Cuban bans the anthem at Mavs games


I'm from the government and I'm here to help
Sep 21, 2004
Side note: after seeing "Pledge of Allegiance" written a few times in this thread, something seems wrong with that phrase to me. Seems like it's something Hitler or the communists would institute. Seriously, pledging allegiance and being forced to sing it everyday at a young age.
maybe you can start the "Impeach Eisenhower" campaign since he was prez when the Pledge became the morning school ritual? seems like it will be a good use of your time to stay off Tik Tok for a while

I'm from the government and I'm here to help
Sep 21, 2004
what OP failed to mention is that Cuban is still playing a national anthem, just not the one you're used to....

Home of the Cincinnati Criminals.
Sep 20, 2004
Only time I like the anthem at games is the NFL with the flyovers. Shit gives me goosebumps.

Jul 14, 2007
Isolated this isn't that big of a deal and I can see why people brush it off and this is gonna sound a little alarmist but it really is a bigger picture issue.

-Can't play anthems at games anymore
-Biggest newspaper in the country says America was founded in 1619
-Kids can't wear shirts to school with an American flag on it in a lot of places because it may offend others
-Statues of historical figures must come down

At some point, are we still a country? Shared values, history, appreciation for where we are? Well, if not what are we?

Basically just a bunch of people who check their smart phones to see how the latest gov't handout talks are going and what piece of the pie we'll get out of it and what piece of the pie we'll contribute to it. Doesn't sound very sustainable.

Defender of the Faith
Aug 13, 2005
Isolated this isn't that big of a deal and I can see why people brush it off and this is gonna sound a little alarmist but it really is a bigger picture issue.

-Can't play anthems at games anymore
-Biggest newspaper in the country says America was founded in 1619
-Kids can't wear shirts to school with an American flag on it in a lot of places because it may offend others
-Statues of historical figures must come down

At some point, are we still a country? Shared values, history, appreciation for where we are? Well, if not what are we?

Basically just a bunch of people who check their smart phones to see how the latest gov't handout talks are going and what piece of the pie we'll get out of it and what piece of the pie we'll contribute to it. Doesn't sound very sustainable.

Don't forget that the Negro Leagues are now considered major leagues.

Jul 23, 2020
Doesn't sound very sustainable.

It's not. The country is headed in one of two directions. Either a complete implosion from within, or an all out police state. I unfortunately don't see any other end game with this.
Dec 11, 2006
Isolated this isn't that big of a deal and I can see why people brush it off and this is gonna sound a little alarmist but it really is a bigger picture issue.

-Can't play anthems at games anymore
-Biggest newspaper in the country says America was founded in 1619
-Kids can't wear shirts to school with an American flag on it in a lot of places because it may offend others
-Statues of historical figures must come down

At some point, are we still a country? Shared values, history, appreciation for where we are? Well, if not what are we?

Basically just a bunch of people who check their smart phones to see how the latest gov't handout talks are going and what piece of the pie we'll get out of it and what piece of the pie we'll contribute to it. Doesn't sound very sustainable.


We're heading for the scrap heap of history.

There won't be a violent revolution. This isn't the North vs the South. It's neighbor to neighbor. 55 Main St against 53 Main St.

We are a spoiled society. There is a pragmatist / producing party and an ideological / taker party. In any sane collective of people the producers have the biggest voice. Take the family unit. Dad and mom speak for the kids.

But when LBJ created the Great Society by expanding the welfare state, the rails started to get corrupted. The train is now off the track because the rails have rotted away.

People who know nothing are lumped with people who contribute nothing to dilute the pool of thinkers and producers.

The politicians of the time should have made a deal that if the government is your source of income you trade in your vote until you are completely off the government teat. Problem solved. The producers rule and take care of the "less fortunate" until the needy get back to productivity.

But they didn't and we are now doomed until we lose the dollar as the world's currency. Then we all fall off the cliff together. And China becomes the new world king.

Jul 14, 2007
Yeah, I mean taken 1 at a time all that shit seems whatever but it is a microcosm of how dusty the country has become. Slow bleed tho.

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Isolated this isn't that big of a deal and I can see why people brush it off and this is gonna sound a little alarmist but it really is a bigger picture issue.

-Can't play anthems at games anymore
-Biggest newspaper in the country says America was founded in 1619
-Kids can't wear shirts to school with an American flag on it in a lot of places because it may offend others
-Statues of historical figures must come down

At some point, are we still a country? Shared values, history, appreciation for where we are? Well, if not what are we?

Basically just a bunch of people who check their smart phones to see how the latest gov't handout talks are going and what piece of the pie we'll get out of it and what piece of the pie we'll contribute to it. Doesn't sound very sustainable.


We're heading for the scrap heap of history.

There won't be a violent revolution. This isn't the North vs the South. It's neighbor to neighbor. 55 Main St against 53 Main St.

We are a spoiled society. There is a pragmatist / producing party and an ideological / taker party. In any sane collective of people the producers have the biggest voice. Take the family unit. Dad and mom speak for the kids.

But when LBJ created the Great Society by expanding the welfare state, the rails started to get corrupted. The train is now off the track because the rails have rotted away.

People who know nothing are lumped with people who contribute nothing to dilute the pool of thinkers and producers.

The politicians of the time should have made a deal that if the government is your source of income you trade in your vote until you are completely off the government teat. Problem solved. The producers rule and take care of the "less fortunate" until the needy get back to productivity.

But they didn't and we are now doomed until we lose the dollar as the world's currency. Then we all fall off the cliff together. And China becomes the new world king.

Very astute posts.

Culturally, America is unraveling at the seams. There is no magic bullet or leader that can stop this trainwreck.

Andrew Breitbart always said, "politics is downstream from culture", which is true.

But it goes even deeper than that.

Culture is downstream from the spirit world, which is even more profound, aka all that Judeo-Christian "religion crap" the Marxist left wants to abolish everywhere.

The founding fathers came from the age of enlightenment. There's no spinning this - what we're entering now is another dark ages, outright Satanic (how appropriate the creepy the NFL halftime show was in-your-face Satanism)..

An Orwellian world where up is down and down is up...

Seriously... this NOT an Onion headline:

‘Chestfeeding’: Hospitals Tell Midwives To Change Language To Accommodate Trans Community

What happened?

The Bible says Lucifer is in charge of this world, but that if we repent humbly ask God for wisdom and guidance, the devil will flee from us - and our country.

In a nutshell, this is what is happening. Too many people, too many corrupt institutions rebelling against God and our founding principles, like narcissistic prepubescent children who didn't get enough candy.

Wisdom, true wisdom, is not knowledge, but the ability to discern or judge what is true, what is right, what is wrong, what is just, what is...common sense.

We don't have common sense anymore, we have political I said, dark ages.

People can't even imagine the self-inflicted HELL that awaits us...

Jun 4, 2018
The NBA is going to block Cubans ban on the playing of the national anthem at Mav's games

Jul 14, 2007
"We're always talking to our community. That's something [Mavericks CEO Cynthia Marshall] stands for and is very insistent upon and has become a core part of who we are at the Dallas Mavericks," Cuban told ESPN's Rachel Nichols on Wednesday. "In listening to the community, there were quite a few people who voiced their concerns, really their fears that the national anthem did not fully represent them, that their voices were not being heard. So we've had a lot of conversations about whether or not we should play the anthem. And so during the first preseason game, we decided to not play it and just see what the response was, knowing that we were going to have ongoing conversations about it. We didn't make any decision to never play the national anthem then -- that wasn't the case at all. We didn't cancel the national anthem. We still had our flag flying proud up on the wall at the American Airlines Center and everybody had the opportunity to address it and pray to it or salute to it or whatever their feelings are."

lol what the fuck is this idiot talking about

liberals lol....JohnnyMac injects this shit into his veins.

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Fuck the bible, it is for lunatics and liars!


Why am I not surprised by this infantile outburst from a far left malcontent.


Fools give full vent to their rage, but the wise bring calm in the end.
~ Proverbs 29:11

Sep 21, 2004
Mark is a radical Leftist , bottom line is the USA is DONE ,Lib's won , just a fact

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