STFU, you gullible cocksucker. It was barely a year ago that Daughter Diddler has to pay back ONE HUNDRED TWENTY-TWO MILLION in credit card contributions, some of it probably from YOU.
How come you don't wanna talk about your 6 time bankrupt, 2 failed casinos, 2 forcibly closed "non profit" foundations, $25 million dollar settlement paying to "Trump University" chumps, twice impeached, dozen indicted or guilty pleading associates, soon to be indicted, SIXTY-ODD BUTT FUCKINGS FORM FRIVOLOUS LAWSUITS, AND ANOTHER ONE JUST A FEW DAYS AGO? WHY DID MIKE PENCE JUST RAM IT UP HIS ASS? WHAT HAPPENED TO THE "AUGUST REINSTATEMENT," ROTFLMAO!!!!!!