Connecting the dots on Hillary Clinton


Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Steam. Lmao. Only you could be that stupid.

Killing you that I'm up 30k here and you're paying a line service for losers.

Gimme steam. Just like I'm doc mercer. are mental sheriff houser

reds and balt tonight



New member
Oct 29, 2010
Lmao. The famous sheriff joe mush. Orioles rallying in the 9th. Can sheriff mush strike again?

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Jan 9, 2009
[h=1]Hillary shrugs off question about whether she 'wiped' her server clean – 'What, like with a cloth or something?' – as she insists 'I did not send classified material' on her secret email account[/h]
  • Clinton told reporters she is sure she never sent or received 'material that was marked or designated classified' through her private email account
  • Such a marking or stamp, she said, 'is the way you know whether something is' classified
  • An aide to a Republican member of the Senate Intelligence Committee fired back: The way you decide if something is classified, when you're the secretary of state, isn't looking for a stamp. It's looking at the contents'
  • 'This is the worst buck-passing I've seen since Hillary's husband decided there was more than one way to define the word "is"'

New member
Jan 9, 2009

[h=2]Being Compared to Scottie Pippen is Terrible for Hillary Clinton[/h]BY: Brent Scher
August 18, 2015 12:44 pm


Scottie Pippen, Hillary Clinton / AP

Hillary Clinton was handed the ultimate backhanded compliment by senior White House adviser Dan Pfeiffer, who said that she is more of a Scottie Pippen than a Michael Jordan, like her husband or Barack Obama.
If Pfeiffer is right, this is not a good thing for Clinton.
Pippen is one of the all-time greats, but he is best known as a sidekick to Jordan who couldn’t win when he was in the leading role.

Jordan, an all-time great in trash-talk, was tough on Pippen the whole time they played together—making him play 1-on-1 until long after practice was over.
It had an effect on Pippen that became clear in 1994, when, after three straight championships for the Chicago Bulls, Jordan left to go play baseball. Pippen, who was certainly never allowed to take a final shot when Jordan was on the court, thought he would finally get a chance.
Then, all tied up with the New York Knicks and needing a big shot with 1.8 seconds left, coach Phil Jackson opted to have Pippen inbound the ball to rookie Toni Kukoč instead.
Pippen was so angry that he refused to even take the court as “the Croatian Sensation” nailed it.

Despite that win, Pippen and the Bulls would lose the series. They lost again without Jordan for most of the next year, but when Jordan came back they then won another three straight championships.
Though Pippen is proud of those six championships, they don’t earn him the respect from other all-time greats such as Shaq, who compared the MJ-Pippen relationship to Batman-Robin or Puffy-Mase.

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Jan 9, 2009
[h=2]CNN: Clinton Not Handling Private Email Story Well, Looks ‘Agitated’ When She Should Be ‘Contrite’[/h]SHARE

BY: David Rutz
August 19, 2015 8:00 am

After a testy press conference Tuesday in Las Vegas, Nevada, where Hillary Clinton again vehemently defended her conduct with her private email server as Secretary of State, CNN’s Mark Preston said Wednesday that Clinton looks “agitated“ and “frustrated” when she should be contrite about the situation.
Clinton at one point Tuesday asked if a question about wiping down her server referred to an actual cloth, one comment among many that didn’t go over well with the press.
“For Hilary Clinton, and we saw this last night in Las Vegas, she doesn’t seem to be handling the email situation all too well,” Preston said. “In fact, she seems very agitated when she has to answer questions, and I think for the American people, it’s not so much that she used a private email. I really think it’s how they’re handling it now and how she seems frustrated and agitated by it at this point, instead of just being contrite about it.”
The story continues to take its toll on Clinton in polling. An overwhelming favorite to capture the Democratic nomination heading into the campaign, Clinton’s lead over challenger Sen. Bernie Sanders (I., Vt.) has considerably narrowed, with a new CNN / ORC poll showing her below 50 percent support for the first time in the race.
Republican candidate Donald Trump, who trailed Clinton by 24 points in a hypothetical match-up in June, lessened the gap to just six points in the new poll.


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Jan 9, 2009
[h=2]MSNBC: Clinton Email Scandal Drawing ‘Disgust Across the Board’[/h]SHARE

BY: David Rutz
August 19, 2015 7:38 am

MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough said the growing Hillary Clinton email scandal was drawing “disgust across the board” Wednesday on Morning Joe, touching off a discussion about what sort of leader the Democratic frontrunner would be if she were in the White House.
“She surrounds herself with people who are afraid to tell her no, you can’t do that,” The Huffington Post’s Sam Stein said.
National Journal columnist Ron Fournier agreed, asking what kind of commander-in-chief would she make if she maintained her current level of insulation. He pointed out people in Clinton World were upset with her over the story.
“What kind of president would she be if she has people around her who aren’t willing to say, you know, what you’re saying about the server is wrong,” he said. You can’t do that … What kind of president is she going to be if she’s that insulated from the truth?”


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Jan 9, 2009
[h=2]Jeff Zeleny: Hillary Clinton Took No Responsibility For Her Personal Server[/h]SHARE

BY: Andrew Kugle
August 18, 2015 6:43 pm

CNN reporter Jeff Zeleny said Tuesday that Hillary Clinton took no responsibility for her personal server during a press conference that delved into the matter.
“She’s been defiant in her defense saying she did not break the law,” Zeleny said. “But she took no responsibility on her own.”
Clinton held a press conference with reporters where she answered a few questions on the saga that is dominating coverage of her presidential campaign. Clinton defended her decisions to have a private server and to use a personal email account for State Department business.
“No matter what anybody tries to say, the facts are stubborn,” Clinton said. “What did I was legally permitted. Number one, first and foremost. Number two, I turned over out of an abundance of an attempt to be helpful, over anything that I thought was even vaguely related.”
Many Democrats have become nervous about the investigation into Clinton.
“I talked to Democrats in Iowa, New Hampshire, they are anxious about this and they’re wondering how far this is going to go,” Zeleny said.


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Jan 9, 2009
[h=2]Heilemann: ‘Crazy’ For Hillary To Deny Email Scandal Is A Problem[/h]SHARE

BY: Daniel Bassali
August 18, 2015 5:50 pm

Bloomberg’s John Heilemann said Hillary Clinton was “crazy” on Tuesday for believing voters do not care about the FBI investigation into her use of a private email server while secretary of state.
“She says real voters aren’t paying attention,” he said on With All Due Respect. “I hear voters are starting to really worry about this.”
Clinton’s campaign insists the candidate never sent or received classified emails despite the State Department flagging 305 emails containing potentially confidential material, including at least two “top secret” emails.
“She is treating this as a legal problem by and large,”columnist Al Hunt said. “She better start treating this as a political problem.”
Clinton’s honesty and trustworthy poll numbers have plummeted as the email scandal continues to grow.
“They think FBI, they hear classified, they think this might be a problem,” Heilemann said.
Clinton has gone back to her “90s playbook” of calling the attacks on her a “vast right-wing conspiracy.”
“This is déjà vu. This is the way the Clintons did it before,” Hunt said.
Heilemann said Clinton is bunkering down and in denial about the facts surrounding her, which is troubling many Democrats.
“People are worried about her baggage,” Heilemann said.


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Jan 9, 2009
[h=2]Senate Judiciary Committee Chair: Hillary Clinton Emails Pose ‘Serious National Security Risk’[/h]SHARE

Hillary Rodham Clinton / AP

BY: Morgan Chalfant
August 18, 2015 11:06 am

Sen. Chuck Grassley (R., Iowa) is questioning the security clearance of Hillary Clinton’s attorney amid revelations that multiple of her emails to which he had access contain “top secret” information.
Grassley, who chairs the Senate Judiciary Committee, authored a letter to longtime Clinton lawyer David Kendall on Friday demanding he provide information regarding the “security clearance” he possessed to maintain control of three computer thumb drives containing the approximately 30,000 work-related emails Clinton turned over to the State Department from her private system.
“The transmission of classified material to an individual unauthorized to possess it is a serious national security risk,” Grassley wrote. “Moreover, if a person unauthorized to maintain custody of the classified materials does in fact maintain custody, it raises legitimate questions as to whether the information was properly secured from foreign governments and other entities.”
“Many intelligence community personnel, uniformed personnel and the American people may be at risk when classified material is not properly secured,” the senator added.
Intelligence community Inspector General I. Charles McCullough, III determined that at least two of the emails contain “top secret” information reportedly regarding drones. Moreover, 305 of the emails have been flagged for possibly holding classified information.
The State Department alleged last month that the government agency had given Kendall “instructions regarding appropriate measures for physically securing the documents” contained on the thumb drives, but the FBI decided last week that he could not continue to possess emails containing classified information. Kendall was forced to hand over the thumb drives.
Grassley voiced skepticism regarding the “security clearance” that gave Kendall the ability to hold the “top secret” information for the time he did, citing reports that Kendall has possessed the classified information since as early as December 2014 without “having an adequate security clearance” or “appropriate tools in place to secure the thumb drives.”
Grassley demanded Kendall send information to the Senate Judiciary Committee regarding his own security clearance–and that of any of his associates at law firm Williams & Connolly–that enabled him to possess the former secretary of state’s classified emails.
The letter comes weeks after Senate Homeland Security Committee Chair Ron Johnson (R., Wis.)expressed similar concern that Kendall’s handling of the emails could result in “serious consequences to national security.”
The FBI has launched an investigation into the security of Clinton’s email system, which has forcedthe Democratic presidential candidate to hand over the personal server she used while secretary of state.


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Jan 9, 2009
[h=2]Scarborough: Kerry’s State Department Shouldn’t Cover for Clinton’s ‘Deplorable’ Actions[/h]SHARE

BY: Alyssa Canobbio
August 18, 2015 7:47 am

On Tuesday’s Morning Joe, host Joe Scarborough said that John Kerry’s State Department has a lot of explaining to and should be embarrassed because it has been an apologist for former Secretary of State’s Hillary Clinton’s conduct with her private email server.
It has already been revealed that Clinton had top-secret information on her personal server, and more than 300 emails from her tenure have been flagged for further examination.
Scarborough said Kerry’s recent remarks that he thought his emails may have been hacked by the Russians and the Chinese was a form of cover for potential stories about Clinton down the road.
“The entire thing has been orchestrated in a way that is a real embarrassment, and John Kerry and the State Department should not be covering up for Hillary Clinton’s deplorable actions when it comes to classified materials,” Scarborough said.
Panelist Mark Halperin said that Clinton is terrified of having her personal information violated and that the Clintons hate to apologize because they view it as a sign of weakness.
Bloomberg’s Al Hunt said that Clinton is wrongly treating her email scandal like a narrow legal problem, adding that the scandal is going to be a test for her campaign manager John Podesta.


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Jan 9, 2009

by JOHN SEXTON18 Aug 20156,026

[h=2]After a townhall appearance in Las Vegas, Hillary Clinton was asked if she had attempted to “wipe” her server. She replied, “What, like, with a cloth or something?”[/h]
The contentious exchange took place between Fox News‘ Ed Henry and Hillary just after an event in Las Vegas. The question was prompted by an NBC News report in which unnamed sources at the FBI expressed confidence it could recover data from Hillary’s server despite the fact that an attempt had been made to wipe it.

Hillary, when asked if she had overseen efforts to wipe the drive, first seemed to understand that it meant deleting the contents of the hard drive. “Did you try to wipe the entire–so that there’d be no email, no personal and no official?” Ed Henry asked. Hillary replied, “Well, my personal emails are my personal business.” Hillary then repeated her claim, made since March, that her staff went through a “painstaking” process to identify any work-related emails and turned those over to the State Department.

When Ed Henry asked again, “Did you try to wipe the whole server?” Hillary became flustered, finally saying, “I have no idea.” Ed Henry tried a third time with, “You were the official in charge of it. Did you wipe the server?” Hillary they replied, miming the action of wiping something, “What, like with a cloth or something?” Hillary appeared to quickly realize this wasn’t what Henry meant.

When Henry suggested, “You know how it works digitally,” Hillary denied it, saying, “I don’t know how it works digitally at all.” Hillary then suggested questions about the contents of the server would be for “the people investigating it to try and figure out.” She did not mention the FBI directly.

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Jan 9, 2009
Yuri Gripas/Reuters

by JOHN HAYWARD18 Aug 2015463

[h=2]Yesterday we learned Hillary Clinton’s computer company, tiny Platte River Networks of Denver, Colorado, was not authorized to handle the classified and Top Secret material contained on her illicit email server.[/h]Today we learn just how far from an authorized Top Secret shop it really was, courtesy of the UK Daily Mail, which talked to a few former employees of the company:
One, Tera Dadiotis, called it ‘a mom and pop shop’ which was an excellent place to work, but hardly seemed likely to be used to secure state secrets. And Tom Welch, who helped found the company, confirmed the servers were in a bathroom closet.
It can also be disclosed that the small number of employees who were aware of the Clinton contract were told to keep it secret.
Remember back at the beginning of this farce, when Clinton assured us her server was kept in a secure facility and guarded by the Secret Service at all times – as if that would have prevented hackers from attacking it? According to what we’ve been told so far, Clinton’s server didn’t end up in that Denver bathroom – it was in Chappaqua, and later moved to a data center in New Jersey, which makes it increasingly bizarre that a company working out of a loft apartment in Colorado would take charge of it.
The employee who talked with the Daily Mail left Platte River Networks in 2010, and conceded that they probably beefed up their facilities a bit before they took on the Secretary of State’s secret email server in 2013. However, the Daily Mail reports the company didn’t move out of that loft apartment until recently, “when they moved to a much bigger 12,000 square foot space,” celebrating the move with an open house party on June 18.
Describing it as ‘a great place to work, but kind of like a mom and pop shop’, Tera reacted with disbelief that her former company was hired to manage the email system of Democrat juggernaut Hilary Clinton.
Speaking to Daily Mail Online at her home in Castle Rock, Colorado, Tera said: ‘I think it’s really bizarre, I don’t know how that relationship evolved.
‘At the time I worked for them they wouldn’t have been equipped to work for Hilary Clinton because I don’t think they had the resources, they were based out of a loft, so [it was] not very high security, we didn’t even have an alarm.
‘I don’t know how they run their operation now, but we literally had our server racks in the bathroom. I mean knowing how small Platte River Networks… I don’t see how that would be secure [enough for Clinton].’
The Daily Mail also goes a long way toward solving the mystery of how Hillary Clinton, who lives on a vast estate in Chappaqua, New York, chose this loft apartment company in Denver to handle her email server: the company has solid Democrat Party connections, did some work for Democrat Governor John Hickenlooper, and might have come to the attention of the Clinton organization during the 2008 Democratic convention.
Other former employees pointed out that Platte River did nothing wrong by accepting the work from Clinton, which they tried to keep quiet, and handled to the best of their ability. It was Hillary Clinton’s legal responsibility to ensure that classified information was properly handled; given that she’s been lying about it for so long to everyone else, it’s quite possible that she never told Platte River about it.
“‘I’m sure they didn’t do anything wrong. They didn’t write the emails, they didn’t make the choice to tell her she was going to use that email server. They were just turning the wrenches… you make it as secure as possible,” said another ex-employee, Jim Zimmerman, who imagined his former bosses soiling their trousers when the Clinton email scandal broke. “If she did stupid stuff on the email and sent out classified information, that’s all on her, Platte River can’t control what she does with it. In the end they can only build something to her requirements. They were just doing what they were contracted to do to the best of their abilities.”

New member
Jan 9, 2009
The tard is so dumb. I only posted 10 articles today connecting the dots to Hillary. Yes even articles from CNN, MSNBC, and Bloomberg. This just shows that this topic of Hillary's emails is gaining more and more attention every day. Deflectors like the tard (notice I quit using a capital T lol) Alinsky around and attack the posters. Can he defend her or her actions, if not then STFU right. Intelligent people stick to the topic but trolls do not. Again, why doesn't Hillary just give it up and allow the Dem's to find another viable candidate. I do not think that the Dem's are standing with Hillary and think they are standing behind her, way behind her. If they had another viable candidate wouldn't they throw them in the ring. The Republicans have 17 candidates. The very thought that countries like Russia and China could have those emails puts this country in a very vulnerable position should they use those emails to control Hillary and get what they want. They could get what they want without having to contribute to the Clinton Foundation if you can imagine that lol.

I knew from the getgo that this topic was not going away just like the tard lol.

Jul 4, 2012
This is unreal

The IT company Hillary Clinton chose to maintain her private email account was run from a loft apartment and its servers were housed in the bathroom closet, Daily Mail Online can reveal.

Daily Mail Online tracked down ex-employees of Platte River Networks in Denver, Colorado, who revealed the outfit’s strong links to the Democratic Party but expressed shock that the 2016 presidential candidate chose the small private company for such a sensitive job.

One, Tera Dadiotis, called it ‘a mom and pop shop’ which was an excellent place to work, but hardly seemed likely to be used to secure state secrets. And Tom Welch, who helped found the company, confirmed the servers were in a bathroom closet.

New member
Oct 29, 2010
"Only 10 articles". Lol

this old fool actually thinks he's connecting dots. Lmao.....only at rx

New member
Jan 9, 2009
I am through reading the tards posts - back to ignore.

New member
Jan 9, 2009
This is unreal

The IT company Hillary Clinton chose to maintain her private email account was run from a loft apartment and its servers were housed in the bathroom closet, Daily Mail Online can reveal.

Daily Mail Online tracked down ex-employees of Platte River Networks in Denver, Colorado, who revealed the outfit’s strong links to the Democratic Party but expressed shock that the 2016 presidential candidate chose the small private company for such a sensitive job.

One, Tera Dadiotis, called it ‘a mom and pop shop’ which was an excellent place to work, but hardly seemed likely to be used to secure state secrets. And Tom Welch, who helped found the company, confirmed the servers were in a bathroom closet.

Hmmm, strong links to the Democratic party, mom and pop, bathroom closet....yes we should trust Hillary to run this country lol.

Jul 4, 2012
Among 358 registered voters who identified as Democrats or leaning Democratic, 47 percent said they would vote for Clinton in a primary, while Sanders picked up 29 percent. Vice President Joe Biden, who has not made his intentions known about a run, grabbed 14 percent. Former Maryland Gov. Martin O’Malley received 2 percent, and former Virginia Sen. Jim Webb earned 1 percent.
Story Continued Below

In the same poll last month, Clinton picked up 56 percent to Sanders’ 19 percent, another indication that the “drip, drip, drip” of the email scandal is taking a toll on her presidential campaign.


Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Yeah....this story hasn't been beaten to death by conservative media for months

do you think before you type or just start typing when any dumb thought enters your tiny brain.

you're name is lying ace for christs sake.

Poker fraud vtard with a track record of either lying or being wrong about everything says the Clinton email scandal is a right wing conspiracy, but far leftist Howard Fineman says it's not partisan...

Hmmm...who should we believe? :think2:

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