So the 25+ members of the freedom caucus should be able to control the legislative priorities of Congress? Essentially 4% of Congress should hold that much power?
Maybe you should realize these folks are not republicans. They are obstructionist radicals.
It's disgusting watching these same 25 folks tarnish Paul Ryan's name. All because he actually tried to find reasonable solutions on immigration and the national debt? Funny I didn't see you comment on Willie's post noting that a stance of deportation and deportation-only is illogical.
These radicals want to shutdown the government and couldn't care less if the government defaults. That mindset is uninformed, and quite frankly, crazy. Not a sound way to promote economic growth and security.
Yet radicals like yourself support Ben Carson, a person who doesn't know what the debt limit is. Disgusting.
Unfortunately, Paul Ryan went over to the dark side.
Washington is a corrupt mess and terminally broken.
Nobody follows the Constitution or Washington's institutional procedures anymore (House or Senate), so if 40+ members (I misspoke when when I said 25, it's well over 40 and growing) gum up the establishment works that's fine with me.
Remember, we don't elect Republicans to rubber stamp the left's radical agenda. We elect them to stop socialism and statism from violating our individual rights.
The House Freedom Caucus finally forced Boehner and his hand-picked heir apparent McCarthy out the door because they both chose power politics over principle. They won't be the last casualties. As the Freedom Caucus grows, so too will its influence and power in Washington, and what sane voice outside of the establishment could possibly complain about that?