The community organizer is such a petty infantile POS:
From a high-speed rail system to healthcare expansion to opening ties with Cuba, the Republican governor has been a vocal and partisan opponent of the Democratic president, has repeatedly sued the administration and recently chided Obama to “be a partner” in helping Florida fight the Zika virus…
The president, who has been critical of the Republican Congress’ action on Zika funding, has not replied to Scott’s two-week-old request for emergency Zika aid.
Scott is still waiting for a reply to his request Monday to declare a state of emergency after Sunday’s massacre in Orlando.
As the magnitude of the horror in Orlando became known, Obama reached out to “my good friend,” Mayor Buddy Dyer, a Democrat, but Scott is still waiting to hear from the president.-
Both Donald Trump and George W. Bush have reached out to Gov. Scott offering their condolences, but not Hussein.
What a classless, vindictive asshole! :>(
Thank god the nightmare is almost over.