Dateline NBC To Catch a Predator


New member
Sep 21, 2004
me and tim watch these shows when they are on. every time i see and hear an new story it makes me sad and scared for the kids. the amazing thing is how so many of these men have seen dateline and knew this could happen and yet continue to do it...that tells me that these people that meet up and drive 100+miles for sex from people online must be a very high number if you are aware there are stings out there and that knowledge doesnt deter you. sad and very creepy.

Active member
Jun 20, 2000
MrsCheater said:
me and tim watch these shows when they are on. every time i see and hear an new story it makes me sad and scared for the kids. the amazing thing is how so many of these men have seen dateline and knew this could happen and yet continue to do it...that tells me that these people that meet up and drive 100+miles for sex from people online must be a very high number if you are aware there are stings out there and that knowledge doesnt deter you. sad and very creepy.

right on Mrs is very sad and disgusting these type of people pray on our kids

one guy was a father of 3 girls 11,13,15 and he wanted to do something with a 14yr old girl..that is the worst....:pucking: :pucking:

Pro Handi-Craper My Picks are the shit
Sep 21, 2004
This may not be News to some of you but Kids are having sex at 10-12 now at a high rate. By the time they get to highschool many have had a child or atleast sex with more than one partner. Kids are different now when we were kids say some 30 years ago. I don't recall any kids in my middle school with childern do you? Now my sons middle school has a daycare center in it. This is a real bad deal we have going on right now in schools. I say that the parents are to blame. Some say movies,video games,ect. As far as these preverts they all need life sentences for their crime. If you have a myspace page and are over 24 years old you really need to seek some help.

Active member
Jun 20, 2000
nhoj said:
This may not be News to some of you but Kids are having sex at 10-12 now at a high rate. By the time they get to highschool many have had a child or atleast sex with more than one partner. Kids are different now when we were kids say some 30 years ago. I don't recall any kids in my middle school with childern do you? Now my sons middle school has a daycare center in it. This is a real bad deal we have going on right now in schools. I say that the parents are to blame. Some say movies,video games,ect. As far as these preverts they all need life sentences for their crime. If you have a myspace page and are over 24 years old you really need to seek some help.
YES THE ONES that have very inactive parents are doing that , Yes NHOJ it is sad

the ones that the parents care more about themselves then there kids are the ones having sex...

when you have children you have an obligation to them your feelings and wants mean nothing if it effect your kids

..they are 100% more important then YOU as a parent its YOUR job as a parent to make sure they get thru childhood correctly. BOTTOM LINE

If your children are having sex at 12 the only one to blame is YOURSELF as the parent ,for not knowing at all times what they are doing or giving them enough love

New member
Aug 12, 2006
Boxslayer32 said:
wow...this girl gets better and better..did a quick google...she had a full time lesbian girlfriend in high school

her interview is here....

Wow amazing that hot school teacher munching carpet with some dyke that looks like Judd Nelson from The Breakfast Club.,%20Judd


New member
Sep 21, 2004
just watched the show for the first time last night.
its pretty funny. those guys are real losers. i'm glad they get busted.
i guess they are moving from GA to No Cal for next show.

I am sorry for using the "R" word - and NOTHING EL
Oct 21, 1999
cdsmoney said:
Odds I could get house arrest for having sex with a 14-year old girl?!?

Another great double standard case at work. All sickos - male or female - should suffer the consequences. This girl has so many excuses - 14year olds are different nowadays than ten years ago, her violent rape is different than this rape (aren't we taught rape is rape).

This woman is as sick as the wacko predators on the Internet

could not agree more. how is what she did any different than if a 25-year-old guy had sex with a 14-year-old girl - and technically it is WORSE for a 14 y/o boy to have the sex than a girl because girls are more advanced at an earlier age so the 14 y/o girl is "further along" than a 14 y/o boy

BOTH are 100% wrong - let't not kid ourselves but with a young boy the thought is often "how lucky can that kid be" while with the girl it is "poor young thing got raped"

2B standard - hell yes. let's see the nitwit Gloria Allred start defending the 14 y/o boy in the case against the 25 y/o woman if she is all for justice!

the odds of that happening :puppy: :puppy: :puppy:

Active member
Jun 20, 2000
I posted it before this is a great way to pick up these sick fuckers....I hope they all do a ton of time for this crap...

if just one more child can be saved by that show it is worth it

That settles it...It's WED/DAY
Sep 21, 2004
i think RAJ got caught last night. Poor Guy. Just trying to get laid.


New member
Sep 20, 2004
Dante said:
right on Mrs is very sad and disgusting these type of people pray on our kids

one guy was a father of 3 girls 11,13,15 and he wanted to do something with a 14yr old girl..that is the worst....:pucking: :pucking:

K, let's stop posturing and just tell the truth. A lot of people watch the Miss Teen USA pageant. I'm sure a lot of posters watched it and thought to themselves that they would love to bang some of those girls (Miss Teen Arizona was 15 but looked 20). I feel bad for some of these guys on Dateline getting caught. Some 14 year old are HOT and they could pass for 18. I'm not some sicko, it's just the truth! Having said that, I am a law abiding citizen. I don't do drugs, I don't drink and drive, etc. However, I would GLADLY fool around with a hot 14 year old. I'm in Canada and it's legal up here!

Active member
Jun 20, 2000
Ronald said:
K, let's stop posturing and just tell the truth. A lot of people watch the Miss Teen USA pageant. I'm sure a lot of posters watched it and thought to themselves that they would love to bang some of those girls (Miss Teen Arizona was 15 but looked 20). I feel bad for some of these guys on Dateline getting caught. Some 14 year old are HOT and they could pass for 18. I'm not some sicko, it's just the truth! Having said that, I am a law abiding citizen. I don't do drugs, I don't drink and drive, etc. However, I would GLADLY fool around with a hot 14 year old. I'm in Canada and it's legal up here!
so your saying in canada its legal to have sex with a child? I sure hope that is not true...There are HIGHER powers then the law ronald....I guess to some anyway.

sorry ronald Im not attracted to a 14yr old child no matter how hot she is ...if she is dressing hot then thats her parents fault for not watching out for her and that is a Crime and shame in itself

New member
Sep 20, 2004
There's nothing wrong with having sex with a child. By definition, a child is essentially the offspring of a man and a woman. So, you have also had sex with a child.

Now, if you are arguing that a person should not have sex with a 14 year old, that is simply a matter of opinion and not a matter of fact. It's not illegal in Canada to do so, so I sympathize with the Dateline guys who get caught doing something that is perfectly legal in Canada. Ethics and law are two different issues, so what gives you the right to look down on me as scum because I may relish younger women (younger LEGAL women in Canada)?

Sep 20, 2004
18 and 14 is a different thing altogether....Ronald how old are you...I am hoping you are no older than 19?

New member
Sep 20, 2004
My age is not relevant.

Objectively speaking, why is 18 and 14 different altogether? Facts only please.

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