YOUNG PATRIOTS FOUNDATION ���� -- If we really want to know what's becoming increasingly wrong with America, look no further than this picture. It's speaks a thousand words of a very sad and disturbing reality!
In this picture, we see clearly the sick side effects of years of ever-intensified Public School indoctrination and corrupted cultural influence by the Radical Left (aka Socialist Democrats and their media comrades). An alarmingly high percentage of American kids have become unprecedentedly illogical, self-absorbed, resentful, and unpatriotic. They've been programmed to fear and despise most things that are good and virtuous, and conversely, to embrace those things that are anti-American, anti-God, anti-Family, and anti-Freedom. They've been brainwashed to follow a suicidal course which leads to eventual self-destruction and national collapse. While thinking they're fighting for freedom and equality, they're actually being manipulated and exploited to fight for Leftist forces of tyranny. They're unknowingly exalting and empowering their own fear-mongering, control-hungry despotic oppressors in what they've been misled to believe is just and fair!
So, how do we reach, teach, and liberate America's young people from the Socialist-Left's ideological and cultural enslavement of their minds? YOUNG PATRIOTS will passionately, purposefully, and patriotically provide some powerful solutions! Join us! ����