Connecting the dots on Hillary Clinton


Aug 6, 2006
“No conspiracy theory – this is really simple,” Stone explained. “Her parents were funders of the Institute for Muslim Minority Affairs, also active in the World Muslim League – both funded by the radical sheikh Omar Abdul Naseef, who also founded the Rabita Trust, identified by the Department of Justice as one of the funders of the attack on America on 9/11. Those are indisputable facts.”
“It’s ironic that Huma also comes out of the Institute for Muslim Minority Affairs, as did Mr. Khan, who of course got quite a bit of press at the Democratic convention last week. Two radical Islamic organizations,” he continued. (The Democratic convention was held July 25-28.)
“Why is Huma’s background important? It’s very simple: we know, since she went through all of Hillary’s email, to determine what we should see and what we should not, that she has therefore had access to Top Secret classified documents. How did this woman ever get a security clearance, given her very clear ties to a radical offshoot of Islam?” Stone asked.
He said that both Clinton and Abedin are women who have been “publicly humiliated” by their husbands, “but they stay for the power, and the money, presumably.”
“At least, that’s how it began with Anthony Weiner,” he added. “That was a prestigious marriage. Also, given her radical background, marrying a Jewish fellow, that’s pretty good cover, if you ask me.”
“In both cases, the women are humiliated, but they do nothing whatsoever about it. I find that interesting. Maybe they’re kindred spirits,” Stone speculated. “Now, from what I hear, from my Democratic friends, is that HIllary’s furious that Anthony Weiner is back in the paper again, because it reminds people of the philandering of her husband. The whole thing, I think, is a P.R. nightmare for the Clinton camp.”

He found it amusing that Abedin praised her mother as a “respected feminist” in theVogue interview, because “her mother was the leading advocate for genital mutilation in the Islamic world. That does not sound very feminist to me.”

There is no bigger enemy of radical Islam, and no one who has warned about it longer than me in this forum. And with that said this smear against Huma Abedin which was started by Walid Shoebat, who ironicaly has fabricated his own life story, is COMPLETE BULLSHIT!


Talk about "Connecting Dots." Now that there above is a drunken mess of Total BS!

New member
Nov 10, 2010
[h=6]- AUGUST 19, 2016 -[/h][h=1]STATEMENT FROM PETER NAVARRO ON CLINTON’S DEVOTION TO TPP[/h]"President Obama is quietly laying the groundwork to swiftly pass the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) in a lame duck session after the election and the silence from the Clinton camp is deafening.
Hillary Clinton refuses to state if she will withdraw from the TPP – the clear Trump position.
Hillary’s confidante Terry McAuliffe – Bill Clinton’s Finance chair and now the Governor of Virginia – says: “Hillary Clinton will support the TPP trade deal if elected president, with some tweaks.”
Hillary Clinton also claims she is going to “get tough on China” but her chief economic advisor Gene Sperling was a chief negotiator for Bill Clinton’s shoehorning China into the World Trade Organization in 2001 – and Sperling negotiated the worst trade deal in American history. Clinton had the chance to get tough on China as Secretary of State but instead economically surrendered to them.
Hillary’s new chairman of her transition team is Ken Salazar. His law firm has lobbied hard for the Business Round Table in support of TPP and is on record that 'the TPP is about looking forward.... Congress should pass the TPP.'
Hillary is short-circuiting the truth on trade and the TPP and can never be trusted on these issues." - Peter Navarro, Trump Economic Advisor

Life's a bitch, then you die!
Jul 10, 2007
Does this sound familiar?

Hillary Clinton won a U.S. court order denying a conservative watchdog group’s bid to force her to submit to questioning under oath about her use of a private e-mail server while secretary of state, but she’ll need to answer at least some of those queries in writing.

U.S. District Judge Emmet Sullivan on Friday set an Oct. 14 deadline for Judicial Watch to submit its questions to the Democratic presidential nominee, meaning her replies may not come until after the Nov. 8 election. Judicial Watch said it will act quickly, signaling Clinton’s answers may arrive in the final weeks of the campaign.

Never bet against America.
Jul 3, 2014
Hillary comes clean about her health and safely assures us it's no longer an issue.

You go girl!


New member
Nov 10, 2010
Several Clinton-Affiliated Charities Will Continue To Take Foreign And Corporate Contributions Despite A “Ban” By The Clinton Foundation

Last Week The Clinton Foundation Announced They“Would Only Accept Contributions From U.S. Citizens And Independent Charities”If Hillary Clinton Is Elected:
This Week Bill Clinton Said The Clinton Foundation “Would Only Accept Contributions From U.S. Citizens And Independent Charities” If Hillary Clinton Is Elected President. “The Clinton Foundation will no longer accept foreign and corporate donations if Hillary Clinton is elected president. … Bill Clinton said if Hillary Clinton wins the White House, the family's foundation would only accept contributions from U.S. citizens and independent charities.” (Ken Thomas, “Clinton's Foundation To Alter Donations Policy If Elected,” The Associated Press, 8/18/16)
But Other Clinton-Affiliated Nonprofits Will Continue To Take Corporate And Foreign Contributions:
Other Clinton Charities Will Continue To Take Foreign And Corporate Donations Should Clinton Become President. “Big chunks of the Clinton family’s charitable network would be exempt from a self-imposed ban on foreign and corporate donations if Hillary Clinton wins the presidency, loopholes that highlight the complexity of disentangling her from the former first family’s myriad potential conflicts of interest.” (Annie Linskey, “Not All Clinton Charities Bound By New Set Of Rules,” Boston Globe, 8/20/16)
These Charities Include The Clinton Health Access Initiative, The Alliance For A Healthier Generation And The Clinton Giustra Enterprise Partnership. “The most prominent of the exceptions applies to the Boston-based Clinton Health Access Initiative, which in 2014 accounted for 66 percent of spending by the Clinton network of charities. … They include the Alliance for a Healthier Generation, an entity cofounded by the American Heart Association and the Clinton Foundation, and the Clinton Giustra Enterprise Partnership, a joint venture between Bill Clinton and Canadian mining billionaire Frank Giustra.” (Annie Linskey, “Not All Clinton Charities Bound By New Set Of Rules,” Boston Globe, 8/20/16)
Would The Clinton Giustra Enterprise Partnership Still Be Allowed To Contribute To The Clinton Foundation, Despite Still Taking Non-Permissible Contributions?:
Clinton Giustra Enterprise Partnership Has Given The Clinton Foundation More Than $25 Million. (“Contributor And Grantor Information,” Clinton Foundation, Accessed 8/18/16)
The Clinton Giustra Enterprise Partnership (CGEP) Was Established By Bill Clinton And Frank Giustra. “The Clinton Giustra Enterprise Partnership was established by President Bill Clinton and Canadian philanthropist Frank Giustra, combining the best of non-profit and for-profit approaches to create new enterprises that capitalize market opportunities to generate social impact by addressing existing market gaps in developing country supply or distribution chains.” (“About Us,”Clinton Guistra Enterprise Partnership, Accessed 2/11/16)
CGEP Is A Canadian Charity, Which Moves “Significant Sums Of Money Into The Clinton Foundation’s Flagship In New York.” “Canadian charity called the Clinton Giustra Enterprise Partnership—which is run by one of Bill Clinton’s close friends, Frank Giustra—has been moving significant sums of money into the Clinton Foundation’s flagship in New York.” (Ken Silverstein, “Shaky Foundations,” Harper’s Magazine, 11/18/15)
There Is No Way To Know Who Gives To The Clinton Giustra Enterprise Partnership Because Canadian Law Does Not Require Donor Disclosure:
There Is No Way To Know Exactly How Much Money CGEP Has Taken In, Because Canadian Non-Profit Law Says Charities Do Not Need To Report Donors. “There’s no way for the public to know precisely how much total money the CGEP has taken in over the years—or how much it has forwarded on to the Clinton Foundation—because, unlike in the United States, under Canadian non-profit law charities don’t need to report donors to tax authorities.” (Ken Silverstein, “Shaky Foundations,”Harper’s Magazine, 11/18/15)
In 2015, Under Pressure From The Press, CGEP Released The Names Of 24 Donors, But More Than 1,000 Are Still Unknown. “Earlier this year, after being severely criticized by the Canadian press, the CGEP released the names of twenty-four of its donors, but more than 1,000 are still unknown. (CGEP wrote in an email that ‘going forward [it] will publicly disclose all future donors.’)”(Ken Silverstein, “Shaky Foundations,” Harper’s Magazine, 11/18/15)
The Clinton Giustra Enterprise Partnership Has Taken Money From Politically-Sensitive Sources Due To The Lack Of Donor Transparency:
According To Investigative Reporting From Harper’s Ken Silverstein, Clinton Giustra Enterprise Partnership Has Received Money From Corrupt Officials In South Africa During The Former Regime Of Jacob Zuma And From Senior Officials In Equatorial Guinea. “One money-laundering expert and former intelligence officer based in the Middle East—who had access to the foundation’s confidential banking information—told me that members of the royal family in Middle Eastern countries, including Kuwait and the United Arab Emirates, have donated money to the CGEP that has then been sluiced through to the Clinton Foundation. He told me that the CGEP has received money from corrupt officials in South Africa during the former regime of Jacob Zuma and from senior officials in Equatorial Guinea, one of the most brutal and crooked dictatorships in the world.” (Ken Silverstein, “Shaky Foundations,”Harper’s Magazine, 11/18/15)
Through The Clinton Giustra Enterprise Partnership, Foreign Governments Can Launder Money Into The United States To Buy Political Protection. “‘Equatorial Guinea doesn’t give to the Clinton Foundation in New York because it’s too embarrassing,’ [a money-laundering expert and former intelligence officer] said. ‘They give the money anonymously in Canada and that buys them political protection in the United States. The Clinton Foundation is a professionally structured money-laundering operation.’” (Ken Silverstein, “Shaky Foundations,”Harper’s Magazine, 11/18/15)
The Clinton Foundation May Have Violated Treasury Department Money-Laundering Rules By Not Disclosing An Account Linked To The CGEP On It’s Past Eight Tax Returns. “There are other signs that the Clintons and their foundation may have violated federal, state, and international law. Under Treasury Department money-laundering rules, the Clinton Foundation is required to disclose every financial account it holds abroad. It has failed to disclose an account linked to the CGEP on its past eight tax returns.” (Ken Silverstein, “Shaky Foundations,” Harper’s Magazine, 11/18/15)

New member
Nov 10, 2010
[h=6]- AUGUST 21, 2016 -[/h][h=1]CLINTON CAMPAIGN CAN NOT ANSWER WHY THE CLINTON FOUNDATION STILL TAKES FOREIGN CASH[/h]“The fact the Clinton Foundation is still taking foreign contributions until the election, but not after, is a sign they know those donations lead to conflicts of interest. Clinton’s time spent as Secretary of State was riddled with such conflicts of interest that lined her pockets and are disqualifying of holding any public office. The Clinton Foundation must cease taking foreign contributions immediately to prevent American interests being superseded by those of her donors.” – Jason Miller, Senior Communications Advisor

Today Clinton’s Campaign Gave Two Horrendous Answers As To Why The Clinton Foundation Is Continuing To Take Foreign Contributions:

<strong style="border: 0px; margin: 0px; outline: 0px; padding: 0px; vertical-align: baseline; background: transparent;">

New member
Nov 10, 2010
Last Week The Clinton Foundation Announced They Would Only Take Money From Individuals And Charities If Hillary Clinton Is Elected:
This Week Bill Clinton Said The Clinton Foundation “Would Only Accept Contributions From U.S. Citizens And Independent Charities” If Hillary Clinton Is Elected President. “The Clinton Foundation will no longer accept foreign and corporate donations if Hillary Clinton is elected president. … Bill Clinton said if Hillary Clinton wins the White House, the family's foundation would only accept contributions from U.S. citizens and independent charities.” (Ken Thomas, “Clinton's Foundation To Alter Donations Policy If Elected,” The Associated Press, 8/18/16)

New member
Jan 9, 2009
So accepting foreign donations is not ok if she is President was ok when she was sec of state???????

The Clinton Foundation needs to be looked into worse than the emails. Pay to play is politically correct????

Of course some emails are connected to the Foundation but we all know that is Powell's fault.....right. LOL

New member
Jan 9, 2009
[h=1]Hillary Clinton’s Top Aide Huma Abedin Published Articles that Blamed USA for 911, Blamed Women For Violence[/h]


Melina Mara/The Washington Post via Getty Images

by LEE STRANAHAN21 Aug 2016706

[h=2]The Daily Mail and the New York Post continue to build on the damning case against Hillary Clinton’s top aide Huma Abedin that the mainstream media continues to ignore.[/h]With a blockbuster story out Sunday that shows that Journal for Muslim Minority Affairspublished articles blaming the U.S. for 9/11, suggesting women were asking for rape by dressing provocatively, and that, according to the Post, “in 1999 published a book, edited by her mother, that justifies the barbaric practice of female genital mutilation under Islamic law.”
A recent article in Vogue describes Huma Abedin’s mother as a “feminist.”

Video: USOC apologizes to Rio, calls out swimmers' robbery story

The Daily Mail picked up on the New York Post reporting by Paul Sperry, writing:
Hillary Clinton’s top aide Huma Abedin worked at a radical Muslim publication that opposed women’s rights and blamed the US for 9/11, it has been revealed.
Abedin, who could become the future White House chief of staff if Hillary wins the election, was assistant editor of the Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs until as late as 2008, NY Post reports.
The aide was at the journal in 2002 when her mother Saleha Mahmood Abedin, who remains editor-in-chief to this day, published an article which appeared to blame the US for bringing the 9/11 terror attacks on itself, according to the Post.
An article by Huma’s mother after 9/11 claimed America’s “spiral of violence” and “injustices” created “a time bomb that had to explode and explode it did on September 11, changing in its wake the life and times of the very community and the people it aimed to serve.”
The Mail also reported:
A 1996 piece titled ‘Women’s rights are Islamic rights’, that appeared to claim that women who wore revealing clothes were inviting rape.
The author wrote that revealing clothes ‘directly translates into unwanted results of sexual promiscuity and irresponsibility and indirectly promote violence against women.’
As Breitbart News has previously reported, Abedin was working for the Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs at the exact same time she was serving as one of Hillary Clinton’s top aides when she was the Senator from New York.
Other articles and statements by Huma Abedin’s mother were sure to please the misogynist Saudi Arabian regime, but not Hillary Clinton’s liberal base. Sperry writes at the New York Post: Huma Abedin published articles in a Saudi journal taking Clinton’s feminist platform apart, piece by piece. At the time, Abedin was assistant editor of theJournal of Muslim Minority Affairs working under her mother, who remains editor-in-chief. She was also working in the White House as an intern for then-First Lady Clinton.
Headlined “Women’s Rights are Islamic Rights,” a 1996 article argues that single moms, working moms and gay couples with children should not be recognized as families. It also states that more revealing dress ushered in by women’s liberation “directly translates into unwanted results of sexual promiscuity and irresponsibility and indirectly promote violence against women.” In other words, sexually liberated women are just asking to be raped.
“A conjugal family established through a marriage contract between a man and a woman, and extended through procreation is the only definition of family a Muslim can accept,” the author, a Saudi official with the Muslim World League, asserted, while warning of “the dangers of alternative lifestyles.” (Abedin’s journal was founded and funded by the former head of the Muslim World League.)
So far, Hillary Clinton’s media strategy has been to simply duck the issue entirely, using her media surrogates such as the group Media Matters for America to try to discredit them. Often, this takes the form of quoting Republicans such as John McCain or Grover Norquist, who defended Abedin against allegations made led by Congresswoman Michele Bachmann.
Bachmann’s allegations were accurate but took the circuitous route of attempting to connect Huma to terrorism through the Egyptian-based Muslim Brotherhood. More recently, however, articles published on Breitbart News by this reporter and Trump advisor Roger Stone took the direct route of connecting Saudi Arabia-raised Abedin to the Saudi Arabian charity called the Muslim World League and its offshoot The Rabitha Trust.
The media has simply ignored the clear connection between Abedin and the Muslim World League, instead focusing on the allegations from years ago and writing them off as a“conspiracy theory.”
The new allegations against Huma are especially troubling given recent revelations in Breitbart News showing the irrefutable connection between the Muslim World League and terror funding.

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Giuliani: Press ignores signs of Clinton's illness

08/21/16 04:20 PM EDT

Continuing with the narrative that Hillary Clinton is unfit to be president, Rudy Giuliani, an adviser with Donald Trump's campaign, claimed Sunday there are videos online that show Clinton has an illness.

Giuliani said on "Fox News Sunday" that Clinton has "an entire media that constantly demonizes Donald Trump.

The former New York City mayor went on to say the media fail to point out how she has not held a news conference in over 200 days and her "several signs of illness."

The media "fails to point out several signs of illness by her; all you gotta do is go online," Giuliani said, before being interrupted by host Shannon Bream, who pointed out that Clinton's campaign has said there is no factual evidence to support those claims.

"Go online and put down 'Hillary Clinton illness,' take a look at the videos yourself," Giuliani continued.

Giuliani's comments are the latest from the Trump campaign questioning Clinton's stamina and health. Last week, Trump told Sean Hannity of Fox News that Clinton "doesn't really do that much. She'll give a speech on a teleprompter, and then she'll disappear. I don't know if she goes home [and] goes to sleep. I think she sleeps.”

Read more:



New member
Oct 29, 2010
A letter from Hillary doctor says she is in excellent health and fit to serve as president.

But Rudy and Hannity say otherwise :):)

must be another conspiracy!!!:):)

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
And her campaign is hiding it from the American people
Paul Joseph Watson - AUGUST 19, 2016 793 Comments

Radiologist: Hillary Clinton Has a "Serious Underlying Disease"

Board-certified diagnostic radiologist Dr. Milton R. Wolf says that Hillary Clinton has a “serious underlying disease” that her campaign is hiding from the American people.

Wolf, a practicing physician in Kansas City, reached out to Infowars to question why Hillary is being given the blood thinner Coumadin, a drug used to prevent heart attacks, strokes, and blood clots in veins and arteries.

According to Wolf, “Hillary’s doctors know you would NEVER, NEVER give Coumadin to normal, healthy patients. It’s too dangerous,” and that this must mean, “her risk of morbidity/mortality from blood clots without Coumadin must be substantial.”

In his experience, patients who take Coumadin are at risk of “intracranial hemorrhage” and suffer falls “on a regular basis”.

Wolf asserts that Hillary’s diagnosis of sinus thrombosis is only possible if she suffered “massive injuries” as a result of her fall in 2012.

“Her dural sinus thrombosis was absolutely NOT caused by a simple concussion. Not a chance. That was a lie,” he notes, adding that, “Sinus thrombosis is almost always due to serious underlying disease.”

Wolf’s assessment is in line with that of Dr. Drew Pinsky, who told KABC earlier this week that the treatment Hillary is receiving was “bizarre” and that he was “gravely concerned” about her health care.

A recent Rasmussen poll found that 59% of Americans want Hillary to release her full medical records, just as the media pressured John McCain to do back in 2008.

New member
Oct 29, 2010
Lmao.....a conservative doctor who has never treated her.

The desperation is downright hysterical. :):)

New member
Oct 29, 2010
BwaaaaaaaaaHhh. Poor Joe.....he's trying so hard.....if Clinton wins he's gone from here and can't troll me. Poor guy is starting to meltdown thinking about it.

Jul 4, 2012

FBI uncovered tens of thousands more documents in Clinton email probe

The total — confirmed by the Justice Department -- was disclosed by a conservative legal group after the State Department said last week that it would hand over the emails. The number to be released is nearly 50 percent more than the 30,000-plus that Clinton’s lawyers deemed work-related and returned to the department in December 2014.
According to Fitton, lawyers for the government said they plan to set a rolling release schedule in October, weeks before November’s general election.


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