Consider yourself lucky if you do not live in Russia.


New member
Sep 21, 2004
Lol, I know that my friends and collegues know where Canada is.

Maybe you just spoke with a group of hillbillies or something but if Americans were as stupid as you claim, the US couldn't even function at a basic level let alone be the scientific/economic superpower that it is.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
So is America racist-free and thug-free?
Don't you all just love each other eh?
Don't think so.

Russia is a rough place, it always has been.
That why they kicked Hitlers ass in the biggest land war in human history.

A simple google search would turn up lots of unsavoury chit on the US, its racism and its poverty and its ghettos and its murders etc etc.

Anyway, why compare yourself to the crap countries?
Is that your yardstick for success?

New member
Sep 20, 2000
Hey let me tell ya somthin the USA has the largest culmination of every race,religion and ethnic background than any other country in the world....People originally came to this country in SPITE of Europe not because of it.
Irish,Italians,Blacks,Asians and others built this country to be thee most free and powerful wealthy country in the world..Most every major invention has come from the USA in the last 200 years, and most every major medical advance.Not to mention being thee most charitble country in the world.
What you smart asses don't realize that in a democracy and free society the pitfalls of racism and and other social problems happen because they can.Democracy is a continual process that involves growing pains.Democracy like success is a journey not a destination.
Part of the reason you foreign dinks no the maps so well is your alway looking to move from where you live.

New member
Sep 21, 2004

The USA doesn't have the largest culmination of every race, religion and ethnic background in the world.

Before you open your big mouth, you better do some research.

Reading a few books or at least browsing the search sites like google would be a very good start for you.

The USA is not the most free powerfull country in the world. I lived in Sweden for two years, worked there, and let me tell you my friend, their freedom and democracy is something the Americans can only dream about.

Most every major invention has came from the USA ? What a blatant lie. Just do some research you moron.

Speaking of democracy, please tell us that democracy is an American invention as well LOL. The USA didnt exist as an nation when some european states had 100's of years of experience with democracy.

hangin' about
Aug 21, 2003
Pat: according to a Maclean's article I read about 10 months ago, Toronto has been officially named the most ethnically diverse city in the world.

On the issue of democracy in the US (and I'm going to throw in my own Canada into this mix as well) ... I don't even think we fully understand what democracy is, to be honest. Neither of our systems are overly democratic, and certainly the non-governmental organisations which we lead (with others) are blatantly un-democratic.

New member
Sep 20, 2000
OK..thats right Europeans have they invented the shower yet??...Oh yea the mid east.Nice thing that sucide belt.
I'll restate it then any invention worth a fxck,that was invented elswhere more than likeley has been dramaticlly improved by yankee ingenuity....Oh yea the airplane,atomic energy and telephone come to mind by the way.
Before you you call me a liar, prove it.
Name the country that is more diverse.
I never said that democracy was exclusive to the US.
So listen you smarmy asshole, stay in Sweden and give my love to Sven for me.

New member
Sep 20, 2000
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Pat: according to a Maclean's article I read about 10 months ago, Toronto has been officially named the most ethnically diverse city in the world.
X..i stand corrected but for Don wacko to imply that the US is not diverse is absurd.

New member
Sep 21, 2004

I did not say that the america is not diverse. I said the USA is not THE most diverse country.

Don't change my words.

New member
Sep 20, 2000
The implication was there.
NY City PUBLIC schools teach in over 90 different languages.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Don Marco,

You are an ignorant racist PIG that has brought bigotry to a new level at this forum.

Please cite ALL of the sources for you many conclusions on what Americans know or don't know. You suggest Patriot read some books? Well let's see where all of your material comes from. Your warped imagination I assume?

People like YOU are why many Americans dislike Europe.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Been all over the states, experienced some hospitality, went to Europe three times, experienced a lot of hospitality.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Before you exhibit blind patriotism, you should actually think about it and talk to the "average American."

A few years ago, I took my own informal survey of sorts. It was two simple linked questions.

1)How many states are there in the USA?
2)What were the last 2 states added to the USA?

It took 15..yes, 15..people before someone got the FIRST question correct. The first 14 were all high school graduates, all had jobs.

After 27 people, not a SINGLE one got the second question correct. That included 4 college graduates. And amongst the answers given to the second one as places that were one of the last 2 states were: Mexico, Canada, Guam, Puerto Rico.

However, this really should not be a surprise. In total contradiction to the statement made earlier in this thread, not only does the average American not get their news from CNN..the average American frankly is completely uninterested in what is going on in the rest of the world UNLESS it directly affects their life.

The "average" American also does not know how to use the internet, does not read any part of the newspaper except the comics, and is generally a pretty nice person, other than their ignorance about those things.

Now, some will say I have just put down a lot of my countrymen. I don't think I have, though. I know a lot of those people. And, I think, it is much the same in many other countries.

The big difference: There are a LOT of Americans who DO take the time to know more about the world, who ARE interested, and who do think about these things. Far more than most other countries, both on percentage and gross numbers, of population.

Insulting the lowest common denominator is pretty silly, especially when the LCD in the USA is more prosperous and better educated than the LCD in just about any other country. Even if they know squat about geography and world affairs.

New member
Sep 21, 2004

Where do I start with your post?

First, where did you conduct your survey, a Kindergarten class? Needless to say I seriously doubt your "survey" story is true. Either that or you live in a group home for the mentally challenged.

The clear majority of American adults use the internet. Dozens of studies back this up. Here is a link to one:,aid,114024,00.asp

Try doing some actual research before chiming in next time.

If Americans only read the comics section of the newspaper then why is the Wall Street Journal (which has no comics) the best selling newspaper in America (and the world)?

And of course CNN isn't where America gets its new about world events, CNN isn't even close to being the #1 news channel in the US. This fact alone exposes the idiocy of Don Marco's posts.

So perhaps YOU and YOUR circle of friends are the ignorant ones, but that doesn't make you "average".

This thread is a apt reminder of why I stopped posting here for quite a while. Many, if not most, of the posters here are beneath me.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Actually no, I asked 27 people who worked with my sister, one day while I was spending some time in her workplace.

Several of these people I knew fairly well, but they pretty much fall across the spectrum of AVERAGE american. Few graduated from college, but most from high school.

The fact that the WSJ is the best selling paper means squat. More people read the comics, which are syndicated in many newspapers, than the WSJ.
There are over 280 million Americans, many of those have NEVER EVEN READ ANY OF THE JOURNAL?

The fact is, I tend to move around in diverse social circles, with both highly educated and minimally educated people. I don't tend to find the more uneducated ones are any worse people, though their range of conversational topics might be too limited for someone like you who thinks "many, if not most, of the posters here are beneath <you>?" Get out of your ivory tower and actually meet more people, and see what they are concerned about, not merely the ones you consider not "beneath you", before you are so staunch.

By the way, I never claimed to be average personally. I am entirely too intellectually inclined, with both the good and bad aspects of that, to be generally considered average. But I am honest, even when its brutal, and if you cannot accept that, not my problem. Everyone chooses to wear their own blinders.

I have lived, over the years, in Los Angeles, New York City, Chicago, Seattle, Houston, Tampa, Orlando, Jacksonville, Norfolk, San Diego, and assorted smaller places across the US. I have found that generally, most people do NOT have educated opinions regarding world affairs or history. Even many professionals who are highly educated within their fields.

To presume being American makes you an expert on everything is, frankly, stupid. And a reason why so many people dislike Americans who think like that, when anyone who comes to visit can see the truth. We are no inherently smarter than other folks, we just have opportunities that many do not..and that most of our own people do not even bother to maximize the potential of.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
So, you certainly made up the statement:

"The "average" American also does not know how to use the internet"

How did you come to the conclusion that:

"The "average" American does not read any part of the newspaper except the comics, "

Did you make that up as well? If not, please provide links to valid studies that support your claim.

If you made these "facts" up off the top of your head, why should anyone believe that you conducted the "survey" you claim you did?

New member
Sep 20, 2000
Tab..I know what your trying to say...just like during the american revolution up till today,1/3 of the population was for revolution,1/3 was for the King and another 1/3 did not know their ass from third base.
...Its the fight for the middle third that counts.
Same with this election 1/3 third Bush,1/3 Kerry and the fight for the middle 1/3.
...Actually i wish I'd have used your reasoning rather than my own original....but thats the key live and learn.

New member
Sep 20, 2000
Floyd, Tabby isn't trying to shit on us like the other guy....Thats the problem with these elite smart ass Europeans,they forget the only education they would have gotten would be learning German 101 if it wasn't for our grandfathers,uncles and fathers before us.

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