Crudebar and the election, my response

Jan 17, 2007
IP addresses are like finger prints....but Whatever Crudebar did in the past and this bet are two separate things at least the way I see it.
Crudebar won and that seems to be the issue in reality.. and the infraction here.

nobody is saying don't pay the other, whomever wins, should get paid.
Just can't happen here.

Dec 13, 2007
He hasn't won anything yet ? .

Like I was saying...Crudebars win is the real issue...Has little to do with sam or crudebar /5k emails or anything else. right?
Good luck with those long shot December bets...If you hit it I'd be amazed and confused.

Be well dude.

Sep 19, 2019
IP addresses are like finger prints....but Whatever Crudebar did in the past and this bet are two separate things at least the way I see it.
Crudebar won and that seems to be the issue in reality.. and the infraction here.

IP's are easily spoofed, you fucking idiot

Nirvana Shill
Oct 20, 2001
Like I was saying...Crudebars win is the real issue...Has little to do with sam or crudebar /5k emails or anything else. right?
Good luck with those long shot December bets...If you hit it I'd be amazed and confused.

Be well dude.

The issue for me that raised the red flag between the two was both Willie's and Sams PP accounts being frozen after dealing with Crude.. Sams account also had charge back in play. Very concerned that the same issue was happening with Willie's account.. Understandable ?

Dec 13, 2007
The issue for me that raised the red flag between the two was both Willie's and Sams PP accounts being frozen after dealing with Crude.. Sams account also had charge back in play. Very concerned that the same issue was happening with Willie's account.. Understandable ?

I get it... hopefully everyone is happy in the end with whatever the outcome.

Dec 15, 2017
Lastly, i want to thank you Willie. You are a stand up gambler and i truly appreciate you going above and beyond with these circumstances.

Like i have stated previously, we don't agree on much of anything politically but you are my brother when it comes to being a gambler.

If you plan on going to Vegas in March, i owe you a dinner and at lest 16 drinks.

I can probably show at least 16 examples of Crudebar/Woodstool calling Willie a racist and/or a bigot as well behind closed doors.

This psychopath knew his only way to be able to stay here was sucking up to Willie and trying to do a 180 on his attitude toward him.

He could’ve come clean and done the right thing, but pieces of shit like this simply aren’t capable of this. Only making excuses and spewing lies to try and distract from reality.

A pathetic loser and piece of shit human being.


Jan 15, 2005
Willie should take whatever cut he wants for going thru this ordeal.. I wouldn't pay out though until he gets the green light from PP that a charge back didn' t take place by Crude.
You’re a clown

my clock is stuck on 420 time to hit this bong
Sep 21, 2004


Jan 15, 2005
For all post up bets, that is for people who have sent me money to act as treasurer, I plan to disburse those funds to the winner as promised. I have emails for all the PP transactions (I can still log in), and I can reach out to posters on this forum if I need to. There will be no longer be any tracking of those transactions on this forum. That's against SBR rules

I have never been part of the non-post-up wagers. That's between the participants, they all have to figure out how to proceed going forward. I'm going to suggest you exchange e-mails and do so quickly. I believe Crudebar is getting banned, and I have no control over that. I don't want to be involved in those wagers, this is already far more work than I ever anticipated.

I will no longer act as treasurer for any person to person wagers on this forum. I believe the forum contests are still OK although they too are frowned upon. Games of skill, like fantasy and the contests, are not considered gambling activities and are actually legal, which is why you see them out there all over the place and even advertised on TV. So there's a big difference in the legal world

It appears this crackdown was unknowingly caused by Crudebar himself, when he reached out to SBR concerned about being "robbed" if he were to be banned. When they learned of these wagers, they didn't react as Crudebar expected, they want him banned and they want the wagers to disappear.

I'm not an inside guy here, although some may think I am. I will do my best to do the right thing, I hope all involved parties do likewise

stand up guy

Apr 2, 2020
I reach out to SBR as soon as i got placed on post review. It had nothing to do with not trusting Willie. I trust him and always have. The thought was i was going to get banned and Willie put in a tough spot, which is what happened.

I will state this all again.

I am not this other poster

I do not change my join date

I did not scam a sports book 17 years ago

I did not get Willie's PP frozen(my works just fine fyi)

I did not scam PatsFan or anyone else for 5k.

I have no clue who this StandfordS is, nor why he just instanly showed up. If i am this other poster he fears so much, why does he still post under the name of Louie12 and has trolled me for a solid month.

Along with all the other shit thrown at me at the 11th hour.

With this stated, I understand i am not going to win this disagreement.

I would like to get everyone paid if i lose(i am not a stiff nor ever have been or ever will).

I would like to brainstorm some ideas how we can get everyone paid. Before i get banned or whatever.

edit: This Stanford stated he had a PM that i said i was this "wood" i asked him to show this PM and he never did, could someone come forward that i wrote this to?

He also stated i scammed someone else for 5k. Could this poster come forward?

I have other things to do this morning so probably won't be able to answer anything else going forward for at lest a few hours. I am hoping to get at lest a little bit of time to straighten this all out.

Patience would be much appreciated.

edit edit: i see i am off post review. Which will make this easier. Thanks for that at lest.

lol loser

Oct 31, 2004
I think I need a coffee .
Going to the gas station .
Dec 11, 2006
I will say this alerted me to it
Not real proof but these two are probably the only two who have ever brought it up
wood seem to love this guy and then here comes crudebar with it
Maybe a coincidence, Maybe not

I seem to also remember wood mentioning this guy in other posts

Wow. Detective exploited.

Enough circumstantial evidence for me. Crude busted.

Now if what SamfordSam alleges is true, which BAS seems to have confirmed through inference in his post above, the crude one lives at the bottom of a cesspool.

My bet stands until the Presidency is finalized, win or lose. But I would never have made a bet with such scum had I known his true character.

God bless Willie for being in his spot as the shit overflows here. Don't any of you ever give Willie shit again.

Sep 21, 2004
Wow. Detective exploited.

Enough circumstantial evidence for me. Crude busted.

Now if what SamfordSam alleges is true, which BAS seems to have confirmed through inference in his post above, the crude one lives at the bottom of a cesspool.

My bet stands until the Presidency is finalized, win or lose. But I would never have made a bet with such scum had I known his true character.

God bless Willie for being in his spot as the shit overflows here. Don't any of you ever give Willie shit again.

Why are you betting on forums with strangers is the biggest question.

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