Hugest Understatement in the whole history of words.
We have allowed Weak Spineless Cowards to convince us that not "being racist" is so vitally important that we need to accept and embrace danger to our families as a necessary evil that cannot be over come.
Obvious who is making the trouble. Blacks are killing, Islamists are killing yet we've actually let The Cowards amongst us convince us that we cannot even TALK about addressing, eliminating these problems. let alone do anything to get these subhumans gone.
I swear to god bobbyjones I could never have imagined life in USA would have ever become like this, so surrounded by progressives as you say....liberals etc.
Imagine the response our Forefathers would have had to Hillary Clinton pretty much gonna become President. To contemplate what those who founded this country's response would have been, to this.....and to what we have become, as a Nation.....mind-boggling.
Left won. They control education, media, hell they have changed the language. A mf kills 50 people,we are scared to even mention islam. Can you imagine? A guy stands on top of a table butchering 15 soldiers screaming ali akbur and our potus calls it workplace violence.
You cant make it up, I dare you to even try.