Play it and make money if Lang gives out Pats, double up on it, if Vikes be careful. But he'll probably be on Pats cause he's a front runner public player like rest of mooks

Going into the Diogenes vault to pull some of his long list of storied winning plays. We'll all recall how easy a play the Vikings were here, and how much Diogenes cashed on it. I'm considering this one of his own plays because he notes what to do if Lang picks either team. Pat's came down as a Lang pick and I would imagine he doubled up as suggested. Meanwhile in all his handicapping genius he says himself to be careful about the pick that he made if Lang agrees with him. Is this a good enough example of your handicapping ability Diogenes? I stayed away from this game but actually would have agreed with you on the Vikings, just glad I didn't take your proven winner that night.

New England 31 - Minnesota 7

Let's close this vault up until next time. Still waiting on your favorite color too kiddo!


New member
Oct 10, 2006
:yeah no more "free picks" i think he knows he cant handicapper that lang isnt on thats why he wont give out another "free pick" :puppy: kid doesnt know whats his fav color:puppy:
Nov 13, 2006
"Sorry shills, looks like another big loser for the boss. Times are tough and will get tougher, suckas Pudnutz, Hal01. Lang impersonating as me witha period, pathetic losers"

"OKay shills drop the slacks again, bend down and kiss your money goodbye, again. This hero of yours just may be the most pathetic loser I've ever witnessed. I'm not sure he could pick the winner of a one horse race. LOL"

Carolina 24 - Tampa Bay 10
Nov 13, 2006
Listen to my Boss.................

Understand something right now: I am not going to win every game. And guys that claim to in this industry are cheats, liars and frauds. But, I can put you on the right side of more games that you've ever been on in your gambling life, and by doing that, you will make money.

"Here we go again"
Jul 1, 2006
Guys, settle this childish boardwar in a mans way. A capping contest. Lang v Diogenes, or

Diogenes. v Diogenes

Sure, Brandon Lang can't cap anything but CBB. That being said, you gotta put your money where your mouth is!

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