Cool... I have found a solution...


New member
Jan 18, 2005
ej, just don't even mention to them to stop posting in your thread, that automatically tells them to post even more heh. Why not block us instead?

New member
Sep 21, 2004
I don't understand why you don't just block/ignore these people? It's really not that hard.
I could care less about your threads, but now after reading this I want to start posting stupid nonsense in them so I can be on this list.

Stop being an attention-whore and grow up a little, you are making a huge fuss over nothing, this is a message board, find a hobby if it's bothering you too much.
Skinsraj would recommend masturbation.

Old School
Nov 8, 2006
I will say out of that list Joey F adds absolutely nothing to a post.

98% of his shit is a meaningless couple words to just jab someone.(think he has a complex because of his hairline)

The rest of the guys up there have been fine with me. Skins and Dseth arent the best at taking jokes as much as they like to dish it out. But its like anything else you got to learn who you are playing with.

I think the fact that they see now that they got to you you are in some trouble.

Nov 1, 2004
I kinda wish I knew what brought all this one, how about someone give me the cliff notes version of recent events? Maybe my best online friend timetopay?
Oct 26, 2003
Time to are 100 per cent correct....somebody comes along and pushes you to the bottom of the list, right now that is Mr. Wonderful and Mr. Know it All....tomorrow will come and I believe that the boy wonder will come around and lighten up, I hope so because he can be funny at times..

powdered milkman
Aug 4, 2006
I will say out of that list Joey F adds absolutely nothing to a post.

98% of his shit is a meaningless couple words to just jab someone.(think he has a complex because of his hairline)

The rest of the guys up there have been fine with me. Skins and Dseth arent the best at taking jokes as much as they like to dish it out. But its like anything else you got to learn who you are playing with.

I think the fact that they see now that they got to you you are in some trouble.
TTP.. this will be a first good mod project for you....i put you in charge of the manej if we get out of line in a thread warn us then if u have to put us on TTP post review........that should work

Old School
Nov 8, 2006
TTP.. this will be a first good mod project for you....i put you in charge of the manej if we get out of line in a thread warn us then if u have to put us on TTP post review........that should work


Or I can be the Manej official spokesman. He can pull the Sammy Sosa an no speka enlishe.

Shit. They should do Mod for a day contest and you all watch what the fuck goes on then if I win..

New member
Jan 18, 2005

Or I can be the Manej official spokesman. He can pull the Sammy Sosa an no speka enlishe.

Shit. They should do Mod for a day contest and you all watch what the fuck goes on then if I win..



Home Sweet Home
Jan 27, 2006
wow and I thought the Laurent Robinson thread was funny. Couple things
1) themanej2001 is calling me a bitch, yet he started this thread? Wow. You are the most sensitive baby on here, last time you took things too seriously you had the excuse that your life was shitty cause you just broke your ankle or some shit so you went postal on the RX. What's your excuse now? You're a fucking whiny bitch, and we all knew you wouldn't be leaving the RX, your craving for attention and respect as a capper is too great to ever leave this or any other sports forum. Maybe your girlfriend isn't giving you enough attention at school?

2) TTP I'm all for getting made fun of, I'm not a funny guy by any means, but at least when someone makes fun of me, do a little better than post some ridiculous picture or comment that maybe has a 1% relation to anything about me. I mean at least the joke somewhat funny or intelligble and I'll laugh right along. Plenty of reasons to make fun of me, just gotta pick the right ones.

3) Seriously, who wouldn't make a comment about a white guy 3 point specialist that wears tube socks and wrist bands and a headband? And how could this person not take a joke, especially when he wears shit like that? Honestly themanej you are a baby. You say you know how to laugh at yourself. You don't.

4) No one is stalking you. Everyone likes making fun of you, and you know why? Cause not only are you a whiny bitch, but it's so easy to get you riled up. One comment and you're angry and crying about everyone picking on you. It's just plain funny and easy to make fun of you, ever wonder why so many people do it? Re-read some of your threads and posts and maybe you'll laugh at yourself too.

5) Again you have selective memory, probably everyone on that list (excluding joeyfitz) has agreed with you numerous times, most often in the CBB forum. But you are letting your crying and bitching get in the way of actually recalling these moments because you're upset that you're a homo and post ridiculous shit sometimes that people make fun of you about.

6) I love how when a couple of posters get together for beers offline and someone posts about it, you think it's gay or that no one cares. Don't you get it? No one cares if you care. The thread wasn't created for the intent of you reading it, those threads that joeyfitz, calvin ty (and not to mention the threads that 20 posters created about the bash) were created to share good stories and build some of the comraderie on this site. If you weren't such a douchebag maybe you could realize that and embrace it rather than hate on it because you get made fun of alot for posting ridiculous shit.

Oh yeah and great job with the assumptions, everyone that makes fun of you must be a loser because we all have nothing better to do right, we all got made fun of in high school, got beaten up, never talked to girls, and cried alone in our basements. But wait a minute...didn't you post in another thread that you got made fun of alot when you were in high school until you decided to deal with it and blow every cool person in your school until you were in the cool group that got to make fun of everyone else? Interesting.

Man i'll say it for the 1 billionth time, i have no problem with you and (although of course you'll never remember cause you're a crybaby) have actually defended you numerous times, especially in the CBB forum. But you are really acting your "age" which by the way is what, 19 still?

20 now... that big 20 what a shitty birthday... Fucking so anti climactic...

By the way I never in my life got made fun of in high school man... When I first moved to my town when I was 5 I got my bulls busted for a little... That was what I said...

Let me give a run down of what you are your brother do...

In every post you say something dumb and follow it up with I'm an idiot or I'm not funny... Or I am just drunk or something dumb... And then people will be like that is some funny shit...

YOU AND YOUR BRO ARE THE BIGGEST ATTENTION WHORES ON THE SITE MAN. How can you call anyone else that... You rip people to get laughs... tight congrats...

Once again is this before or after you play with each others cocks?

I don't have a problem with anyone on here to be honest... It is the internet as you all say... I could be like you guys and say the whole thing was a joke and say learn to take it... But it wasn't a joke it was politely asking you to shut the fuck up hahaha... Something many here probably want to say...

And me talking about a story of playing basketball with the kid was just a story that I was sharing. If you weren't such a douchbag you wouldn't have gone in the thread in search of something to rip on.

Look man as I said I am 20 years old, and take more shit then probably a lot here. I would say the college kids know how to take more bull shit then most because I get it a lot in the house... That is what the day consist of busting balls. Now this shit blows because I got finals so this place passes my time while studying which it probably shouldn't.

If I say something any everyone comes and chimes in about shit negatively is it extremely annoying fuck yeah it is. That is what pisses me off, it is so fucking annoying...

Honestly man I will let my spokesperson speak for me the rest of this thread because as he said my english seems to be going.

And no I don't need this site, I told you I am pretty much done gambling. I am betting with what is left in two accounts. It takes up so much time. I don't need this and I don't need attention here. I saw how posts I made could have made it look that way so I stopped posting records and MONSTER play in my thread title because that shit is kind of fucking gay now that I think about it.

I don't look for attention I don't bold my words, color my words, put figures in there, increase my font size or talk about any insane shit. As I told Journey I got nothing to complain about in life. I don't pay for shit, I don't have to work, my grades are decent and I get fucked up 4 days a week and do stupid ass shit... That ain't a bad life, all I said was it is extremely fucking annoying when I start something and no one can say anything except well you're gay... Haha... I mean seriously... If I went around doing that I would deserve it but I see no point to it. Someone wants to say something fine say it... I am not being a scum bag or any of that shit in my threads... Or in others threads... SO why deal with it...

I don't really give a fuck about much in life... And I truthfully don't give a fuck about the forum, and don't come and tell me well you obviously do, because in all honesty I really don't. I like reading sports stories, I enjoy writing, and I like fucking around. But what am I suppose to do when someone fucks around with me? When I fuck around back everyone comes in and says what a dick I am hahaha... I mean seriously...

20 people "fuck around" with me at once am I suppose to jab back at everyone jokingly?


Oct 15, 2006
Isn't this the same loser that demand "I shut the fuck up" haha. basically because he can't prove me wrong. I haven't even got to that thread yet but don't worry you dumbass, keep thinking what you thionk and I'll change your way of thinking if you at least have a brain in that what it looks like foreign username/head of yours.

Home Sweet Home
Jan 27, 2006
Isn't this the same loser that demand "I shut the fuck up" haha. basically because he can't prove me wrong. I haven't even got to that thread yet but don't worry you dumbass, keep thinking what you thionk and I'll change your way of thinking if you at least have a brain in that what it looks like foreign username/head of yours.

Stick around the site.... Besides making me actually look smart... you make me look calm and rational too... hahahaha

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Wow I got mentioned in the first post by themanej2001. Priceless.

Why stay around here if you fucking hate the forum? You know what insane means? Doing the same thing over and over again and getting the same bad result.That's what you are. There are many other forums that I know of that you could go post at. Start new.

It all definitely started with your whole Chicago Bears cock fest. Endless threads about Rex and how he's the greatest got really old. Go ahead and yell at me about it but I know I wasn't the only one that started to find you annoying because of all of that. Yeah yeah you were excited but you sounded more like an obsessed stalker than a fan.

Then for some fucking odd reason you posted a picture of yourself on here. Now if you were Brad Pitt looking, then nothing would have been said. But you fucking look goofy as hell so of course people are going to give you shit about it. If you post your own picture, you're leaving it open for bashing.

Then you've had to countless times go on racial sterotypes and say stuff about my ethnic background. To me, it doesn't bother me because you're a nobody. I get that. So if anything it's really funny that you have to stoop that low cause it shows how frustrated you are.

Seriously I thought you were done? I KNEW you couldn't be done. You just had to say more shit.


Home Sweet Home
Jan 27, 2006
Wow I got mentioned in the first post by themanej2001. Priceless.

Why stay around here if you fucking hate the forum? You know what insane means? Doing the same thing over and over again and getting the same bad result.That's what you are. There are many other forums that I know of that you could go post at. Start new.

It all definitely started with your whole Chicago Bears cock fest. Endless threads about Rex and how he's the greatest got really old. Go ahead and yell at me about it but I know I wasn't the only one that started to find you annoying because of all of that. Yeah yeah you were excited but you sounded more like an obsessed stalker than a fan.

Then you've had to countless times go on racial sterotypes and say stuff about my ethnic background. To me, it doesn't bother me because you're a nobody. I get that. So if anything it's really funny that you have to stoop that low.

Seriously I thought you were done? I KNEW you couldn't be done. You just had to say more shit.


Dude the racial stereotypes were jokes. Here is my major beef with you... You follow me around this site like my pet fucking lizard or something.... You comment on everything I say in English even, applaud you for that, and then I bust your balls back and you go on some tantrum where you bitch and create a thread in the Rubber Room calling me a ***** and shit... Priceless? I agree you are priceless?

I came into an American Idol thread where you said you were sick of Haley advancing because of her legs because she had no talent. I busted your balls and said your post had homo sexual tendencies which was true. But I was just busting your balls. You go on a tantrum on how I am immature and it is a singing contest, how I am a horny little pervert and how I am a dick head and stuff. Yet you always find the time to bust my balls and call me sensitive. Sounds like a Jap calling a Chink slant eyed to me.... (Please don't get all angry at my stereotype) I will make sure to post my jokes with little parenthesis surrounded them next time.

You are one of, if not, the biggest hypocrites on this forum. You will continue to follow the crowd around and applaud yourself with your yellow fingers. But please stop dishing out your shit talking since you clearly can not take it when it is thrown back at you.

Also I admitted I was incorrect and congratulated all Colts backers after the game. I man up when I am wrong.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Dude the racial stereotypes were jokes. Here is my major beef with you... You follow me around this site like my pet fucking lizard or something.... You comment on everything I say in English even, applaud you for that, and then I bust your balls back and you go on some tantrum where you bitch and create a thread in the Rubber Room calling me a ***** and shit... Priceless? I agree you are priceless?

I came into an American Idol thread where you said you were sick of Haley advancing because of her legs because she had no talent. I busted your balls and said your post had homo sexual tendencies which was true. But I was just busting your balls. You go on a tantrum on how I am immature and it is a singing contest, how I am a horny little pervert and how I am a dick head and stuff. Yet you always find the time to bust my balls and call me sensitive. Sounds like a Jap calling a Chink slant eyed to me.... (Please don't get all angry at my stereotype) I will make sure to post my jokes with little parenthesis surrounded them next time.

You are one of, if not, the biggest hypocrites on this forum. You will continue to follow the crowd around and applaud yourself with your yellow fingers. But please stop dishing out your shit talking since you clearly can not take it when it is thrown back at you.

Also I admitted I was incorrect and congratulated all Colts backers after the game. I man up when I am wrong.

this whole post is a joke right? you're just joking right? Because you said when you make racial sterotypes you're just joking.

Okay so I'll assume you think I'm fucking cool as shit because I'm not suppose to listen to anything you say cause it's all just a joke.

Really...just go away like your promised us last night.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
so...I make some posts on the site, make fun of you some, post in the RR, make somewhat intelligible responses in the main forum, post my picks for my own personal tracking purposes and accountability, and...I'm the attention whore here?
Aren't you the one that created this thread?

If you really think I'm an attention whore then you really are letting your emotions regarding people making fun of you for being a baby really cloud your perceptions.

I don't "rip" people to get laughs, as long as I'm laughing who cares if anyone else thinks what I say is funny, i sure don't. I make all my posts in jest, and when i "bash" someone it's because they're attention whores who post locks of the year. Do your homework retard, stop generalizing.

Once again,

And i'm the attention whore. Laughable.

Oh wait, more hypocrisy.

so you were joking but people that make fun of you aren't?

Oh no wait, more:

So you can make threads about being drunk and everyone else that does it is gay?

Oh no, more.
Thread title. And that's not attention-whorish/

Was there anything else big guy? I might be forgetting something, might have caught the selective memory syndrome like you have.

Let me guess what themanej's response will be.

"Uhh...i was just joking around. You...uhh..guys can't take a joke. "

Home Sweet Home
Jan 27, 2006
so...I make some posts on the site, make fun of you some, post in the RR, make somewhat intelligible responses in the main forum, post my picks for my own personal tracking purposes and accountability, and...I'm the attention whore here?
Aren't you the one that created this thread?

If you really think I'm an attention whore then you really are letting your emotions regarding people making fun of you for being a baby really cloud your perceptions.

I don't "rip" people to get laughs, as long as I'm laughing who cares if anyone else thinks what I say is funny, i sure don't. I make all my posts in jest, and when i "bash" someone it's because they're attention whores who post locks of the year. Do your homework retard, stop generalizing.

Once again,

And i'm the attention whore. Laughable.

Oh wait, more hypocrisy.

so you were joking but people that make fun of you aren't?

Oh no wait, more:

So you can make threads about being drunk and everyone else that does it is gay?

Oh no, more.
Thread title. And that's not attention-whorish/

Was there anything else big guy? I might be forgetting something, might have caught the selective memory syndrome like you have.

Dsethi I admitted that at the start I was an idiot and realized how pointless and gay it was to point out MY MONSTER WAGER, or my record and things like that in my thread title's so I haven't done that. Agreed that was gay. Don't have a problem with anyone talking about being drunk because I get fucked up a lot...

But the thread that stands out to me the most is where I was busting Skins balls and you and a few others came in calling me out for being a prick. But I was doing exactly what you guys do all the time, fucking around and you guys got all defensive and even told me I wasn't joking. How do you know if I was joking? I was clearly fucking around but you guys told me I wasn't. That was the point of this thread. That when I fuck around with you guys back you get all pissed off. Which was exactly what you did there.

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