Flipping Houses 102..
It's all cyclical boys, coming around again. Everything in life is.
This crash, when it comes, will be worse than the previous crash.
If you were paying attention in 2008, pay attention again, as it's coming.
Back in 2008, their were signs. My biggest sign was when cab drivers told me
they only drive the minimum to keep hack license, meantime owned 10 properties
that they were flipping. That was the era of no-doc loans, people buying houses
worth 200,000, they were paying 300,000, planning on selling within a year for 400,000.
It can't sustain that growth level. Buying a house was meant to live there for the
duration ( or most of the duration ) of the entire 30 year mortgages that they took.
And conventional mortgages at that. That's 25% down, no, you do not walk away when
upside down, you live through it.
What has caused this again..Very easy, Wall St and Quantitative easing. For 9 years we
have had stimulus packages in place, ZERO % fed rate. AND, 89 billion a month pumped into
economy in the form of govt backed treausries..
And Wall St controls most of the Fed, that would be Goldman Sachs and the rest of the crooks.
When they package these mortgages that are upside down and sell them to the public..oops..
You ever heard the phrase, "Let's dress up this pig and sell it".. That's what they do..
So even though we are past these so called no-doc loans, the normalcy of putting down
a reasonable % i.e. 25% to buy a home, they still offer at little as 5% down of APPRAISED
value loans through Freddie/Fanny/Hud,etc..
Easy concept when you have no place else to put your money.
Whatever happened to savings accounts.?
Whatever happened to savings bonds.?
Where can you buy a CD that pays anything.?
Nowhere, nowhere and nowhere is the answer.
So all money must to to 2 places, Wall St and/or housing, which creates the bubble we are at again.
And if it goes up too fast, will come down faster..
Look up QE2 for yourself, and watch the Fed meetings, scary they just didn't raise rates, by them
not raising rates this time, makes the bubble bigger.
There was 1 Fed lady from KC area that voted to raise rates, the rest are paid off by Goldman..
Look up a guy names Milton Friedman who was a professor of economics at U of Chicago,
the natural flow of money vs bolstering economy and fixing markets,
the government needs to stop and let the markets decide for themself where it trades at...
Only then, will a fair price evolve..
If too big to fail did not wake you up..
If the big short did not wake you up...
Stay asleep..