The democrats you see on tv are the extremists, the ones burning U.S flags, reacting so badly, just like the racist republicans that you see on the news that are making racist remarks to minorities while boasting of Trumps win don't represent me as a republican. It goes both ways.
Indeed it does.
Between That, the Extremists you describe on both sides is what?
How about Millions of hard-working honest good-hearted Americans who just want as Safe a country for their Grand-Children to grow up in as possible?
We grew up in a time, most of us here, where the desire for such could not
POSSIBLY have been met with
Throughout all of Human
HISTORY the desire to make safe one's country has not been met with objection.
Today though, in this time, any who desire to address Criminal Illegal Aliens and a "Religion" that forbids assimilation and demands Conquest, the Overthrow of Systems that do not bow to some dumbfuck God an Opium Head Junkie made up in his Drug-Infested mind in 606 A.D. when he was so high on The Juice he could not even walk or talk so he had to have other stinking-like-shit Barbarians transcribe for him...
...only TODAY in this time are people who wish to protect their country from these Dangers called "Racist"
and Vilified.
So what you gonna go with? RedWhiteBlue?
Is the "problem" actually US? Those who wanna address potential dangers to our country and protect our families
or is the problem in fact with The Liberal Left,
the very first group in all of human history who has managed to accomplish painting The Protectors as Evil?