Connecting the dots on Hillary Clinton


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Jan 9, 2009
Alexa CorseShane Harris


07.28.158:30 PM ET
The Missing Hillary Emails No One Can Explain

There is a two-month gap in Hillary Clinton’s emails that coincides with violence in Libya and the employment status of a top Clinton aide, Huma Abedin.
Among the approximately 2,000 emails that former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has released from her private account, there is a conspicuous two-month gap. There are no emails between Clinton and her State Department staff during May and June 2012, a period of escalating violence in Libya leading up to the September 11 attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi that left four Americans dead.
A State Department spokesman told The Daily Beast that for the year 2012, only those emails related to the security of the consulate or to the U.S. diplomatic presence in Libya were made public and turned over to a House committee investigating the fatal Benghazi assault. But if that’s true, then neither Clinton nor her staff communicated via email about the escalating dangers in Libya. There were three attacks during that two-month period, including one that targeted the consulate.
That two-month period also coincides with a senior Clinton aide obtaining a special exemption that allowed her to work both as a staff member to the secretary and in a private capacity for Clinton and her husband’s foundation. The Associated Press has sued to obtain emails from Clinton’s account about the aide, Huma Abedin.
The status of Clinton’s emails has become an explosive political issue ever sinceThe New York Times revealed that the then-Secretary of State was using a private email server to handle her official correspondence. Cybersecurity experts believe the homebrew system opened Clinton and her colleagues to targeting from online spies. The State Department and Intelligence Community Inspector Generals have asked the Justice Department to look into possible disclosure of classified information.
Regarding the security situation in Libya, there was plenty for Clinton and her team to discuss via email. On May 22, 2012, the International Red Cross’s Benghazi office was hit by rocket-propelled grenades.
“The attack on the International Red Cross was another attack that also involved us and threats to the compound there in Benghazi,” testified Lieutenant Colonel Andrew Wood, a senior State Department security chief in Libya (PDF) before the House Oversight Committee in October 2012.
Then, on June 6, an improvised explosive device detonated outside of the U.S. consulate, ripping a 12-foot-wide hole in the compound’s wall and prompting officials to release a public warning on “the fluid security situation in Libya.”
Yet the State Department has not produced any emails to or from Clinton about the improvised bomb.
Republicans on the House committee investigating the Benghazi attack havecalled the absence of any email communication noting the explosive attack at the U.S. consulate “inexplicable.”
Michael Smallberg, an investigator at the Project on Government Oversight, told The Daily Beast that while special government employees are not uncommon, the lack of information about Abedin may be keeping alive questions about potential conflict of interest in her work for the secretary and the foundation’s fundraising efforts.

“There are gaps of months and months and months,” Republican Representative Trey Gowdy, chairman of the Select Committee on Benghazi, said in a March 8 interview.
“The State Department transferred 300 messages exclusively reviewed and released by her [Clinton’s] own lawyers,” Gowdy added in a May 22 statement noting gaps in the email records. “To assume a self-selected public record is complete, when no one with a duty or responsibility to the public had the ability to take part in the selection, requires a leap in logic no impartial reviewer should be required to make and strains credibility.”
Since then, the Benghazi committee has recovered one email, largely about business interests in Libya, from June 2012 after subpoenaing Clinton confidant Sidney Blumenthal. The email from Blumenthal does not mention threats to the U.S. consulate, and there is no response from Clinton. The State Department subsequently gave the committee its copy.

U.S. interests weren’t the only ones being targeted in Benghazi. Five days after the improvised bomb damaged the consulate, an RPG hit a convoy carrying the British ambassador in Benghazi, wounding two bodyguards.
The United Kingdom and the Red Cross closed their facilities in Benghazi by the end of June 2012.
From there, the violence directed at the U.S. escalated. In a cable dated July 9, 2012, U.S. Ambassador Chris Stevens asked that the State Department provide a minimum of 13 security personnel for the U.S. embassy in Tripoli and the consulate in Benghazi, noting a heightened security threat. The State Department did not fulfill Stevens’s request, a Senate Intelligence Committee report (PDF) later revealed.
A Clinton aide didn’t respond specifically to a request about the two-month email absence. But in a statement to reporters, Clinton spokesperson Nick Merrill noted, “More emails are slated to be released by the State Department next week, and we hope that release is as inclusive as possible.”
The two-month period wasn’t notable only for violence in Libya, and it has been the subject of questions about Clinton’s email and State Department records for a different reason.
On June 3, Abedin, a longtime Clinton aide and personal friend of the Clinton family, was given the status of a “special government employee,” which allowed her to stay on the State Department payroll while simultaneously working for the Clinton Foundation, Teneo, a consulting firm founded by Clinton confidant Doug Band, and as a private adviser to Clinton regarding her post-State Department transition.
Conflict-of-interest laws ordinarily would prohibit that arrangement, but the special designation exempted Abedin from some ethics rules.
In 2013, the AP filed a Freedom of Information Act request for State Department records on how Abedin obtained the special employee status. The news organization asked for emails about the matter.
Last week, a federal judge gave the State Department one week to respond to the AP’s two-year-old request. At midnight Tuesday, just before the judge’s deadline, the department’s lawyers submitted a declaration identifying about 68 pages of “potentially responsive” documents.
That marked the first time that the department acknowledged, in its two-year dispute with the AP, the existence of any agency documents related to Abedin’s arrangement.
Michael Smallberg, an investigator at the Project on Government Oversight, told The Daily Beast that while special government employees are not uncommon, the lack of information about Abedin may be keeping alive questions about potential conflict of interest in her work for the secretary and the foundation’s fundraising.
“Unless you come across any evidence to the contrary, there’s no reason to believe she was abusing the special government position,” Smallberg said. But, “the State Department has allowed those concerns to fester by withholding basic information,” Smallberg added. “Even if she did nothing wrong, secrecy breeds mistrust.”
State Department lawyers have argued that once all of Clinton’s emails are released on the agency’s website, following a vetting process that will take months, the AP’s request for information about Abedin will have been satisfied.
However, since some of the emails on Abedin that the AP wants likely fall within the June 2012 time frame, that might not be the case.
About 7 percent of Clinton’s emails have been released. All the emails are scheduled to be released on a rolling, monthly basis until the last set is released in January 2016, to comply with an order by a different federal judge. The next release is tentatively scheduled for this Friday.

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Jan 9, 2009
[h=2]Rand Paul Demands Hillary Clinton Return Money Raised From Planned Parenthood[/h]SHARE

Rand Paul / AP

BY: Morgan Chalfant
July 28, 2015 1:19 pm

Republican presidential candidate Sen. Rand Paul (R., Kent.) on Tuesday demanded Hillary Clinton return the money her campaign has raised from Planned Parenthood.
“Today I call on @HillaryClinton to return money she’s raised from Planned Parenthood!” Paul wrote on Twitter Tuesday morning, hours after the Center for Medical Progress unveiled a third video allegedly exposing the federally funded organization’s sale of body parts from aborted fetuses.
Clinton has collected nearly $10,000 from nine individuals who work for Planned Parenthood since the start of her campaign, outpacing all of her Democratic competitors when it comes to raising money from the country’s largest abortion provider.
After the release of a second video showing a Planned Parenthood official negotiating the sale of fetal tissue last week, Clinton defended the organization and labeled the videos an “attack against women’s rights to choose.”
“I don’t have all the facts but Planned Parenthood has apologized for the insensitivity of the employee who was taped and they will continue to answer questions for Congress and others, but for more than a century Planned Parenthood has provided essential services for women,” Clinton said at a campaign stop in South Carolina.
She also called it “unfortunate” that the taxpayer-funded organization has endured such “concerted attacks” for its abortion practices.
Republican presidential candidates like Paul have called for the federal government to defund Planned Parenthood. The organization has received $27.8 million in taxpayer money just this year. The Kentucky lawmaker said Tuesday that he will announce a Senate deal to vote on legislation to defund the organization in advance of the August recess.
While House Speaker John Boehner (R., Ohio) has slammed the organization and demanded hearings be held on the “gruesome” abortion practices, House Democrats like Nancy Pelosi (D., Calif.) are ordering the Justice Department to investigate the Center for Medical Progress for secretly taping the videos.


Life's a bitch, then you die!
Jul 10, 2007
I don’t know who her nip/tuck buddy is but he did a nice job.


Sep 22, 2007

Hillary Clinton’s $600 haircut

By Emily Smith

July 28, 2015 | 7:56pm

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Hillary ClintonPhoto: Zuma Press



Hillary Clinton put part of Bergdorf Goodman on lockdown on Friday to get a $600 haircut at the swanky John Barrett Salon.
Clinton, with a huge entourage in tow, was spotted being ushered through a side entrance of the Fifth Avenue store on Friday.
A source said, “Staff closed off one side of Bergdorf’s so Hillary could come in privately to get her hair done. An elevator bank was shut down so she could ride up alone, and then she was styled in a private area of the salon. Other customers didn’t get a glimpse. Hillary was later seen with a new feathered hairdo.”
Clinton regularly sees salon owner John Barrett, who charges regular mortals $600 for a cut and blow-dry. Hair color can cost an extra $600.
It is not known how much, or if, Clinton paid for the haircut, and her reps didn’t respond to requests for comment. But Clinton’s attachment to her hairstylists is well documented.
The “Santa” recently referenced in her e-mails is Santa Nikkels, the proprietor of Santa’s Salon in Chappaqua.
And let’s not forget that her husband, Bill Clinton, was famously caught up in a 1993 controversy known as “Hairgate” when he got a $200 haircut on Air Force One as it was idling for an hour at LAX, shutting down two runways and diverting numerous flights.

Let's see, she's no longer part of the government, therefore, the taxplayers didn't foot the bill for this. So, what exactly is your point? Oh, yeah, I forgot who I'm addressing: as usual, you don't have one.

New member
Jan 9, 2009
[h=2]STATE DEPARTMENT[/h][h=1]Reported two-month gap in Clinton emails coincides with escalating Libya violence[/h]Published July 29,

NOW PLAYINGReport: Gap in Clinton emails as violence in Libya increased

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A reported two-month gap in emails from Hillary Clinton's private account during 2012 coincides with a period of escalating violence in Libya and the obtaining of a special exemption by her top aide, Huma Abedin, to work for both the State Department and the Clinton Foundation.
The Daily Beast reported late Tuesday that no emails between Clinton and her State Department staff for the months of May and June 2012 are among the estimated 2,000 messages that have been released from the Democratic presidential frontrunner's account.
A State Department spokesman told The Daily Beast that only emails related to the security of U.S. diplomats in Libya or the consulate in Benghazi were turned over to the House select committee investigating the deadly Sept. 11, 2012 attack. If true, that means neither Clinton nor her staff communicated via e-mail during a period that saw three attacks on international outposts in Benghazi, including one on the consulate itself.
That attack, on June 6, 2012, involved the detonation of an improvised explosive device outside of the consulate, prompting the U.S. Embassy in Tripoli to warn Americans about the "fluid security situation in Libya." Ambassador Chris Stevens, who was killed along with three others in the Sept. 11 attack, warned his superiors that "Islamic extremism appears to be on the rise in eastern Libya."
Two weeks earlier, on May 22, the International Red Cross office was hit by rocket-propelled grenades. Five days after the consulate bombing, a convoy carrying Britain's ambassador to Libya was attacked with rocket-propelled grenades, injuring two bodyguards.
The State Department plans to release Clinton's emails on a regular, monthly basis through January 2016 to comply with an order by a federal judge. The next release is tentatively scheduled for Friday. Clinton campaign spokesman Nick Merrill released a statement saying "More emails are slated to be released by the State Department next week, and we hope that release is as inclusive as possible
[h=2]More on this...[/h]

The Daily Beast reports that the Benghazi committee has only received one e-mail dating from the two-month period. The message in question was sent in June 2012 by longtime Clinton confidant Sidney Blumenthal and dealt mainly with his business interests in Libya. Security threats to the U.S. diplomatic presence were not mentioned.
Another issue raised by the e-mail gap is the status of Abedin, a longtime aide to Clinton and the wife of former New York congressman and mayoral candidate Anthony Weiner. The Daily Beast reports that on June 3, Abedin was granted "special government employee" status, allowing her to remain employed by the State Department, the Clinton Foundation, a consulting firm founded by a Clinton ally, and by Hillary herself. The "special government employee" designation prevented Abedin from being subject to some ethics rules.
On Tuesday, the Daily Beast reported that State Department lawyers identified 68 pages of "potentially responsive" documents in response to a 2013 Freedom of Information Act request by the Associated Press for details about how Abedin obtained her special employee status. That was the first time the department acknowledged having any documentation about Abedin's arrangement.
Meanwhile Tuesday, Republicans on the House Benghazi committee insisted there was no agreement with Clinton over her possible appearance before the panel, despite an announcement by her campaign that she would testify Oct. 22. Federal investigators said last week they have alerted the Justice Department to a potential compromise of classified information arising from Clinton's private email server.
A memo signed by the inspector general of the intelligence community said the IG's office had identified "potentially hundreds of classified emails" among the 30,000 that Clinton had provided to the State Department and that are now being processed for public release. None of the emails was marked as classified at the time they were sent or received, but some should have been handled as such and sent on a secure computer network, according to a letter to congressional oversight committees from I. Charles McCullough III, the inspector general for a collection of executive branch agencies that work on intelligence.

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Jan 9, 2009
[h=2]Hillary Clinton Receives Haircut That Costs More Than Average American Makes in a Week[/h]SHARE

Hillary Clinton / AP

BY: Morgan Chalfant
July 29, 2015 10:30 am

Hillary Clinton recently received a haircut priced at $600 from a stylist at the John Barrett Salon inside of Bergdorf Goodman in New York City.
The New York Post reported that Clinton’s visit to the Fifth Avenue shop Friday shut down portions of the store, its elevators, and the salon, which typically charges $600 for a haircut and blow dry–nearly 14 times what the average American woman pays for a cut–and an additional $600 for hair color treatment.
“Staff closed off one side of Bergdorf’s so Hillary could come in privately to get her hair done,” a source told the publication. “An elevator bank was shut down so she could ride up alone, and then she was styled in a private area of the salon. Other customers didn’t get a glimpse. Hillary was later seen with a new feathered hairdo.”
If the Democratic presidential candidate did act as an average customer and pay for the coiffure–representatives for Clinton did not respond to requests for comment–it set her back more than the average American makes in a week.
According to the most recent data from the U.S. Census Bureau, the average yearly income of a person in the United States as of 2013 was $28,155, meaning that each American earns an average of $2346.25 per month, or $586.56 weekly. That’s nearly $14 less than Clinton’s haircut.
And, while it remains unclear whether Clinton’s locks also underwent color treatment, the presidential contender has stressed her years-long habit of coloring her hair, informing the South Carolina Democratic Women’s Council in May, “I’m aware I might not be the youngest candidate in this race, but I have one big advantage: I’ve been coloring my hair for years.”
Amounting to a bill of $1,200, a typical cut, color and blow dry at the John Barrett Salon would have cost Clinton more than the median income generated by an American household in a week’s time.
The Census Bureau puts the median household income at $53,046 between 2009 and 2013, meaning that an average family earns $4,420.50 monthly and $1,105.13 per week–nearly $100 less than the cost of the hairdo.
It is unclear how much an average patron of the John Barrett Salon spends on tip.


Life's a bitch, then you die!
Jul 10, 2007
Let's see, she's no longer part of the government, therefore, the taxplayers didn't foot the bill for this. So, what exactly is your point? Oh, yeah, I forgot who I'm addressing: as usual, you don't have one.

I think his point is crystal clear.

New member
Jan 9, 2009
I think his point is crystal clear.

You see why I ignore his ignorance. I don't think he ever gets the point especially if it does not fit his agenda. He is willing to defend a haircut how about the real issues like Emails, the Foundation, Begnhazi, on and on. Footing the bill......really. It is all about character and someone who says she can relate to the middle class etc and yet is an elitist in every sense of the word. Some libtards can justify anything including most everything that Hillary has done. Innocent until proven guilty is their only defense. Actions speak louder than words is what counts. In Hillary's case lies do not Trump the truth. (Trump is becoming a household word/name).

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Jan 9, 2009
[h=1]Hillary Clinton: Planned Parenthood Videos 'Disturbing'[/h][h=2][/h]9:28 AM, JUL 29, 2015 • BY JOHN MCCORMACK

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In a new interview with the New Hampshire Union Leader, Hillary Clinton calls videos about Planned Parenthood's involvement in the harvesting and selling of human organs "disturbing." Clinton doesn't say precisely what she finds disturbing about the videos, only that it "raises questions about the whole process." The Union Leader reports:
Calling them “disturbing,” Hillary Clinton said undercover videos showing Planned Parenthood officials discussing the sale of aborted fetal tissue raise questions about the process nationwide.

“I have seen pictures from them and obviously find them disturbing,” the Democratic presidential hopeful said during a sit-down interview Tuesday with the New Hampshire Union Leader.

“Planned Parenthood is answering questions and will continue to answer questions. I think there are two points to make,” Clinton said. “One, Planned Parenthood for more than a century has done a lot of really good work for women: cancer screenings, family planning, all kinds of health services. And this raises not questions about Planned Parenthood so much as it raises questions about the whole process, that is, not just involving Planned Parenthood, but many institutions in our country.

New member
Jan 9, 2009
Hillary logic - Planned Parenthood is answering question she says. Hmmm, maybe she should consider doing the same thing without having to be subpoened lol.

Sep 22, 2007
You see why I ignore his ignorance. I don't think he ever gets the point especially if it does not fit his agenda. He is willing to defend a haircut how about the real issues like Emails, the Foundation, Begnhazi, on and on. Footing the bill......really. It is all about character and someone who says she can relate to the middle class etc and yet is an elitist in every sense of the word. Some libtards can justify anything including most everything that Hillary has done. Innocent until proven guilty is their only defense. Actions speak louder than words is what counts. In Hillary's case lies do not Trump the truth. (Trump is becoming a household word/name).

Hmmm, when Flip Flop Boy, Romney, revealed that he had elevators for his cars-another item which the recipient can spend anything that he pleases-you didn't say jack shit. You're a hypocrite and a moron, nothing new there.

Sep 21, 2004
Hmmm, when Flip Flop Boy, Romney, revealed that he had elevators for his cars-another item which the recipient can spend anything that he pleases-you didn't say jack shit. You're a hypocrite and a moron, nothing new there.


New member
Jan 9, 2009
^^^^^^Guesser cannot even hold a hammer much less hit a nail on the head. Romeny was a man of means, a business man like Trump, who unlike Hillary and Bill who have used politics to pave their way. I wonder how much Bill's girlfriend has to pay to get her hair done.

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Jan 9, 2009
[h=1]Author Ronald Kessler On Bill Clinton: ‘He Has A Blonde, Busty Mistress’[/h]July 29, 2015 12:00 PM
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(Credit: Scott Olson/Getty Images)

[h=4]Related Tags:[/h] Bill Clinton, Chris Stigall, Hillary Clinton, Ronald Kessler, Talk Radio 1210 WPHT
Chris StigallWeekdays: 5:30 a.m. - 9 a.m. Chris Stigall brings a contempora...
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By Chris Stigall
PHILADELPHIA (CBS) — Author Ronald Kessler defends secret service agents and makes some sensational claims about former Presidents in his new book, The First Family Detail: Secret Service Agents Reveal the Hidden Lives of the Presidents.
Kessler told Chris Stigall on Talk Radio 1210 WPHT that the recent struggles of the agency detailed in the media is more the fault of management culture than individual agents.

“The culture that has led to this corner-cutting, it’s a culture within the management, not among the agents. Agents…are patriots. They sign up to take a bullet for the President. The management has the attitude of covering up, dismissing problems, retaliating against agents that do reports problems. Unfortunately, President Obama’s decision to appoint Joseph Clancy, a veteran agent, to continue as Director, has just continued the same culture, because he really represents that culture.”
He reports some very scandalous stories in the book, including allegations of former President Clinton carrying out liaisons with another women when his wife, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, is not around.
“He has a blonde, busty mistress, and she’s been code named Energizer by agents. This is unofficially, but that is what they call her…She comes in to the Chappaqua [NY] home whenever Hillary leaves. The details coordinate to make sure they don’t cross paths. She, unlike Hillary, is very nice to the agents. She’ll bring cookies.”
Kessler also contends the Clinton’s relationship is only based on their desire to return to the White House in 2016.
“Agents say that it’s a business relationship. It’s not a marriage at all. It’s a total fake, like everything else about Hillary. It’s just a big show and a scam.”
And the agents assigned to Hillary’s detail, says Kessler, don’t usually look forward to the assignment.
“Hillary Clinton pretends to be this champion of the little people — she’s gonna help the middle class, she’s compassionate. But the reality behind the scenes is she treats her agents and others less powerful than she is with contempt. In fact she’s so abusive to her agents that behind assigned to her detail is considered a form of punishment,” he said. “That tells you something about her character.”
While some may argue that Kessler’s accounts are nothing but gossip, he stands by his claims. He said that many of the agents in the book allowed for their names to be printed along with their stories.
“I don’t make up things. You can tell from the accounts that they’re very detailed, for example with the Energizer agents are instructed not to ask for her ID or to ask her to sign in even though any other Clinton relative for example has to sign in,” he said.
The book doesn’t just focus on the Clintons. Kessler looks at previous administrations including those of John F. Kennedy, Lyndon Johnson, and Richard Nixon.
Before ending his conversation with Stigall, he threw in one more detail from the book: “By the way, Biden likes to skinny dip which offends female Secret Service agents.”

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Jan 9, 2009

"Kessler also contends the Clinton’s relationship is only based on their desire to return to the White House in 2016. "(from the above)

Dafinch and Guesser can't grasp the fact that we are talking about character here. Romney earned his way. Bill and Hillary have used and abused politics for decades and all for personal gain.

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Jan 9, 2009
[h=2]The Bold Leadership of Hillary Clinton[/h]BY: Andrew Stiles
July 29, 2015 4:25 pm



Most people who run for president lay out a clear agenda that reflects their party’s values, and take firm positions on important policy issues. Hillary Clinton does not. She equivocates. In some cases, she refuses to take a position altogether, especially when her actual stance on a given issue is at odds with liberal voters. Here’s where Hillary stands on several key issues:
[h=3]Trans-Pacific Partnership[/h]Position: [Indecipherable]
Many Democrats, including influential lawmakers such as Elizabeth Warren, oppose the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) trade agreement negotiated by the Obama administration. However, Hillary Clinton is on the record as Secretary of State repeatedly praising the TPP as the “gold standard” of trade agreements. That’s awkward, because it’s obvious how she really feels, but she doesn’t want to annoy too many liberals, so she has yet to take a coherent position during the campaign, which places her to the right of Donald Trump on the issue.
[h=3]Keystone XL Pipeline[/h]Position: No comment
Hillary refuses to take a position on the controversial pipeline, which has become an obsession for environmentalists who want to block its construction. She argues that because she was involved in discussion about the pipeline as Secretary of State, she couldn’t possibly take a position now that she was running for president. Asked to give a “yes or no” answer on the pipeline during a town hall in New Hampshire on Tuesday, Hillary dodged yet again: “I will not do it. I am sorry if people want me to.”
[h=3]Fracking Ban on Federal Land[/h]Position: Opposed
“We still have to run the economy,” Hillary said in response to an environmental activist who asked if she would support a ban on fossil fuel extraction on federal land. Hillary’s support for fracking on federal land may put her at odds with many members of her own party, but her position aligns perfectly with the interests of the big oil lobbyists who are raising money for her campaign.
[h=3]$15 Minimum Wage[/h]Position: Supports it, in theory, sort of
Unlike her Democratic challengers, Hillary Clinton does not support a national minimum wage of $15 an hour. While she vaguely supports the “fight” for a higher minimum wage, Clinton acknowledges that “there are different economic environments, and what you can do in L.A. or in New York may not work in other places.”
[h=3]Iran Nuclear Deal[/h]Position: If it works, she supports it. If it fails, she opposed it all along
Hillary basically supports the Iran deal—if it works. She also wants to make sure that if the deal falls apart because Iran cheats, she knew all along that it was a bad deal. “Do I trust the Iranians? Absolutely not,” Hillary said after announcing her initial support for the agreement. Whereas President Obama says he has not heard an argument from critics of the deal that “holds up to scrutiny,” Hillary has suggested that the deal’s critics have “a respectable argument.”
[h=3]Glass-Steagall[/h]Position: Opposed
Occupy Wall Street types and Elizabeth Warren are obsessed with reinstating provisions of the Glass Steagall Act of 1933 that were repealed under the Bill Clinton administration. Hillary Clinton, though,does not intend to make it part of her campaign platform. This puts her to the right of Rick Perry on the issue of Wall Street reform.


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Jan 9, 2009
[h=2]Cause of Action Sues State for Clinton Records Failure[/h]SHARE

Hillary Rodham Clinton / AP

BY: Destiny Albritton
July 29, 2015 5:23 pm

A whistle-blowing organization is suing Secretary of State John Kerry and the National Archivist for failure to properly preserve former Secretary Hillary Clinton’s electronic trail.
Cause of Action (COA), a non-profit and nonpartisan government accountability organization, filed a lawsuit against the agency, claiming it did not perform its due diligence in ensuring that Clinton followed record keeping protocol. COA executive director Dan Epstein said the suit was necessary to ensure transparency in future administrations.
“This case is about no government official being above the law and the duty of Secretary Kerry and Archivist [David] Ferriero to fulfill their statutory obligations to hold former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton accountable for misusing taxpayer funded federal property,” Epstein said in a release.
Clinton installed a private email server in her home, rather than using the existing State Department email server. She conducted official State Department business on the private server. She turned over thousands of pages of email records but not before combing through the files and eliminating tens of thousands of emails she says were personal in nature.
“Federal law requires these agency heads to notify Congress when such action has been taken,” the group said in a release.
Cause of Action’s lawsuit is aimed at forcing Secretary Kerry and U.S. Archivist Ferriero to engage in action to recover federal records that Clinton removed. Epstein said the lawsuit has plenty of merit to advance through federal courts.
“Mrs. Clinton’s emails relate to the official business of the United States, thereby requiring treatment as federal records. Even if we were to set aside the catastrophic failure of these agencies to implement and oversee proper record keeping protocols during the former secretary’s tenure, the refusal to recover the documents now constitutes brazen neglect at best and cover-up of illegal activity at worst,” Epstein said. “We have reason to believe our case will proceed.”


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