Yeah, he'd say..."Aaaahhhh know wut a -165 favorite is. Aaahhh know dat. It's where, uhhhh, the favorite, he has hard work and he has to win by 165, orrrrr, or he doesn't win. Aaaah know dat." (softly, "Is that right Karl?")David Matthews said:Think he'd be able to understand what a -165 favorite is?
THE SHRINK said:ProPoker,
It all comes doen to what sources you review and give credence to. For example, I have been following lots of different websites to try and gain a feel for who is actually ahead. The one below has had Bush in the lead every day until now. Take a look and feel free to comment....
Actually Kerry is only ahead in 1 out of 10 polls.Fishhead said:I would like an audience member at tonights debate to ask Bush if he is worthy of being a -165 favorite at this time considering he is behind the eight ball in 9 out of 10 polls nationwide.