Denmark Schools Refuse Jewish Kids


New member
Oct 20, 2005
lets change "banking" to "any bizness that deals with a substantial sum of money"

bernie maydoff got involved with funds and i bet a ton of other jews did also....

personally i would like to see the details on every jew in this country, and their job title.

send that data in a pm to me, i'll sift thought it and give my analysis in short order.

:lolBIG: :smoking:

the bear is back biatches!! printing cancel....
Mar 31, 2006
richest per capita? I dont know where you can back this

but the richest families are gentiles

well its just a guess and i'm almost sure i'm right

and yes per capita obviously :toast:

i don't think too many jews are working at mcdonalds or walmart :)

Virtus Junxit Mors Non Separabit
Nov 17, 2005
well its just a guess and i'm almost sure i'm right

and yes per capita obviously :toast:

i don't think too many jews are working at mcdonalds or walmart :)

richest most powerful are gentiles, period

id guess not that many jews work at mcdonalds after a certain age but being there at 15-17 while in high school is not beneath a jew

the bear is back biatches!! printing cancel....
Mar 31, 2006
its always there obviously

i just meant its going to increase as the depression proceeds

just the cyclical nature of history i suppose

also genetics play a role in intelligence (which goes along with being the rich dude that the have nots hate) and from experience jews are extremely intelligent people

einstein was a jew

the bear is back biatches!! printing cancel....
Mar 31, 2006
lets change "banking" to "any bizness that deals with a substantial sum of money"

bernie maydoff got involved with funds and i bet a ton of other jews did also....

personally i would like to see the details on every jew in this country, and their job title.

send that data in a pm to me, i'll sift thought it and give my analysis in short order.

a bulk of madoff's victims were jewish

they got "jew'd" by their own :nohead:

Everything's Legal in the USofA...Just don't get c
Jun 27, 2007
well its just a guess and i'm almost sure i'm right

and yes per capita obviously :toast:

i don't think too many jews are working at mcdonalds or walmart :)

Are you saying all Jews are rich? Are you kidding? Not even you are naive or brainwashed enough to believe that, are you Tizzy?

the bear is back biatches!! printing cancel....
Mar 31, 2006
when did i say that?

i'm saying if you averaged out the wealth amongst the various races

that the jews would be on top

i said i don't think TOO MANY jews work at mcdonalds or walmart

of course some do :)

the bear is back biatches!! printing cancel....
Mar 31, 2006
when did i say that?

i'm saying if you averaged out the wealth amongst the various races

that the jews would be on top

Virtus Junxit Mors Non Separabit
Nov 17, 2005
Ive heard the Irish if you consider them a separate ethnic group within the US

the bear is back biatches!! printing cancel....
Mar 31, 2006
nah all the eurotrash that came over here blended together we all muts now as far as european hertiage goes

i got dutch, german and czech in me personally

the jews keep to themselves much more

irish probably in the #2 spot i'm guessing as far as keeping to themselves and not messing up the bloodlines (LMAO) in the US

the irish get wealthy offa selling alcohol :)
Last edited:

New member
Nov 8, 2006
Dont buy that. In the far corners of the world their are people with Irish surnames.

the bear is back biatches!! printing cancel....
Mar 31, 2006
i'm just saying the irish breed amongst themselves down the generations more than the others of european heritage

maybe not i dunno :)

New member
Nov 8, 2006
I dont know either. I was married to an Irish Catholic girl from Australia. My background are the Scot-Irish, they are mostly from the southern part of the smoky mountains and the Shenandoah valley but my ancestors moved to Texas in the mid ninetieth century.

Everything's Legal in the USofA...Just don't get c
Jun 27, 2007
i'm just saying the irish breed amongst themselves down the generations more than the others of european heritage

maybe not i dunno :)

You mean like Shaquille O'Neal? Come to think of it, he's rich, but I'm pretty sure he's only part Irish on his father's side.

the bear is back biatches!! printing cancel....
Mar 31, 2006

i'm just pokin some fun guys

you guys take me way to seriously

and yeah the scots and irish tend to crossbreed :lolBIG: quite a bit

if tiz ever has a kid he's gonna throw asian blood into the mix to create an even bigger mut

we'll all be humongous muts someday :)

the bear is back biatches!! printing cancel....
Mar 31, 2006
You mean like Shaquille O'Neal? Come to think of it, he's rich, but I'm pretty sure he's only part Irish on his father's side.

As for shaq and the many other NBA players with irish names here ya go %^_


Irish Americans and African Americans have had, to put things mildly, a difficult history. Though closely intertwined from their earliest days in the United States, the two ethnicities have rarely enjoyed an uncomplicated association.
The first wave of large-scale Irish immigration to the New World was not that of the famine era; it came, instead, in the shape of an earlier generation of predominantly Northern Protestants whose successors have tended to identify themselves as Scots-Irish or Ulster-Scots rather than Irish-American. Their values provided the bedrock for what would become derisively known as the "redneck culture" of the American South.

Some have contended that the redneck caricature is unfair and does no justice to the more admirable traits that the Scots-Irish imported. This argument that was advanced most strongly by novelist, former member of the Reagan administration and recently announced Senate candidate James Webb in his 2003 book "Born Fighting: How The Scots-Irish Shaped America."

The significant Irish population in the Southern states of the U.S. was reflected in the fact that a substantial number of slave owners were Irish. Many African-Americans to this day remain reluctant to claim any Irish heritage even if they have archetypal Irish surnames because those names are often considered to be tainted by the association with slavery.

(In discussing the links between Irish Americans and African Americans it is always easy to oversimplify history. There have been Irish people on both sides of the slavery's coin -- some historians have asserted that during Oliver Cromwell's reign in the mid 17th century, up to 130,000 Irish people were sent into slavery. Most of these were sent to the Caribbean, but many were sent to the colonies of the New World.)

Mixing it up

When the history of relations between the two ethnic groups is retold, tales of misdeeds, mutual suspicion and bad blood tend to dominate. Episodes ranging from the New York City draft riots during the Civil War through to the "white flight" from inner cities a century later are highlighted. So too are the tensions that flowed from things as diverse as Irish domination of urban city police departments and the high-profile attained by some ethnic Irish bigots (most notably the vituperatively anti-Semitic and racist priest Fr. Charles Coughlin) in the early-to-mid decades of the last century.

But an accurate attempt at retelling Irish and African-American history should not occlude areas of racial cooperation. Irish and black Americans workers, for example, have fought side-by-side for rights in the labor movement since its earliest days. During the recent MTA transport strike, during which the heavily African-American TWU was led by Trinidadian immigrant Roger Toussaint, labor activists often invoked the name of a previous TWU leader and immigrant, Mike Quill of County Kerry, as inspiration.

In recent years, some African-Americans have moved to embrace their Irish heritage, even though that lineage remains a subject of unease to many.

Victor Mooney is one of the founders of the Irish African-American Society of North America. Though the society remains small, Mooney is an enthusiastic advocate for greater celebration of the links between the two ethnicities.

Mooney was brought up in Brooklyn and now resides in Queens. His surname is testament to a family history that stretches back to southwestern Ireland. The African part of his heritage remains lost in the mists of time.

Mooney has recently hit the headlines for his endeavors to raise AIDS awareness. The disease claimed the life of one of Mooney's brothers, while another brother lives with the syndrome. When he spoke to the Irish Echo last month, Mooney was in the midst of preparations to travel to Senegal, from where he hopes to embark on an attempt to row solo across the Atlantic.

His bid is intended as a conscious echo of the journey taken by slaves from the West African country to the Americas. More can be read about his bid at (the name refers to the island off the Senegalese coast from which Mooney will depart, not the sound-alike County Wexford town of Gorey).

Educated at Catholic school, Mooney -- who remains a fervent Catholic and who was blessed by the late Pope John Paul II when his preparations for the Goree Challenge were at an early stage -- remembers with delight his youthful celebrations of St Patrick's Day, during which his family would don green and eat meals of bacon and cabbage.

He also expresses enthusiasm for the increasingly multicultural nature of modern Ireland, where the first generation of native-born Black Irish people is coming into existence.

For all that, though, he acknowledges the ambivalence that many African-Americans feel over their Irish roots. Mooney's embrace of his Irish heritage is made easier by the fact that the unification of the Irish and African branches of his family tree took place long after slavery had been abolished.

"Some people do need to distinguish between having Irish heritage and having had a slave-owner with an Irish last name," he told the Echo. "To them, it is a question of whether the name was given in the context of slavery or in the context of ancestors coming from Ireland. But I think if you're Irish you should embrace that Irishness whatever the circumstances and whatever other ethnicities you have."

New York City's role

A better knowledge of the complex history of Irish and African-American relations might also ease the way towards more harmonious relations. For example, one relatively underreported local detail is that the Sixth Ward of New York City -- an area that now corresponds to parts of the Lower East Side, Chinatown and Little Italy -- was, on a de facto basis, one of the most racially integrated areas in the country in the mid-19th century.

In his study of the area published in the 1996 book "The New York Irish," historian Graham Hodges wrote:

"By mid century, around the Five Points, necessity obliterated racial differences. George Washington, one of three black men in the city named after the first president, lived with his black wife Adelaide, another black woman, Harriet Morris, and an Irish woman, Joanna Cosgrave. The 1860 census reveals Moses Downey, a 43-year-old black musician, renting space in his home to James and Mary Gallagher, an Irish printer and his wife."

Such details are part of the complex tapestry that makes up Irish and African American history. More contemporary manifestations of that tradition can be seen in the many celebrities who share Irish and black ethnicity, included among them Muhammad Ali (one of whose ancestors came from County Clare), Mariah Carey, Alicia Keys, and Eddie Murphy.

These days, some prominent African-Americans, including Detroit's mayor Kwame Kilpatrick, are keen to make a public proclamation of their Irish background. Kilpatrick is reported to once have wryly described himself as America's first "6-foot, 6-inch Irish African American" mayor.

Still, not all black celebrities are rushing to wrap themselves in Irishness. "I'm not Irish," basketball superstar Shaquille O'Neal informed the New York Times on St. Patrick's Day 2003. "I'm from the Brick City - Newark, New Jersey - and don't pinch me on the butt if I'm not wearing green."


Everything's Legal in the USofA...Just don't get c
Jun 27, 2007

if tiz ever has a kid

Now THAT's a scary thought.

BTW, I think Jews are for the most part interbred with other ethnic groups. Otherwise, they'd all look like Arabs, wouldn't they?

the bear is back biatches!! printing cancel....
Mar 31, 2006
Genetic studies of DNA

See also: Y-chromosomal Aaron, Genealogical DNA test, and Matrilineality

Despite the evident diversity displayed by the world's distinct Jewish populations, both culturally and physically, genetic studies have demonstrated most of these to be genetically related to one another, having ultimately originated from a common ancient Israelite population that underwent geographic branching and subsequent independent evolutions.[24]

A study published by the National Academy of Sciences found that "the paternal gene pools of Jewish communities from Europe, North Africa, and the Middle East descended from a common Middle Eastern ancestral population", and suggested that "most Jewish communities have remained relatively isolated from neighboring non-Jewish communities during and after the Diaspora".[24] Researchers expressed surprise at the remarkable genetic uniformity they found among modern Jews, no matter where the diaspora has become dispersed around the world.[24]

Moreover, DNA tests have demonstrated substantially less inter-marriage in most of the various Jewish ethnic divisions over the last 3,000 years than in other populations.[25] The findings lend support to traditional Jewish accounts accrediting their founding to exiled Israelite populations, and counters theories that many or most of the world's Jewish populations were founded by entirely gentile populations that adopted the Jewish faith, as in the notable case of the historic Khazars.[25][26] Although groups such as the Khazars could have been absorbed into modern Jewish populations — in the Khazars' case, absorbed into the Ashkenazim — it is unlikely that they formed a large percentage of the ancestors of modern Ashkenazi Jews, and much less that they were the genesis of the Ashkenazim.[27]

Even the archetype of Israelite-origin is also beginning to be reviewed for some Jewish populations amid newer studies. Previously, the Israelite origin identified in the world's Jewish populations was attributed only to the males who had migrated from the Middle East and then forged the current known communities with "the women from each local population whom they took as wives and converted to Judaism".[28] Research in Ashkenazi Jews has suggested that, in addition to the male founders, significant female founder ancestry might also derive from the Middle East, with about 40% of the current Ashkenazi population descended matrilineally from just four women, or "founder lineages", that were "likely from a Hebrew/Levantine mtDNA pool" originating in the Near East in the first and second centuries CE.[28]

Points in which Jewish groups differ is largely in the source and proportion of genetic contribution from host populations.[29][30] For example, Teimanim differ from other Mizrahim, as well as from Ashkenazim, in the proportion of sub-Saharan African gene types which have entered their gene pools.[29] Among Yemenites, the average stands at 35% lineages within the past 3,000 years.[29] Yemenite Jews, as a traditionally Arabic-speaking community of local Yemenite and Israelite ancestries,[30] are included within the findings, though they average a quarter of the frequency of the non-Jewish Yemenite sample.[29] The proportion of male indigenous European genetic admixture in Ashkenazi Jews amounts to around 0.5% per generation over an estimated 80 generations, and a total admixture estimate "very similar to Motulsky's average estimate of 12.5%."[24]

DNA analysis further determined that modern Jews of the priesthood tribe — "Kohanim" — share a common ancestor dating back about 3,000 years.[31] This result is consistent for all Jewish populations around the world.[31] The researchers estimated that the most recent common ancestor of modern Kohanim lived between 1000 BCE (roughly the time of the Biblical Exodus) and 586 BCE, when the Babylonians destroyed the First Temple.[32] They found similar results analyzing DNA from Ashkenazi and Sephardi Jews.[32] The scientists estimated the date of the original priest based on genetic mutations, which indicated that the priest lived roughly 106 generations ago, between 2,650 and 3,180 years ago depending whether one counts a generation as 25 or 30 years.[32]

Beyond intra-Jewish genetic interrelationships, other findings show that by the yardstick of the Y chromosome, the world's Jewish communities are closely related to Arab Israelis and Palestinians,[33][34] who together as a single population also represent modern "descendants of a core population that lived in the area since prehistoric times", albeit religiously Christianized and later largely Islamized, and both ultimately culturally Arabized.[33] The authors of one of the studies wrote that "the extremely close affinity of Jewish and non-Jewish Middle Eastern populations observed ... supports the hypothesis of a common Middle Eastern origin".[24]

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