Connecting the dots on Hillary Clinton


Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
So, Hillary is proposing a $250 cap on monthly prescription pill costs...

This part stands out to me.

The Democratic front-runner said she would crack down on such price increases because “nobody in America should have to choose between buying the medicine they need and paying rent.”

Well, if that's the case, grandma...then the logical follow-up is why should rent cost so much? Should anybody really be paying over say $500, $300, or hell...$100 a month in rent? Are we going to impose rent control across the nation next? And hey, food has gotten pretty expensive too. Should anybody's monthly grocery bill be more than say $400 a month?

I've talked before about how dimocraps don't give a shit about whoever has to pick up the tab as long as they get their "free" stuff on time and on schedule. In this case, what about the pharmaceutical companies...who would receive far less revenue with this inane $250 cap in place? Wouldn't a profit ceiling discourage them from conducting any further R&D, if not put them out of business altogether? That would include their employees, btw...not all of whom are filthy rich. Oh, well. That's just too much for the average dim voter to grasp. None of that matters to dims, anyway...because corporations are evil and should be, like, outlawed or something.

Exactly wtf is the guiding economic principle of the dimocrap Party? Everything free in America? Is there anything they think an individual should pay for...or is just everything a government freebie and "right"?

Stupid doesn't even begin to describe how dense one must be to think these economic philosophies would ever work. Your intelligence needs to be several levels below an earth worm...I'm talking duhhhhfinch-level idiocy. Come to think of it, maybe the dims should change their mascot from a donkey to an earth worm since their parasite voting block does nothing but mindlessly and blindly wiggle around and wait for any handout to drop into their open mouths.

Shocker: Price controls cause shortages.

When the government sets a price of good below the market-clearing level, you get a shortage. That is, buyers want more units of the good than the sellers want to provide.

This drunk socialist witch should take a trip to Venezuela where her Utopian vision is playing out in textbook fashion: food scarcities everywhere; people blaming shop owners for hoarding etc.

“Nobody in America should have to choose between buying the medicine they need and paying rent.”


What if somebody blows all their money at the casino or on electronics they can't afford? What if financially inept individuals keep procreating? In Hildabeast's America, are the makers going to be asked to bail out the immature takers yet again?

It's funny listening to clueless self-righteous candidates like Shillary pretending their magic wands can subvert the laws of economics. Not so funny when enough libtards vote for them.

New member
Jan 9, 2009



REUTERS/Stefan Rousseau

by PATRICK HOWLEY22 Sep 2015539

[h=2]The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) has successfully recovered personal and work emails from Hillary Clinton’s private email server, according to a new report.[/h]Sources told Bloomberg News that some of Clinton’s emails have been extracted from the server, thus disproving the claim that Clinton managed to wipe her server clean after she deleted all of her emails earlier this year.
Therefore, some of the emails that Clinton deleted — the ones that she determined were NOT relevant to federal investigations — are now in the hands of the FBI.
The federal investigation, therefore, is now out of Clinton’s control.
Breitbart News has extensively reported that Clinton’s server, which was managed by a handful of companies including Denver-based Platte River Networks before it was turned over to the FBI in August, might have contained data relevant to the investigation.

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
"The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) has successfully recovered personal and work emails from Hillary Clinton’s private email server, according to a new report."

Well, well...

Slow Joe must've just informed Hussein he's in, giving Hussein the go-ahead to take out the nasty hag.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Shocker: Price controls cause shortages.

When the government sets a price of good below the market-clearing level, you get a shortage. That is, buyers want more units of the good than the sellers want to provide.

This drunk socialist witch should take a trip to Venezuela where her Utopian vision is playing out in textbook fashion: food scarcities everywhere; people blaming shop owners for hoarding etc.

“Nobody in America should have to choose between buying the medicine they need and paying rent.”


What if somebody blows all their money at the casino or on electronics they can't afford? What if financially inept individuals keep procreating? In Hildabeast's America, are the makers going to be asked to bail out the immature takers yet again?

It's funny listening to clueless self-righteous candidates like Shillary pretending their magic wands can subvert the laws of economics. Not so funny when enough libtards vote for them.

Joe dropping science yet again. Completely accurate too...except you left out the part about how the Venezuelan army has been raiding the factories of food producers in the country to extricate whatever the hell they can. Yep, that's actually happening...welcome to the utopia!

It isn't just food, either...diapers, drinking water, toilet paper and even gaso-fucking-line shortages if you can believe it. God only knows what else they're running out of. It's a complete and utter disaster down there. Yet I dare anyone on this forum to find me one single difference in policy between the Stuttering Clusterfuck and Hugo Chavez. In what way do they differ? Answer: they don't.

I really feel for the Venezuelan populace, because a lot of them are just good people who don't know anything else, so they believe this is the norm. Just google stories on what pregnant women in Venezuela are going through right now. Except their disgusting, corrupt leadership doesn't give a fuck. They're doing quite well for themselves living off the backs of the working people. It's all about maintaining as much power as they can over the population. Remind you of a political party we have here in the States, by chance?

Jul 4, 2012
[h=1]FBI Said to Recover Personal E-Mails From Hillary Clinton Server[/h]
The Federal Bureau of Investigation’s success at salvaging personal e-mails that Clinton said had been deleted raises the possibility that the Democratic presidential candidate’s correspondence eventually could become public. The disclosure of such e-mails would likely fan the controversy over Clinton’s use of a private e-mail system for official business.
The FBI is investigating how and why classified information ended up on Clinton’s server. The probe probably will take at least several more months, according to the person, who described the matter on condition of anonymity because the investigation is continuing and deals with sensitive information.

Jul 4, 2012
My goodness is this woman a brazen and bad liar

State Department’s account of e-mail request differs from Clinton’s

Throughout the controversy over her use of a private e-mail system while she was secretary of state, Hillary Rodham Clinton has described her decision last year to turn over thousands of work-related e-mails as a response to a routine-sounding records request.
“When we were asked to help the State Department make sure they had everything from other secretaries of state, not just me, I’m the one who said, ‘Okay, great, I will go through them again,’ ” Clinton said Sunday on CBS’s “Face the Nation.” “And we provided all of them.”
But State Department officials provided new information Tuesday that undercuts Clinton’s characterization. They said the request was not simply about general rec*ord-keeping but was prompted entirely by the discovery that Clinton had exclusively used a private e-mail system. They also said they first contacted her in the summer of 2014, at least three months before the agency asked Clinton and three of her predecessors to provide their e-mails.


More emails surface in Hillary Clinton Benghazi probe

More previously undisclosed State Department emails related to Benghazi have surfaced in a federal court filing, offering a public accounting of at least some of the records still being sought by congressional investigators.

The filing Monday in a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit brought by the conservative group Citizens United describes about a dozen Benghazi-related emails that were withheld in whole or in part as State responded to one of the group's requests seeking information about contacts between a top aide to former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and officials with the Clinton Foundation.

Read more:

New member
Jan 9, 2009
They really are investigating - that alone is good news.

New member
Jan 9, 2009
Hillary Clinton: Come Clean or Get Out

The email scandal is a distraction from the important work of the Democratic Party.


Ron Fournier


September 23, 2015

If the Demo*crat*ic Party cares to sal*vage a sliv*er of mor*al au*thor*ity, its lead*ers and early state voters need to send Hil*lary Rod*ham Clin*ton an ur*gent mes*sage: Come clean or get out. Stop ly*ing and de*flect*ing about how and why you stashed State De*part*ment email on a secret serv*er—or stop run*ning.
Tell her: We can’t have an*oth*er day like this:
Story 1: The State De*part*ment con*firmed that Clin*ton turned over her email only after Con*gress dis*covered that she had ex*clus*ively used a private email sys*tem. Ac*cord*ing to The Wash*ing*ton Post, the de*part*ment first con*tac*ted her in the sum*mer of 2014, at least three months be*fore the agency asked Clin*ton and three of her pre*de*cessors to provide their emails.
The story un*der*cuts Clin*ton’s claim that her de*cision to turn over self-se*lec*ted email was a re*sponse to a routine-sound*ing re*cords re*quest. She hasn’t been telling the truth.
Story 2: A fed*er*al court has helped un*cov*er more emails re*lated to the Benghazi raid that were with*held from con*gres*sion*al in*vest*ig*at*ors. Clin*ton has in*sisted she turned over all her work-re*lated email and com*plied with con*gres*sion*al sub*poen*as.
Again, she hasn’t been telling the truth.
Story 3: The FBI has re*covered per*son*al and work-re*lated e-mails from her private serv*er, rais*ing the pos*sib*il*ity that the de*leted in*form*a*tion be*comes pub*lic. “The FBI is in*vest*ig*at*ing how and why clas*si*fied in*form*a*tion ended up on Clin*ton’s serv*er,”Bloomberg re*por*ted.
While the Demo*crat*ic front-run*ner still in*sists there was no clas*si*fied in*form*a*tion on the un*se*cured serv*er, the FBI has moved bey*ond wheth*er U.S. secrets were in*volved to how and why. In the lan*guage of law en*force*ment, the FBI is in*vest*ig*at*ing her motive.


On Sunday, Clin*ton told Face the Na*tion host John Dick*er*son: “What I did was al*lowed. It was fully above board,” and “I tried to be fully trans*par*ent.” Both claims are ob*ject*ively and in*dis*put*ably false.

Hillary Clinton Comes Out Against the Keystone Pipeline, After Long Avoiding a Position

The Democratic front-runner has been wary of going public with a position during her campaign. Until now.

From the mo*ment this story broke in March, seni*or Demo*crats told me they were wor*ried about where the ques*tions would lead. Sev*er*al said they feared what the emails might show about the in*ter*sec*tion of Clin*ton’s work at the State De*part*ment and the fam*ily’s private found*a*tion. One Clin*ton loy*al*ist, a cred*ible source who I’ve known for years, told me, “The emails are a re*lated but sec*ond*ary scan*dal. Fol*low the found*a*tion money.”
That is still spec*u*la*tion. But months of dis*hon*esty and de*cep*tion took their toll: A ma*jor*ity of Amer*ic*ans don’t trust her, and the Demo*crat*ic nom*in*a*tion fight has shif*ted from a coron*a*tion to a com*pet*i*tion. A poll re*leased today by Bloombergshows Clin*ton barely lead*ing so*cial*ist Bernie Sanders and Vice Pres*id*ent Joe Biden, who’s not even in the race.
For Demo*crats, this is an op*por*tun*ity wasted. A crowded GOP field has been taken host*age by a celebrity bil*lion*aire with a his*tory of bank*ruptcies, sex*ist be*ha*vi*or, and ra*cially of*fens*ive state*ments. Lack*ing a firm grip on policy or the truth, Don*ald Trump is the GOP front-run*ner. His closest com*pet*i*tion, Dr. Ben Car*son, said Sunday he didn’t think a Muslim should be pres*id*ent, and his ef*forts to clean up the con*tro*versy have been as ham-handed as they are dis*hon*est.

Hillary Clinton, Jeb Bush and Iowa’s 2016 Grind

Both one-time front-runners are finding their route to the nomination long and complicated.

Which brings me back to Clin*ton. Loy*al*ists ar*gue that her policy agenda speaks to Amer*ica’s new demo*graphy and ad*dresses 21st-cen*tury chal*lenges. Even if they’re right, the Clin*ton team has un*der*es*tim*ated the value that voters place on a can*did*ate’s char*ac*ter. One top Clin*ton ad*viser told me in the spring, “Trust doesn’t mat*ter.”
Oft-burned Amer*ic*ans un*der*stand that a policy agenda is a col*lec*tion of prom*ises. If they can’t count on Clin*ton to be hon*est, they can’t count on her to keep her word about in*come in*equal*ity, jobs, health care, and the en*vir*on*ment.
She an*nounced a plan Tues*day to re*duce pre*scrip*tion-drug costs, prom*ising to cap monthly out-of-pock*et ex*penses at $250 without curb*ing profits that fund re*search in*to life-sav*ing drugs. Can you be*lieve her?
Over*shad*ow*ing that news was her long-awaited de*cision on the Key*stone pipeline: Clin*ton now op*poses a pro*ject she was once in*clined to sup*port at the State De*part*ment, a flip-flop that she jus*ti*fied with a rhet*or*ic*al wave of the hand. “I think it is im*per*at*ive that we look at the Key*stone pipeline as what I be*lieve it is—a dis*trac*tion from the im*port*ant work we have to do to com*bat cli*mate change.”
A dis*trac*tion from the im*port*ant work. That could be her cam*paign slo*gan.


New member
Jan 9, 2009
[h=2]Bill and Hillary Clinton Don’t Agree on Multiculturalism[/h]SHARE

Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton / AP

BY: Brent Scher
September 23, 2015 3:13 pm

One issue that Bill and Hillary Clinton cannot come to an agreement on is whether it would be good for the United States to become a multicultural society—the same question that has become a hot button issue in the Republican primary.
Speaking in 2007, the former presidentexplained that he had “one heck of a fight” with his wife on the issue after they each read Arthur Schlesinger’s The Disuniting of America: Reflections on a Multicultural Society, which warns that the United States’ days as a melting pot are coming to an end.
What side of the argument each were on, however, remains unclear.
“If she were not running for office, I would tell you which side she took,” said Bill Clinton at the time, referring to her failed 2008 presidential campaign.
Hillary Clinton has indicated during her current campaign that immigrants should not feel the need to assimilate in the United States, urging immigrant parents to speak to their children in their “native languages” rather than in English.
It is possible that although the Clintons may have disagreed in 2007, Hillary Clinton’s beliefs on the issue of multiculturalism have evolved in a way similar to how she claims her beliefs on the issue of gay rights have.
Bill Clinton revealed to a close friend near the end of his time in the White House that Hillary Clinton had a “general discomfort” with gay rights issues and did not enjoy being “around gay people who were kind of acting out,” according to an audio recording found by the Washington Free Beacon.
Bill Clinton did not share her feelings on the issue.
“Hillary, emotionally speaking, still finds the issue harder to swallow than I do,” Bill Clinton said, according to the audio account. “Generally I support the gay agenda right down the line.”


New member
Jan 9, 2009
[h=2]Two Unions Delay Clinton Endorsement[/h]One supported her 2008 bid

/ AP

BY: Bill McMorris
September 23, 2015 2:59 pm

Some of the nation’s top labor unions are holding off their endorsement of Democratic frontrunner Hillary Clinton in case Vice President Joe Biden enters the race.
Public sector labor juggernauts Service Employees International Union (SEIU) and the American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees (AFSCME) decided to delay any endorsement in the Democratic Primary, according to Politico.
Supporters of Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders (I.) hailed the delay as a victory and attributed it as much to Biden’s influence on the race from the sidelines as Sanders’ momentum.
“The hesitation on their part is likely due as much to Bernie as to Biden–he throws uncertainty into the mix,” said Rand Wilson, communications director for SEIU local 888 in Boston, who said he personally supports Sanders.
SEIU and AFSCME represent major cash cows for their favored candidates. SEIU with a membership of nearly 2 million spent nearly $50 million helping Democrats in 2012, according to the Center for Responsive Politics. AFSCME, which represents about 1.6 million, spent $31 million that year.
The unions split their endorsements during Clinton’s failed primary against President Obama in 2008. SEIU endorsed Obama and spent nearly $30 million helping elect Obama. AFSCME, meanwhile, endorsed Clinton.
The public sector unions’ hesitance comes just two months after the AFL-CIO, the largest labor group in the country, announced it was delaying any endorsement in the Democratic primary.
Clinton has been wooing labor in an attempt to head off the insurgent campaign of Sanders, a longtime labor ally popular among rank-and-file members. That could be a major hill to climb given their career alliances among labor groups, as the Washington Free Beacon reported in June.
A review of campaign fundraising records conducted by the Labor Union Report found that all of Bernie Sanders’ top donors come from Big Labor, which could complicate Hillary Clinton’s tack to woo union support.
Nine of Clinton’s ten most generous donors are investment banks, white-collar law firms, or companies, such as Cablevision and Time Warner, that have a history of union disputes.
Clinton has directed special attention at SEIU, appearing in person and over the phone at two major SEIU events in May and June, praising its campaign to impose $15 minimum wages at fast food franchises.
Clinton has an early advantage in union endorsements with six major labor groups backing her candidacy, compared to a single Sanders endorsement. Those endorsements have created some controversy.
In July, the American Federation of Teachers broke ranks with its parent union AFL-CIO by announcing its endorsement of Clinton. That sparked a revolt among rank-and-file members who embraced Sanders.
One labor official told Politico that the union hopes to avoid similar dissatisfaction by delaying the endorsement.
“We are determined to take the time necessary to make sure every voice is heard,” an AFSCME official told Politico.


New member
Jan 9, 2009
[h=2]In Battle of Dem Constituencies, Clinton Picks Greens Over Unions[/h]Laborers Union hammers Dem frontrunner for ‘turning [her] back on American workers’

Hillary Rodham Clinton / AP

BY: Lachlan Markay
September 23, 2015 11:35 am

Hillary Clinton’s newly announced opposition to the Keystone XL pipeline places her in the camp of the Democratic Party’s environmentalist base and at odds with labor interests that have traditionally supported the party.
Clinton called the project, which has languished in bureaucratic limbo for seven years, “a distraction from important work we have to do on climate change” during a campaign stop in Iowa.
However, advocates for the pipeline say the estimated 3,900 construction workers that would be employed in building the project—and the additional 38,000 or so workers that it would employ indirectly—is not a distraction, but a livelihood.
“Their jobs are once again being dismissed because of the need for candidates to curry favor from environmental elitists,” said Terry O’Sullivan, president of the Laborers International Union of North America, in Tuesday statement on Clinton’s announcement.
LIUNA is one of a handful of major unions that has vocally supported the pipeline and called on President Obama to approve it. O’Sullivan’s statement on Tuesday hammered Democratic presidential candidates for toeing the environmentalist line on the issue.
“Now, with a commitment from all of the announced Democratic Presidential candidates to oppose Keystone, the White House can cement its legacy of turning its back on American workers and congratulate themselves on fueling a radical movement that undermines our energy security and takes food off of the table of middle class workers,” O’Sullivan said.
He hinted at political consequences for Clinton and other Democratic presidential candidates, all of whom oppose the pipeline.
“Unfortunately, this is what hard-working, middle-class workers have come to expect from their supposed friends, and it is because of this that there will be pause and consternation at the ballot box,” O’Sullivan warned.
Other labor groups that have backed the pipeline such as the AFL-CIO and the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers had not released statements on Clinton’s decision by Wednesday morning.
AFL-CIO president Richard Trumka first backed the pipeline in November. “We want to get every jobs issue that we can out and as many jobs created as we can to get the economy going,” and Keystone is one of those issues, he said.
IBEW previously called Keystone “a vital project that would create 20,000 construction and manufacturing jobs, generate $585 million in state and local taxes plus another $5 billion in property taxes and strengthen North America’s energy independence.”
Union backing for the project signals a larger divergence between labor and environmental interests, traditionally two core components of the Democratic base.
Other environmental measures by the Obama administration have similarly rankled major labor unions. The United Mine Workers of America last year blasted Environmental Protection Agency regulations on carbon emissions from power plants that critics say will effectively shutter the American coal industry.
The regulations “will lead to long-term and irreversible job losses for thousands of coal miners, electrical workers, utility workers, boilermakers, railroad workers and others without achieving any significant reduction of global greenhouse gas emissions,” said UMWA president Cecil Roberts at the time.
Labor unions might oppose Clinton’s environmental positions, but some of her key financial supporters have worked tirelessly to sink the Keystone pipeline. Chief among them is Tom Steyer, the hedge fund billionaire who spent more than any other individual on the 2014 midterm elections and who is now backing Clinton’s candidacy.
The split between wealthy and middle class Democrats is evident in polling on Keystone. According to a 2014 Pew survey, a majority of Democrats who make less than $50,000 per year support the pipeline, as do a plurality of those making between $50,000 and $100,000 per year. Democrats making more than $100,000 annually oppose it.
Educational attainment also correlates with Keystone opposition, according to that poll. A majority of Democrats without a college degree support the pipeline. A plurality of college graduates and a majority of post-graduates oppose it.
Clinton’s move against the working class segments of the Democratic base comes as some large labor unions hold off on endorsing her campaign in the hope that Vice President Joe Biden will declare his presidential candidacy soon.


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Jan 9, 2009
Confessore: Hillary Must Be Worried About Biden’s Rise After Continuing Stories On Her Emails


BY: Daniel Bassali
September 23, 2015 2:45 pm

New York Times reporter Nicholas Confessore said Wednesday that Hillary Clinton must be worried by Joe Biden’s rise in the polls because people view him as a good alternative to the Democratic frontrunner in the wake of Clinton’s email scandal.
“This is problematic. I think that the kind of cascading revelation and explanations are part of what is driving Biden’s rise in the polls,” Confessore said. “I think there are some people looking for an alternative who are wishing that there is some kind of mainstream fallback for the party, and that’s got to be worrying for her.”
Clinton suffered from a series of damaging reports released Tuesday as rumors arose that her campaign may have turned the ship around. The FBI has been able to recover “personal” emails Clinton deleted from her server before turning it over. More of Clinton’s previously undisclosed emails on Benghazi have been found, even though Clinton said she turned over all correspondence relevant to her work for the State Department. The Benghazi documents were withheld from congressional investigators and occurred during a months-long gap in Clinton’s email record.
Most troubling for Clinton, according to Craig Melvin, is the State Department separating itself from the Clinton’s story as to why they asked for Clinton’s emails. Clinton has maintained she turned over her work-related emails as a response to a routine records request made to all former secretaries. State Department spokesman John Kirby went on the record to dispute the claim, telling the Washington Post that State Department’s request for Clinton’s messages was prompted by the discovery of Clinton’s private email server.
“You know, it’s hard to keep track. That’s part of the problem. This has become so convoluted, but it is interesting to see the State Department diverging from Hillary Clinton a bit,” Confessore said. “There was a sense before they were kind of playing defense for her, but recently we are seeing kind of a split. The State Department is now saying, no, this was not routine. This is problematic.”
After one poll showed Clinton increasing her lead, a Bloomberg poll found Clinton nearly tied with Sen. Bernie Sanders (I., Vt.) and a surging Vice President Joe Biden.


New member
Jan 9, 2009
[h=2]State Department: New Batch of Clinton Aides’ Private Emails May Also Contain Classified Info[/h]Judge questions slow release of emails by State

Hillary Rodham Clinton / AP

BY: Alana Goodman
September 23, 2015 5:00 am

The latest collection of private emails turned over to the State Department by top Clinton aides over the summer may also contain classified information, an attorney for the U.S. Department of State said in court on Tuesday.
D.C. District Court Judge Emmet Sullivan ordered the State Department in May to comply with a public records request from Citizens United by this month, but the department pressed the court on Tuesday to extend the deadline until December.
While Judge Sullivan did not grant or deny the extension, he questioned the slow pace and ordered the State Department to conduct a preliminary search by early next month.
An attorney for the State Department attributed the delay to the fact that Clinton aides Huma Abedin and Cheryl Mills did not turn over many work-related emails from their private email addresses until this past summer. These documents are only now being processed by the State Department.
The attorney for the Justice Department, Elizabeth Shapiro, said the process has also been slow due to staffing limitations, in part because the employees responsible for reviewing the documents must have proper security clearances. Although the documents were turned over to State Department officials in June and July, they have not yet been reviewed to comply with the Citizens United request.
“Many of these documents may have national security information in them, classified information in them,” said Shapiro.
Concerns about whether Clinton and her aides violated the law by sending classified information through private email channels have been growing in recent months.
The Inspector General for the Intelligence Community said in August that several of the emails turned over by Hillary Clinton from her private server earlier this year contained highly classified information. The FBI has also opened its own investigation. Clinton has argued that the emails were not classified at the time they were sent.
Citizens United is requesting correspondence from top State Department officials under Clinton related to the Benghazi attack, the Clinton Foundation, and the outside employment.
The State Department asked the court on Tuesday to extend its deadline for turning over the materials until Dec. 6—or potentially later, depending on the number of documents that the department finds are responsive to Citizens United’s request.
Sullivan questioned why this extension was necessary during Tuesday’s hearing.
He gave the State Department until Oct. 5 to complete a preliminary search of the latest tranche of emails turned over by Abedin and Mills, saying he estimated this should not take more than a few hours.
The latest batch of correspondence is separate from the collection of emails previously turned over by Hillary Clinton from her private server, as well as the emails that Abedin and Mills sent over the official State Department email system.
Shapiro said Abedin’s emails have just recently been put into an electronic search format and that Mills’ are still being processed. She said they would likely be ready to search by next week.
Citizens United President David Bossie commended Judge Sullivan’s actions after the hearing, saying the group is “looking forward to the next step.” He also said that State Department officials have been slow-rolling the release of these documents in order to protect Hillary Clinton.
“They want to buy time because the former secretary of state is running for president,” said Bossie.


Jul 4, 2012
Hillary is pressuring the DNC to have the debates on the weekends and over the holidays. (The problem is that of the four debates that are actually scheduled, three come on weekends (as opposed to during weeknight prime time), one of them on the weekend between the end of Hanukkah and Christmas.)

Probably because she is this great speaker and so popular.

New member
Jan 9, 2009



AFP PHOTO/Stan Honda

by PATRICK HOWLEY23 Sep 2015817

[h=2]Hillary Clinton’s right-hand aide Huma Abedin did private business for a Clinton-linked company on her State Department email account, Breitbart News has learned.[/h]Abedin was helping to recruit executives for the private corporate advisory firm Teneo Holdings, founded by former Bill Clinton right-hand man Doug Band, while she was on an official State Department trip with Hillary Clinton by her side.
Ken Miller, former vice chairman of Merrill Lynch and Viacom board member, is now a senior advisor at Teneo Holdings. When Miller was considering taking the Teneo job, he reached out to Huma Abedin. Why would Abedin, a staffer for Hillary Clinton at the State Department, need to be consulted on new Teneo hires?
The conflict of interest, according to emails obtained by Breitbart News, is staggering.
Miller’s executive assistant Shannon Nacey emailed Huma Abedin directly on July 2, 2012 with the subject line “Ken Miller call re: Teneo.”
Nacey told Abedin that Miller had just met with Doug Band about the Teneo gig, and wanted Abedin’s advice.
“Ken has been in talks with Teneo, and has met with several people there, most recently Doug Band. He would appreciate your input on a decision he’s considering. Can we schedule a quick call for today or tomorrow?” Nacey asked Abedin.
“Hi shannon – I’m so sorry I missed this. I’m in asia. Does he still want to talk? I emailed him as well,” Abedin replied on her official State Department email.
What was Abedin doing in Asia?
“I’ve landed in cambodia. We are 11 hours ahead. Its almost 4am so I’m going to bed for a couple hours. Call me tomorrow,” Abedin told Nacey in a subsequent email on July 11.
Hillary Clinton gave a speech on July 11, 2012 in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Thus, Clinton was with Abedin in Asia when she was dealing with Ken Miller’s Teneo concerns.
Nacey arranged for Miller to call Abedin. Abedin gave Nacey her cell phone number. Ken Miller also emailed Abedin directly at one point during this exchange, on July 10, 2012.
Reached for comment, Nacey, now an executive assistant to Miller at Teneo Holdings, did not provide comment.
“I can tell you that he’s not interested in speaking with you,” Nacey told Breitbart News, noting that Miller was also in meetings.

New member
Oct 29, 2010




AFP PHOTO/Stan Honda

by PATRICK HOWLEY23 Sep 2015817

Hillary Clinton’s right-hand aide Huma Abedin did private business for a Clinton-linked company on her State Department email account, Breitbart News has learned.

Abedin was helping to recruit executives for the private corporate advisory firm Teneo Holdings, founded by former Bill Clinton right-hand man Doug Band, while she was on an official State Department trip with Hillary Clinton by her side.
Ken Miller, former vice chairman of Merrill Lynch and Viacom board member, is now a senior advisor at Teneo Holdings. When Miller was considering taking the Teneo job, he reached out to Huma Abedin. Why would Abedin, a staffer for Hillary Clinton at the State Department, need to be consulted on new Teneo hires?
The conflict of interest, according to emails obtained by Breitbart News, is staggering.
Miller’s executive assistant Shannon Nacey emailed Huma Abedin directly on July 2, 2012 with the subject line “Ken Miller call re: Teneo.”
Nacey told Abedin that Miller had just met with Doug Band about the Teneo gig, and wanted Abedin’s advice.
“Ken has been in talks with Teneo, and has met with several people there, most recently Doug Band. He would appreciate your input on a decision he’s considering. Can we schedule a quick call for today or tomorrow?” Nacey asked Abedin.
“Hi shannon – I’m so sorry I missed this. I’m in asia. Does he still want to talk? I emailed him as well,” Abedin replied on her official State Department email.
What was Abedin doing in Asia?
“I’ve landed in cambodia. We are 11 hours ahead. Its almost 4am so I’m going to bed for a couple hours. Call me tomorrow,” Abedin told Nacey in a subsequent email on July 11.
Hillary Clinton gave a speech on July 11, 2012 in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Thus, Clinton was with Abedin in Asia when she was dealing with Ken Miller’s Teneo concerns.
Nacey arranged for Miller to call Abedin. Abedin gave Nacey her cell phone number. Ken Miller also emailed Abedin directly at one point during this exchange, on July 10, 2012.
Reached for comment, Nacey, now an executive assistant to Miller at Teneo Holdings, did not provide comment.
“I can tell you that he’s not interested in speaking with you,” Nacey told Breitbart News, noting that Miller was also in meetings.
"Breitbart news has learned". Lmao.....more garbage.

Does anyone normal think this is anything important? You far righties care about the dumbest shit. Bush sends thousands to their deaths and economic collapse of the country is no big deal.....but an email from a state dept staffer is huge news.

Fucking idiots.

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