I have in the past 30 months constructed a local business network with 11 business owners and for at least 10 of them - an employee posting online, endorsing and/or post-haste defending a tweet like Schilling's would result in a termination.
That of course presuming said online post/tweet were seen by more than a few hundred people.
One of our owners would likely view Schill's post as hilarious but we can cut him some slack since he's a damn good tree man and also a great source for killer weed
well if most business would fire Schilling then most business are fucked up...this country is messed up if you can't even speak out on FB..
Dude, come on now, you're just trolling.
You own a business that's been established to make money. That's all you want to do is make money. Your employee (well known company and well known employee) is posting memes comparing Muslims to Nazis thus causing public outrage and anger. People are now protesting your company.
You're perfectly ok with that huh?
might not be perfectly ok , but wouldn't fire him.....as we all know , to sensitive of a country...BTW , don't see tv personalities like Stephen A getting fired..
I'm the last one on this site that would be trolling...come on now
ESPN care most importantly about its bottom-line. What about that don't you people get? He was making too much noise and wasn't worth keeping him around. Turning this into a political agenda is quite short-sighted. But again, that's what people on this forum tend to do...overreact.
SAS is awful and should have been suspended/fired long ago. One big difference between Schilling and SAS is $$$$. First Take is absolutely the worst show on TV, but for some reason people watch it (probably mouth-breathers like RXers) and it makes $$$. ESPN cares about revenue over everything else, and Schilling is easily replaceable. That, and I think management told him to stop posting dumb shit, and he kept doing it. Going against the directives of your superiors is not going to be good for your career.
Here go conservatives ......pushing scary stories. Maybe they will make some up again like the woman who had an abortion because she didn't wanna have a boy.
Let the make believe stories begin!!!
Everytime something happens that conservatives don't like, the start inventing bullshit to scare everyone to think like them.
Everytime something happens that conservatives don't like, the start inventing bullshit to scare everyone to think like them.