Dems in absolute PANIC as early data SHATTERS narrative in key states!


Sep 17, 2010
Maybe it was a giant sting operation...

Trump has been bagging, perhaps?

Trap the globalist socialist Democrats, expose them, prove the massive criminal voter fraud so that even the owned media cannot hide it.


Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Psst, Republicans just picked up their 10th House seat in NEW YORK... but Trump lost to Pedo Joke who got more votes than "rock star" Obama?



Sep 22, 2007
Maybe it was a giant sting operation...

Trump has been bagging, perhaps?

Trap the globalist socialist Democrats, expose them, prove the massive criminal voter fraud so that even the owned media cannot hide it.


Or NOT...:thumbsup2::thumbsup2::thumbsup2::thumbsup2::missingte:thumbsup2::missingte

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013

Dick Morris’ History of Getting It Wrong :thumbsup2::missingte:thumbsup2::thumbsup2::thumbsup2::missingte:thumbsup2:

Duhhhhhhhhfinch's History of Getting It Wrong:

"Ben Carson lost his brain surgeon license"

"Bloodhound Bob"

"Trump pulling funding out of FL means he's losing FL"

Wayyyyyyyyyy too many list!



Let's go Brandon!
Nov 6, 2012
Rudy Giuliani on contact with CIA relating to election irregularities: 'I don't think I can comment'


New member
Apr 7, 2016
These fools actually jerk off to whoop-ti-dodo goldberg, can wait for her meltdown

whoopi says....suck it up like we the f does she think she is kidding???...4 years later and they still haven't sucked it oblivious

Nirvana Shill
Oct 20, 2001
whoopi says....suck it up like we the f does she think she is kidding???...4 years later and they still haven't sucked it oblivious fuck of shit is what this fuckn low life slob is.

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
The president called on Thursday morning to update the election challenges his campaign is making in several key states. The bottom line from our conversation: No matter what news organizations have projected, Trump says he’s confident he will win the states needed to get to 270 electoral votes. He quickly ran through the situation in six states.

“We’re going to win Wisconsin,” he began. “Arizona — it’ll be down to 8,000 votes, and if we can do an audit of the millions of votes, we’ll find 8,000 votes easy. If we can do an audit, we’ll be in good shape there.”

“Georgia, we’re going to win,” he continued, “because now we’re down to about 10,000, 11,000 votes, and we have hand counting” — a reference to the coming recount. “Hand counting is the best. To do a spin of the machine doesn’t mean anything. You pick up ten votes. But when you hand count — I think we’re going to win Georgia.” He’ll also win North Carolina, Trump joked, “unless they happen to find a lot of votes. I said, ‘When are they going to put in the new votes in North Carolina? When are they going to find a batch from Charlotte?'”

…When I asked him how quickly he might turn things around, he said, “I don’t know. It’s probably two weeks, three weeks.” He knows the situation. He has heard many people tell him it’s over and time to concede. But at the very least it is important for his most devoted supporters to see him fighting to stay in office. And he closed with a good-natured warning for everyone who has told him there is no hope: “Never bet against me.”

Nirvana Shill
Oct 20, 2001
What a fuckn firestorm the Dems have brought down on themselves. This might end up being the best entertainment we will ever witness.

Dec 3, 2006
Just gotta hope state legislators and judges do the right thing, lots of pressure on them they want to just sweep this mess under the rug and move on

Sep 22, 2007
1) Trump's lawsuit in Arizona is so pathetic, they're trying to keep evidence hidden from the public

2) (This including language from one judge in Las Vegas, and one in Michigan that sounds a lot more like what one would hear in the street rather than a courtroom-not profane, just direct and free of fancy lawyer phrases. For Michigan, some of you will think instantly of Cedric the Entertainer and/or the commentators for the NFL pre-game show.)

Lawsuits Attacking Election Results Require Evidence. Trump Has None. Case Dismissed.

3) Trump's former chief of staff on election fraud claims: 'Put up or shut up on the evidence'

You morons just REFUSE to believe that shit stinks, unbelievable...

L5Y, USC is 4-0 vs SEC, outscoring them 167-48!!!
Sep 20, 2004
Trumps stupid lawsuits are comical. I just sit back, sip my scotch, and watch Trumps lawyers dig their own graves for the next 2 months.
What are the odds Trump is thrown outta the WH by MP's?

Sep 22, 2007
Trumps stupid lawsuits are comical. I just sit back, sip my scotch, and watch Trumps lawyers dig their own graves for the next 2 months.
What are the odds Trump is thrown outta the WH by MP's?

Yeah, I'd KILL to see that, but, not gonna happen: Twittler is like another big, fat, gutless, cowardly, all-talk-and-no-action scumbag, who happens to infest this forum. When push comes to shove, they both back down like the punk bitches that they are. The complete moron on originated this fiasco of a thread is still clinging to the Magical Judicial Bullet that will wipe out Biden's decisive electoral and popular vote victory, but, the following shows that, putting aside the inconvenient truth that they have no case, and are getting their asses kicked in each and every state..they're idiots. But, at least they'll continue to milk the Cult 45ers still stupid enough to contribute their hard earned money to the Grifting Gasbag:

The Desperate Final Gasps of Team Trump’s Flailing ‘Mini-Coup’

William Bredderman Fri, November 20, 2020, 6:50 PM PST·9 min read


Joshua Roberts/GettyThe past week saw Team Trump piling up losses and running out of road.
The campaign dropped its lawsuit to stop the certification of President-elect Joe Biden’s victory in Michigan, while the Pennsylvania Supreme Court threw out the campaign’s claim that COVID-19 restrictions had deprived GOP observers of their right to monitor the postal vote count.
Then, on Thursday night, with just four days remaining before both Michigan and Pennsylvania certify their results, Rudolph Giuliani and local lawyer Marc Scaringi dropped a wild new brief in the U.S. District Court for the Middle District of Pennsylvania. Probably the most audacious of the dozens of legal Hail Marys the campaign and Republican interests have hurled into the end zone since Election Night, the filing argues that the campaign’s constitutional rights have been violated and asks the judge to declare Trump the winner of the Keystone State’s 20 electoral college votes.
But, according to Charles Fried, solicitor general under Ronald Reagan, this brief’s legal claim hangs almost entirely on a single word: “meaningful”—as in the “meaningful observation of the canvassing of mail ballots.” The professor at Harvard Law School told The Daily Beast that, in this context, ”meaningful” has no meaning at all.
The suit makes essentially the same argument that the state Supreme Court rejected: that observers in several counties could not get as near to the tabulation as they wanted. Now, at the federal level, they argue the system in Pennsylvania violated the campaign’s due process rights under the 14th Amendment by denying them “meaningful” access.
According to Fried, however, “meaningful” has no legal definition, nor is it adequately described in the legal team’s filings.
“There's no allegation here. It's just an unsubstantiated claim, which was thrown out in several courts,” he told The Daily Beast. “And now they've gone to federal court. Why should the result be any different?”
Fried described this latest tack as “garbage”—the same way he characterized the Trump team’s legal efforts two weeks ago, before the campaign shed several attorneys and took on Giuliani and Scaringi.
Giuliani’s entry into the fray brought a different tone to the legal efforts to overturn the election results. Whereas past Trump lawyers outright denied the campaign was alleging any malfeasance, or relied on innuendo about supposedly suspicious behaviors at counting sites, the former New York City mayor and U.S. Attorney threw around unfounded accusations of “widespread, nationwide voter fraud” in federal court on Tuesday.
Giuliani also admitted in court that he was unfamiliar with the word “opacity,” despite it appearing in the campaign’s legal complaint, as well as with “strict scrutiny”—a crucial term in 14th Amendment cases like the one he’s now helming.
It was a performance another conservative jurist deemed “ludicrous,” and likely to result in a swift defeat after the final paperwork gets filed in the Middle District on Saturday.
"We're seeing some horrible lawyering,” said Stuart Gerson, a veteran of George H.W. Bush’s presidential campaign and Department of Justice who briefly served as acting attorney general under President Bill Clinton. “Mr. Giuliani and his friends seem to be staging a mini-coup, and they’re going to lose.”
On Thursday, Giuliani headed up a press conference where he repeated his allegations about fraud and the team advanced a conspiracy theory implicating liberal billionaire George Soros and late Venezuelan strongman Hugo Chavez. The performance left even usually Trump-friendly pundits dumbfounded and demanding evidence.
In the legal brief submitted that evening, however, Giuliani sought to evade such demands by insisting the burden of proof lay on Pennsylvania to prove the mail-in ballots it counted were legal. Gerson characterized this maneuver as unprecedented and absurd.
"There's no legal basis for it. It stands things on its head,” he said, blaming the tactics and rhetoric on Trump himself. “This is a very unusual situation with a very unusual president, who really believes he's going to try everything to illegally stay in office.”
Desperate Rudy’s Latest Pennsylvania Gambit Is Wilder Than His Sweaty Press Conference
The president’s attorneys did not respond to a request for comment.
On Thursday, a judge in Arizona dismissed a Republican lawsuit that sought to delay the certification of results in Maricopa County, making it all but inevitable that the state’s 11 electoral votes will go to Biden. On Friday, Georgia certified its 16 electors for the Democratic former vice president. In the afternoon, his legal efforts in the Wolverine State apparently dead, Trump hosted the GOP leaders of Michigan’s legislature at the White House, touching off speculation that they would collaborate with the president’s efforts to disregard Biden’s massive margin in the state and seat a panel of Republican electors to choose the next president.
But the state lawmakers released a departing statement afterward vowing to "follow the law and follow the normal process," and adding that "the candidates who win the most votes win elections and Michigan's electoral votes.”
Pennsylvania’s Republican legislative heads have made a similar vow, and local experts argued their intervention was highly improbable.
“It looks like Trump’s campaign has entered the last ditch effort here in Pennsylvania and it does not seem that it will have any impact on the outcome,” said Professor Daniel Mallinson, of Penn State Harrisburg. “This all seems like political theatrics now between Trump and Giuliani.”
Here’s a rundown of all the failed efforts to keep Trump from losing crucial states:

  • Aguilera v. Fontes: the original “Sharpie suit,” this case brought against Maricopa County Recorder Adrian Fontes and the secretary of state alleged machines failed to properly tabulate ballots filled in with a marker. GOP lawyer Alexander Kolodin dropped the case after national Republicans intervened, only to file it again once they did the same. A judge threw out the suit on the second try.
  • Donald J. Trump for President v. Hobbs: #SharpieGate round two. The president’s team declared their own suit moot after tallying wrapped.

  • In Re:Enforcement of Election Laws: In one of the stranger legal briefs the Trump campaign has filed, a GOP operative from South Carolina claimed he observed the mishandling of a stack of 53 ballots in Savannah—then recanted his testimony.
  • Brooks v. Mahoney: Voters from Trump-backing counties sought to block the results of pro-Biden on the basis of alleged technical and administrative breakdowns. Dropped five days after filing.

  • Donald J. Trump for President v. Benson: The first suit the campaign lodged against Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson in the state Court of Claims sought to stop the vote count on unsupported claims of inadequate access to counting facilities and also demanded the state provide video footage of ballot dropboxes. A judge declared the case moot because the tabulation was complete.
  • Constantino v. Detroit: A pair of GOP poll watchers brought suit against local authorities claiming to have witnessed an array of election law violations. A judge denied them the injunction and audit they requested, citing a lack of evidence.
  • Donald J. Trump v. Benson: The campaign tried its luck against Benson in federal court, hurling a potpourri of alleged improprieties at the state in an attempt to prevent the certification of the state’s results. It dropped the suit amid confusion over certification in Wayne County.
  • Bally v. Whitmer: A gaggle of GOP voters sued Gov. Gretchen Whitmer and the Board of State Canvassers in federal court, trying to prevent the certification of the election because of documented errors and alleged malfeasance. They subsequently abandoned the case.
  • Johnson v. Benson: In a strikingly similar suit, a pair of Republicans sought action against Benson and the chair of the Board of State Canvassers, and then dismissed their own case.

  • Kraus v. Cegavske: Filed in state court a week and a half before Election Day, this suit brought by Nevada Republicans and the Trump campaign made now-familiar claims about inadequate access to polling sites, plus Nevada-specific ones complaining about Clark County’s use of machines to count ballots. A judge determined the allegations were baseless and the petitioners lacked legal standing, and appeals failed.
  • Stokke v. Cegavske: Essentially the big budget soft reboot/sequel to the state-level lawsuit, this suit rolled out with great fanfare after the election repeated the same claims and met with similar results.

  • Barnette v. Lawrence: The opening shots of the post-election battle started with two suits attacking “ballot-cure” measures, in which numerous counties permitted absentee voters to “cure” errors. This one, brought in federal court by failed Congressional candidate Kathy Barnette, withered as attorneys withdrew their motion for a restraining order against Montgomery County authorities.
  • Hamm v. Boockvar: This state suit brought by Rep. Mark Kelly (R-PA) and State Rep.-elect Joseph Hamm targeted ballot-cure guidance from Secretary of the Commonwealth Kathy Boockvar—but failed to do more than get the provisional ballots cast to correct the absentees segregated from the larger pool.
  • Donald J. Trump for President v. Philadelphia County Board of Elections: The campaign won a short-lived victory when a state court held that COVID-19 restrictions impinged on the right of GOP observers to monitor the counting process. The order was stayed on appeal and eventually overturned, and in the meantime the lame-duck president’s campaign filed this federal suit to stop the count. The court denied it without prejudice.
  • RE:Canvassing Operation: Trump’s effort to overturn the COVID-19 restrictions at the Philadelphia Convention Center had a brief moment of success, but got stayed when local authorities and the Democratic Party appealed the decision to the state Supreme Court, which overturned it.
  • Donald J. Trump for President v. Montgomery County: This suit contested the validity of a few hundred absentee ballots lacking handwritten addresses or dates. Trump and the Republican National Committee lost in state court, appealed, then withdrew their appeal.
  • Donald J. Trump for President v. Bucks County: Similar to previous suit, only involving a few thousand postal votes in a different collar county. Also dismissed.
  • Pirkle v. Wolf: This complaint against Boockvar and Gov. Tom Wolf was spearheaded by a pastor who alleged a slew of inconsistencies and improprieties in vote counting in Democrat-heavy jurisdictions, and was eventually withdrawn.
  • RE:Canvass of Absentee and Mail-In Ballots: A cluster of five lawsuits brought simultaneously, suit also sought to disqualify a few thousand ballots lacking a complete date or address. A judge rejected the case, and an appeal now sits before the Pennsylvania Supreme Court.

Sep 22, 2007
Wow, it's been a WEEK, and not PEEP. What's the matter, Righty Scum, no longer so confident about the DEMS being in a panic? Shatter THIS, Jagoff!

New member
Oct 8, 2010
I'm very sorry the election didn't work out so well for many of you fine fellows.

Sep 22, 2007
I'm very sorry the election didn't work out so well for many of you fine fellows.

Lol, 39 posts in over a decade, you obviously choose your spots carefully, and ya certainly went deep with THIS one.

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