Des Moines Local Church Pissed off Iowan Faggots


bet365 player
Oct 25, 2006

Protesters Congregate Outside Southside Church

POSTED: 7:12 am CST February 12, 2012
DES MOINES, Iowa -- Protesters began to congregate Sunday morning at 8:20 outside a church on Des Moines' southside where the morning sermon is to focus on homosexuality as a sin.Rev. Michael Demastus, senior pastor of Fort Des Moines Church of Christ, advertised the sermon last week on the sign out front. It read "Gay Is Not Okay."Demastus told local radio host Jan Mickelson that his voice mail "blew up" with messages from people objecting to the message. The church had to shut down its Facebook page after it was flooded with comments about the message. The sign was quickly changed.Demastus said the sign was misinterpreted."It (did) not say gays are not o.k.," Demsatus said. "It says gay is not o.k. I'm talking about the sin, I'm not talking about the person - there's a difference in being able to love a person and hate the sin."Demastus told Mickelson the church sign was vandalized. According to a police report several rainbow stickers were placed on the sign, one containing an obscenity, and a rainbow flag was stuck in the ground near the sign.Demastus said Des Moines police officers would be at the church on Sunday morning to ensure the expected protesters would not interrupt the 10 a.m. sermon.


Temperature has dropped to single digits in the last few days, if any of you are planning to protest, just make sure to put extra coats on okay you fucking liberal fags....


New member
Oct 29, 2010
Why do these God nuts always try to use this nonsense? Are we to believe homosexuality is a sin because of the bible? In that case why not follow all the crazy lunacy in the bible. These God nuts just pick and choose.

I find it gross because I find men to be gross....but really...does two men banging or being married actually affect your life or the life or your family? Of course it doesn't.

Rx Alchemist.
Aug 16, 2007
Why do these God nuts always try to use this nonsense? Are we to believe homosexuality is a sin because of the bible? In that case why not follow all the crazy lunacy in the bible. These God nuts just pick and choose.

I find it gross because I find men to be gross....but really...does two men banging or being married actually affect your life or the life or your family? Of course it doesn't.

You are not fooling anyone.

You love the cock.

bet365 player
Oct 25, 2006
It's not anyone business if two faggots want to bang each other out, what bothers me is a lot of fags do not admit that they're faggots, and they would be instantly offended if someone calls they're faggot, scary fucking weird.

New member
Oct 29, 2010
It's not anyone business if two faggots want to bang each other out, what bothers me is a lot of fags do not admit that they're faggots, and they would be instantly offended if someone calls they're faggot, scary fucking weird.

They are called republicans.

Feb 22, 2005
Why would they spend time on something they find repulsive?

I ignore those things and try to think about them as little as possible
Oct 30, 2006
Plenty of repub bathroom toe tappin gays. They just hide it rather then be open about it.

It should be hidden no matter what political party...Now thanks to Obama (a Liberal Democrat) a couple of women practically french kissing in public as soon as one of them got off a US navy ship...This by accident?..I think not..

New member
Oct 20, 2005
Theyre called Liberal kooks & they are trying to push the illusion homosexuality as being normal & natural....

Its not normal or natural. But its not a choice either and its acceptable to do as you like as long as its not hurting anyone else. Why people are obsessed with what others are doing with their cocks has always made me wonder what that person obsessed about it is really hiding?

Mar 7, 2009
Plenty of repub bathroom toe tappin gays. They just hide it rather then be open about it.

I have been a member here for almost 3 years, and I have heard you use the "toe tappin" reference at least 20 times. At least use the Foley example every so often to lend your argument some credibility. Despite your spin, the difference between the two parties on this issue isn't even close. I would be glad to give you a list of D's that have tried to hide their homosexuality, along with many that do not. I could also provide you a list of "Log Cabin" Republicans to debunk your openness argument

Both parties use the "family values" argument to woo advance.

The one issue I might agree with you is that I dislike the derogatory terms used towards gays in this thread. Besides that, your argument has always come down to one example. I gave you Foley, do some more research to back up your theory.

bet365 player
Oct 25, 2006
Its not normal or natural. But its not a choice either and its acceptable to do as you like as long as its not hurting anyone else. Why people are obsessed with what others are doing with their cocks has always made me wonder what that person obsessed about it is really hiding?

Gay marriage is legal in Iowa. Those fags should just go home and play with each other cocks. Who gives a shit about that Rev has anything say? The church exercised its own "freedom of speech" and it did not point the gun to anyone forcing them to read the sign. Those fags need to grow up already.

New member
Oct 29, 2010
I have been a member here for almost 3 years, and I have heard you use the "toe tappin" reference at least 20 times. At least use the Foley example every so often to lend your argument some credibility. Despite your spin, the difference between the two parties on this issue isn't even close. I would be glad to give you a list of D's that have tried to hide their homosexuality, along with many that do not. I could also provide you a list of "Log Cabin" Republicans to debunk your openness argument

Both parties use the "family values" argument to woo advance.

The one issue I might agree with you is that I dislike the derogatory terms used towards gays in this thread. Besides that, your argument has always come down to one example. I gave you Foley, do some more research to back up your theory.

20 times is a lie but I would expect that from someone who doesn't know the difference between Mark Foley and Larry Craig.

New member
Oct 29, 2010
Gay marriage is legal in Iowa. Those fags should just go home and play with each other cocks. Who gives a shit about that Rev has anything say? The church exercised its own "freedom of speech" and it did not point the gun to anyone forcing them to read the sign. Those fags need to grow up already.

Why the anger and homophob remarks against people just fighting for their rights?

It's what people do in this country. Fight for their rights and fight against what they believe to be an injustice. Just like these old white men protesting spending while we have a black dem pres and keeping their mouth shut while a white repub spends and spends.
Oct 30, 2006
Why the anger and homophob remarks against people just fighting for their rights?

It's what people do in this country. Fight for their rights and fight against what they believe to be an injustice. Just like these old white men protesting spending while we have a black dem pres and keeping their mouth shut while a white repub spends and spends.

Your way off base.

Honey Badger Don't Give A Shit
Sep 21, 2004
It should be hidden no matter what political party...Now thanks to Obama (a Liberal Democrat) a couple of women practically french kissing in public as soon as one of them got off a US navy ship...This by accident?..I think not..

Obviously not an accident. People who love each other have been kissing each other in public since the beginning of time

Honey Badger Don't Give A Shit
Sep 21, 2004
I have been a member here for almost 3 years, and I have heard you use the "toe tappin" reference at least 20 times. At least use the Foley example every so often to lend your argument some credibility. Despite your spin, the difference between the two parties on this issue isn't even close. I would be glad to give you a list of D's that have tried to hide their homosexuality, along with many that do not. I could also provide you a list of "Log Cabin" Republicans to debunk your openness argument

Both parties use the "family values" argument to woo advance.

The one issue I might agree with you is that I dislike the derogatory terms used towards gays in this thread. Besides that, your argument has always come down to one example. I gave you Foley, do some more research to back up your theory.

Are you honestly seeking a list of notable Republican elected officials and/or voters who have been Outed for their previously clandestine gay sexuality?

bet365 player
Oct 25, 2006
Why the anger and homophob remarks against people just fighting for their rights?

It's what people do in this country. Fight for their rights and fight against what they believe to be an injustice. Just like these old white men protesting spending while we have a black dem pres and keeping their mouth shut while a white repub spends and spends.

What are you babbling about? They do have their legal rights but quite frankly, it's delusional to expect everyone to think gay/lesbian are normal people. The church did nothing wrong, the fags simply overreacted. They should just go on with their "normal" lives instead of trying to make a big fuss out of the Rev's remark. Some fags even went further threatening to burn down the church, it's fucking insane.

Mar 7, 2009
Are you honestly seeking a list of notable Republican elected officials and/or voters who have been Outed for their previously clandestine gay sexuality?
I am asking Vit to use another example besides his incessant "toe tappin" reference when he calls repubs hypocrites. It seems like he uses the same reference every time. Surely he can find another example. Talking points; please cite other examples if it is as wide spread as he indicates.

Nov 21, 2008
Smoking the weed is a lot more "natural" than dude loving the cock. Yet it is very illegal for me to possess and/or grow the weed.

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