Easily done, with 2 laptops. A minute can be a long time. 60 topics in an hour, not a problem......
IF done during foots a starter thread for ever footballl, college football and baseball or BASKTBALL game could be put up. Then start copy and pasting vaious articles from sports sections, non-stop.
My only shortfall would be getting caught up in replies to threads that were started.
LOL one of the BIGGGEST COMMIE traitors in forumville.
Told the forum that people breaking into that couples gated home in StLouis 4 years ago was all good because the video didnt actually show the part where they damaged the gate, it only started when it was already open....a complete clown that is known as HinesFraud at TGF
Dude served in the military as an errand boy but pretends that there is still a Fatwah on his head....lol
Has 4 degrees but writes BS columns for MSM outlets at $10 or so a clip