
Oct 12, 2008
Covid vaccine data proves the existence of a de-population agenda

The EXTERMINATION of the White race
lol, so the Trump vaccine was designed to knock out the whites? ....sshhhhhh.............dont tell Fani or Jack

perfect timing as posted in another thread - fellas, who can sell pretty much anything. Kudos to that can monetize just about anything, .................just. fuckin.kudos..

btw fellas ,the mRNA tech that was the basis for the Trump vaccine ? is now in phase 2 of cancer therapy clinical trials (melanoma/prostate , i believe). lookin' like a game changer ........................i called that 2 yrs ago ...:).

Dec 13, 2007
lol, so the Trump vaccine was designed to knock out the whites? ....sshhhhhh.............dont tell Fani or Jack

perfect timing as posted in another thread - fellas, who can sell pretty much anything. Kudos to that can monetize just about anything, .................just. fuckin.kudos..

btw fellas ,the mRNA tech that was the basis for the Trump vaccine ? is now in phase 2 of cancer therapy clinical trials (melanoma/prostate , i believe). lookin' like a game changer ........................i called that 2 yrs ago ...:).

Correct ...amazing progress on cancer from what I've read.

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
lol, so the Trump vaccine was designed to knock out the whites? ....sshhhhhh.............dont tell Fani or Jack

perfect timing as posted in another thread - fellas, who can sell pretty much anything. Kudos to that can monetize just about anything, .................just. fuckin.kudos..

btw fellas ,the mRNA tech that was the basis for the Trump vaccine ? is now in phase 2 of cancer therapy clinical trials (melanoma/prostate , i believe). lookin' like a game changer ........................i called that 2 yrs ago ...:).
Oh yes! So promising! You called it! Woohoo! Always dangling that FAKE Big Pharma carrot! The "BIG BREAKTHROUGH" is always just around the corner! 🤡

Kinda like those promising EVs and "Chinese batteries"! 😂

The mRNA vaccine has a patent number predating Covid - explain that one, Mister Big Pharma. I can, it's spelled 👉 B-I-O-W-E-A-P-O-N

To wit, it was never a "Trump vaccine"....Trump simply accelerated the timeline because he knew (as did I) what they were give the world and FREEDOM a chance.

Without Trump, the world would STILL be in lockdown under their PSYOP. Supply chains would have collapsed, millions would have committed suicide from depression, millions more dead from their endless mandated toxic "boosters", all controlled through their digital concentration camps..

All because so many sheep blindly decided to "listen to [unelected] experts" 🤡

Not a "conspiracy THEORY" 👉 CONSPIRACY FACT.

In fact, even with no "virus" they are STILL pushing all their "Covid" DIGITAL CONTROL infrastructure we see in CHINA 👉 NWO 👉 GAME OVER FOR FREEDOM!

Someday you will learn the declassified TRUTH, and how close the world came to slipping into Permanent Darkness.

Someday you will learn what "conspiracy theorists" were up against.

Someday you will learn why Trump is a "wartime CIC" PROVEN by his 9 Emergency Executive Orders he issued during "Covid". All you have to do is turn off the TV and READ.

Pure evil.

We are at WAR!

LIONS, not sheep!

Oct 12, 2008
lol, yuo're not happy a new tech (thanks to Trump ) is likely a breakthrough for cancer patients?

what a bitter, angry old man you are . You have only yourself to blame for your loneliness

Oct 12, 2008
Doctors say a vaccine and clinical trials underway in the Upstate could change the way we treat cancer. It could lessen the side effects and save lives.

Dr. Thomas Wagner has been developing a cancer immunology vaccine since the late '90s. This week, his company Orbis Health Solutions started a new clinical trial testing it on cancer patients with tumors.

During the last trial, Wagner said the vaccine had an overwhelming effect on stage 4 melanoma patients and no major side effects.

"Their chance of survival 2 years later is less than 20%," Dr. Wagner said. "Nonetheless of the patients we've treated, 90, 95% of them are survivors without disease over 3 years later."

Here's how it works: Doctors take a sample of the tumor and put it within a molecule the body reads as the disease.

That's because cancer is just your own cells becoming cancerous, so your body doesn't recognize the bad cells as a threat. This vaccine trains your immune system to do so.

"It will clear the cancer and it will also give you immunological memory for the remainder of your life," Wagner said.

He said it already has for hundreds of patients. One Greenville woman is still alive 23 years after first being diagnosed with stage 4 melanoma and given 3 months to live.

Before the vaccine hits the market, Dr. Wagner said they'll need to finish a Phase 3 FDA clinical trial, an expensive, lengthy process. But he says he's an optimist.

Wagner said, "I'm now pretty much convinced that cancer will be cured in a relatively short period of time by a combination of early detection and immunotherapy."

Oct 12, 2008

'Biden admin invests $24M in researching mRNA to fight cancer'​

$24 mill that's it?...geez Trump sent billions to these pharma companies, lol

Dec 13, 2007
Doctors say a vaccine and clinical trials underway in the Upstate could change the way we treat cancer. It could lessen the side effects and save lives.

Dr. Thomas Wagner has been developing a cancer immunology vaccine since the late '90s. This week, his company Orbis Health Solutions started a new clinical trial testing it on cancer patients with tumors.

During the last trial, Wagner said the vaccine had an overwhelming effect on stage 4 melanoma patients and no major side effects.

"Their chance of survival 2 years later is less than 20%," Dr. Wagner said. "Nonetheless of the patients we've treated, 90, 95% of them are survivors without disease over 3 years later."

Here's how it works: Doctors take a sample of the tumor and put it within a molecule the body reads as the disease.

That's because cancer is just your own cells becoming cancerous, so your body doesn't recognize the bad cells as a threat. This vaccine trains your immune system to do so.

"It will clear the cancer and it will also give you immunological memory for the remainder of your life," Wagner said.

He said it already has for hundreds of patients. One Greenville woman is still alive 23 years after first being diagnosed with stage 4 melanoma and given 3 months to live.

Before the vaccine hits the market, Dr. Wagner said they'll need to finish a Phase 3 FDA clinical trial, an expensive, lengthy process. But he says he's an optimist.

Wagner said, "I'm now pretty much convinced that cancer will be cured in a relatively short period of time by a combination of early detection and immunotherapy."

Pancreatic cancer treatment..maybe the most sinister diagnosis around.

Ever seen someone slowy waste away till the point of a walking mumbling corpse? Pancreatic cancer humbles the strongest and most able..its indiscriminately brutal.

Hopefully the these trials receive deserved funding..targeted medicine is the future of treatments.


Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
lol, yuo're not happy a new tech (thanks to Trump ) is likely a breakthrough for cancer patients?

what a bitter, angry old man you are . You have only yourself to blame for your loneliness

Be sure to keep buying lottery tickets as you are "likely" to win. LOL

White Hats are coming after your entire fraud industry like you've never seen before - with unproven corrupt "vaccines" the number one target!

Trump "Agenda 47" Item: Federal Government Must Investigate "Unexplained, Alarming" Rise In Autism, Infertility, Allergies, Obesity


Dec 13, 2007

You might want to be thinking about sizing a white straight-jacket bro.

Oct 12, 2008
yes, there is no guarentee . Science moves forward . .............. would you rather try 'prayer'? LOL . geez, you are really this stupid?'s that military vaccine you were pimping doing? remember? lol

Oct 12, 2008
lol, maggie got triggered

what kind of adult has a senior's picture above his name? ...beta male , obviously

Oct 12, 2008
you didnt like the Trump vaccine?

"The vaccine is one of the greatest achievements of mankind," Trump told conservative commentator Candace Owens in an interview on Wednesday. While Trump has expressed opposition to vaccine mandates, he has long taken credit for the vaccines developed on his watch.

"I came up with a vaccine, with three vaccines all are very, very good," he said in the interview, referring to the Pfizer, Moderna and Johnson & Johnson shots.


Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
yes, there is no guarentee . Science moves forward . .............. would you rather try 'prayer'? LOL . geez, you are really this stupid?'s that military vaccine you were pimping doing? remember? lol
Ah, "no guarantees"...

But of course! Why don't the rubes just read the fine print, right? LOL

Probably should take the "L" at this point, ricboff.

So you're conceding your Big Pharma snake oil doesn't work as advertised on CNN? Funny how Big Pharma loooooves CNN 👉 most gullible TV viewers on the planet!

Like anyone needs more proof Big Pharma is a corrupt scam, especially vaccines. No oversight, transparency or accountability - so-called "govt regulators" are all "former insiders" getting rich playing both sides. Just another insider "black box" Deep Secret racket - nothing "free market" or "scientific" about it.

I'm not anti-science or unreasonable. I own hundreds of high-tech (and low tech) products that work exactly as designed - scientifically engineered. Like synthetic oil - works as advertised every single time!

But FRAUD is FRAUD. Show up in court and prove your outlandish claims. Show us your ("secret") data. Show us the documents. Show us your product does exactly what you claim it does (without nasty side effects, like...oh, I dunno, DEATH?)

Remember when Patriots had to sue Big Pharma and the CDC for the vaccine clinical trials, which, in the end proved neither "safe" nor "effective"? Tip of the iceberg.

No industry has been sued for FRAUD more than yours, with no close second. Honestly, if the world learns the unvarnished TRUTH about "Covid", you'll probably be out of a job.

It's that corrupt and evil.

Oct 12, 2008
one more

'Trump also said people who are vaccinated aren't the ones becoming seriously ill.

"The ones that get very sick and go to the hospital are the ones that don't do the vaccine, but it's still their choice," he said. "And if you take the vaccine you're protected, the results of the vaccine are good."'


hey joe, hows' the military vaccine you were pimping doing? ....
Mar 23, 2022
Lol, I’m glad I don’t live in Joes world. Spending hours and hours on the internet spewing his hate. Must suck to be you Joe. Hilarious to watch though lol.

Nothing Can Stop What is Coming!!!
Jan 4, 2005
Even a tout has more ethics than employees in the Pharma industry.

Paid peanuts to shill for the the OVERLORDS.

Oct 12, 2008
this is hysterical :

Former President Donald Trump took aim at the Biden administration on Friday evening for allowing for a pause in the Johnson & Johnson coronavirus vaccine, accusing them of allowing “insanely risk-averse bureaucrats run the show.”

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) had announced the pause of the use of the vaccine on Tuesday morning, citing six cases of women experiencing cerebral venous sinus thrombosis in combination with thrombocytopenia, a rare brain blood clot.

On Friday night, the former president sent out an email that repeated verbatim the arguments made by the New York Post editorial board, namely that the cases were rare enough that it should not hinder the vaccine roll out, calling the move “sheer lunacy.”

“The federal pause on the J&J shot makes no sense,” the statement said.

“Why is the Biden White House letting insanely risk-averse bureaucrats run the show? Just six people out of the nearly 7 million who’ve gotten the Johnson & Johnson vaccine reported blood clots,” the statement said. red flags and yet Trump wanted the roll out to continue? LMFAO...he was good with collateral damage :)..someone call Fani ...

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
one more

'Trump also said people who are vaccinated aren't the ones becoming seriously ill.

"The ones that get very sick and go to the hospital are the ones that don't do the vaccine, but it's still their choice," he said. "And if you take the vaccine you're protected, the results of the vaccine are good."'


hey joe, hows' the military vaccine you were pimping doing? ....
"This is worse than Pearl Harbor, this is worse than the World Trade Center. There's never been an attack like this." - CIC Trump

Ricboff, you're still not listening 👉 ATTACK

Why would he say the virus was an "ATTACK"?

As wartime CIC, Trump said what needed to be said and did what needed to be done in THAT context, in order to ensure all the petrified programmed sheep would go outside their homes again. Or, as Pfizer Willie loves to say, "live their lives!"

For Trump and the White Hats, it was a race against time as the Globalists were steamrolling toward 👉 PERMANENT LOCKDOWN!

You see, the public was so PYSOPed, we weren't going to escape this "ATTACK" without a "vaccine" - EVEN IF SAID "VACCINE" WAS A PLACIBO!

You're also conveniently omitting the fact Trump pushed proven SAFE AND EFFECTIVE HCQ (and Ivermectin), but the Deep State shut him down and PYSOPed the public even more, while any doctors who recommended alternative treatments to the narrative were bullied/censored/fined/ruined/shutdown.

THAT right there in itself was prima facie evidence for anyone reasonable paying attention, that the entire "global pandemic" was a nefarious SCAM.. indeed, an "ATTACK" on our way of life as outlined by the wartime CIC.

Moves and countermoves fighting a clandestine enemy in an Information WAR 👉5th Generation Warfare.

Someday you'll learn the truth...

Oct 12, 2008
you're correct im 'not listening' (see my post above, LOL)

have a nice evening, Merry Christmas to you and yours . B well

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