George W. Bush entered office in 2001 and left in 2008. It's 2014 - time to move on.
The "dem base" can't stand The Hildabeast (too old, too ugly and a very, VERY bad campaigner) and Warren sounds like an NPR host using those old worn socialist cliches ("you didn't build that") the American people have soundly rejected.
Meanwhile, talk about "old white men"... Dirty Harry and Pelosi are over 70!
Even Eugene Robinson acknowledges the Dems are a mess.
In Need of a Rebuilding Plan
Evan Bayh would be a reasonable option (charismatic, articulate etc.) but Hussein pushed his party over the cliff where 'centrism' is no longer an least not until a few more electoral beatings.
Complete economic collapse, awful handling of katrina, wars that killed thousands of americans based on lies, and oh yeah, 9/11.
All on bush watch...ten times worse than obama. Not even close