Connecting the dots on Hillary Clinton


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Jan 9, 2009
[h=2]State Department Predicts Release of Clinton Emails Concerning TPP on November 31, Which Is Not a Real Date[/h]SHARE


BY: David Rutz
June 6, 2016 5:28 pm

The State Department has stated it wouldlikely release correspondence concerning Hillary Clinton’s participation in the formation of the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade deal on November 31, 2016, which is not a real date.
November only has 30 days.
During a report for The Lead on Monday, CNN host Jake Tapper laid out the saga of International Business Times reporter David Sirota’s efforts to learn more about Clinton’s role in the TPP with a Freedom of Information Act request. Although she promoted it constantly at the State Department, she came out against it as a Democratic presidential candidate. Republican Donald Trump and Democratic primary challenger Sen. Bernie Sanders (I., Vt.) have also criticized the agreement.
Last November, State Department official Charlotte Duckett informed Sirota that the search of records had been initiated within the Department’s Office of the Secretary, with an estimated completion date of April 2016. However, meeting that deadline did not come to fruition.
As Sirota reported, the agency said it had finished the request but was delaying release until after the presidential election:
Last week the agency said it had completed the search process for the correspondence but also said it was delaying the completion of the request until late November 2016 — weeks after the presidential election. The delay was issued in the same week the Obama administration filed a court motion to try to kill a lawsuit aimed at forcing the federal government to more quickly comply with open records requests for Clinton-era State Department documents.
Clinton’s shifting positions on the TPP have been a source of controversy during the campaign: Sherepeatedly promoted the deal as secretary of state but then in 2015 said, “I did not work on TPP,” even though some leaked State Department cables show that her agency was involved in diplomatic discussions about the pact. Under pressure from her Democratic primary opponent, Bernie Sanders, Clinton announced in October that she now opposes the deal — and has disputed that she ever fully backed it in the first place.
The email read, in conclusion, “the new estimated completion date for your request is November 31, 2016.” Although news outlets rightly focused on this as not meeting transparency standards by coming more than three weeks after Election Day, it seemed to escape the media’s attention that the State Department had written a date that doesn’t exist.


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Jan 9, 2009
[h=2]Hillary Clinton Bullied Vince Foster Before Suicide, Said Ex-Clinton Friend in Final Interview[/h][FONT=&quot]Jim McDougal said Bill married Hillary after ‘cold-blooded search’ for political wife[/FONT]

Hillary Clinton speaks at at the Lied Center for Performing Arts in Lincoln, Nebraska in 1993 / AP

BY: Alana Goodman
June 6, 2016 11:00 am

Hillary Clinton relentlessly browbeat her clinically depressed former law partner Vince Foster shortly before he committed suicide in 1993, according to notes from a final jailhouse interview with a former close business partner of the Clintons.
Jim McDougal, a long-time member of the Clintons’ Arkansas inner circle and a central figure in the Whitewater scandal, passed away from a heart attack in prison in 1998. But he said in a final interview before his death that Hillary Clinton had a “hard, difficult personality” and was “riding [Vince Foster] every minute” about Whitewater before Foster took his own life.
McDougal also described his ex-friend Bill as a “master con artist” who married Hillary after a “cold-blooded search” to find himself a politically beneficial wife. Bill, according to McDougal, also privately wanted to prevent Hillary from succeeding in her own political career.
McDougal, who was convicted of fraud in 1996 in connection to the controversial real estate partnership with the Clintons, sat for a number of jailhouse interviews with former Boston Globereporter Curtis Wilkie before his death. Many of his statements were reported in his posthumous 1998 book with Wilkie, Arkansas Mischief: The Birth of a National Scandal.
But some of the interviews, housed at the University of Mississippi’s special collection library, were not included in the book and have not been previously reported. They include McDougal’s personal observations of the Clintons’ relationships and their close confidantes during some of the major White House scandals of the 1990s.
At the time of the conversations, McDougal was cooperating with prosecutors investigating the Clintons’ involvement in the Whitewater deal.
“When I saw Vince Foster to put Clintons out of Whitewater, he was clearly depressed, a clinical thing. He was star[t]ing conversation talking about aging, eyesight going, asked me to sign something,” said McDougal, according to Wilkie’s transcript.
“Then Vince Foster committed suicide,” continued McDougal. “He had so much of their shit on his head and Hillary was riding him every minute.”
Foster, one of Hillary Clinton’s closest friends and advisers, was found dead from a self-inflicted gunshot wound in a Virginia park in 1993. Friends said the White House attorney had been deeply depressed in the weeks leading up to his suicide, and had been struggling to shield the Clintons from legal fallout from the Whitewater controversy.
McDougal’s comments support a Daily Mail report last week on the FBI’s 1993 investigation into Foster’s death. Federal investigators reportedly concluded that Hillary Clinton “triggered” Foster’s decision to take his own life after she publicly humiliated him during a White House meeting.
“Foster was profoundly depressed, but Hillary lambasting him was the final straw because she publicly embarrassed him in front of others,” Jim Clemente, a senior FBI investigator on the probe, told investigative reporter Ron Kessler.
After Foster’s death, files related to the Clintons’ investments were allegedly removed from his White House office. Although conspiracy theories have been floated for years that Foster was murdered, FBI investigators determined conclusively that it was a suicide.
Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump revived these theories during a recent interviewwith the Washington Post.
“[Foster] knew everything that was going on, and then all of a sudden he committed suicide,” said Trump. “I will say there are people who continue to bring it up because they think it was absolutely a murder.”
McDougal, an Arkansas Democratic operative and banker, befriended Bill Clinton in 1968 and remained close with Bill and Hillary until after the Whitewater scandal erupted in the early 1990s. His ex-wife, Susan McDougal, was convicted of contempt of court in 1996 for refusing to answer questions about the Clintons and Whitewater in front of a grand jury. She received a full presidential pardon from Bill right before he left office.
In the interviews with Wilkie, McDougal claimed Bill embarked on a “cold-blooded search” in the 1970s to find a wife who could help him politically—and decided on Hillary.
The future 42nd president was a “master con artist” who “prepped for this with girls and school teachers,” he added.
“I think it was a cold-blooded search by both of them [Bill Clinton and former Arkansas Governor Jim Guy Tucker] to find political wives,” said McDougal. “Important who to choose, still hungover from the 60s and both looking for good credentials to back them up.”
“Hillary had credentials to clean up after Bill, he thought she’d keep him organized,” he said. “The truth is that [Bill’s former aide] Betsey Wright was the one who got him organized for his comeback.”
McDougal also described Hillary as “generally a pain in the ass” and “very difficult for everyone, including Bill.” He said Bill seemed to privately enjoy the Whitewater scandal because it was damaging to Hillary’s future political career.
“She had a hard, difficult personality and it got truly released,” said McDougal. “When Bill got to be his own man again, I could see it starts up agains [sic].”
“I think Bill may actually like Whitewater case becasue it makes certain it denies Hillary a position of honor and power in country [sic],” he added.
McDougal also weighed in on other members of the Clintons’ inner circle. He said he was surprised by the midlife-crisis escapades of Jim Blair, the Arkansas attorney at the center of the Clintons’ “Cattlegate” scandal.
“I remember a New Yars’ [sic] party at [Jim Blair’s] house in Fayetteville, he’s about to marry Diane Kincade, and he’s having a midlife change. He dressed in blue crushed velvet suit, and Susan [McDougal] goes into his bedroom to use the bathroom and she says, youve [sic] got to go look at this. Its a big mirror, over the bed, a plastic, like the kind youre [sic] order from a sex catalogue [sic].”
McDougal also speculated that long-time Clinton hand Bruce Lindsey suffered from brain damage.
“Bruce Lindsey? He was around the campaign in ‘74, with Fulbright. Not a buddy. Only perception I had of him is that he’s very slow. He has that metallic sound in voice that a clinical psychologist will tell you is indicative of brain damage,” said McDougal.
At the time of McDougal’s death he was still cooperating with federal prosecutors on their investigation of the Clintons’ involvement with the Whitewater real estate venture. The Clintons were never charged.
The controversy stemmed from the 1970s, when McDougal and his wife partnered with the Clintons to purchase a large tract of land in the Arkansas Ozarks. The unsuccessful investment became a national scandal decades later, after the New York Times reported on evidence of impropriety related to the deal.
A central question in the case was whether Bill Clinton used his political influence to help obtain a fraudulent federal loan for the McDougals. There were also accusations of kickbacks related to Hillary Clinton’s alleged legal work on behalf of the McDougals’ bank, Madison Guaranty Savings and Loan.
McDougal gave a candid, first-hand account of the controversy in his book Arkansas Mischief, written with Wilkie. He argued that the Clintons knowingly broke the law in Whitewater and other deals, repeatedly lied under oath, and accepted bribes while in Arkansas. He also claimed Bill and his ex-wife, Susan, had a long-standing affair that began during their marriage.
Even after McDougal started serving his three and a half year prison sentence in 1997, he maintained a sense of humor about Whitewater.
He joked in the press before going to prison that it was co-ed, and said he “might run into Hillary.”
“All the inmates loved that, ask when’s Hillary coming,” said McDougal.
After McDougal’s death from a heart condition, his friend and fellow prisoner Darren Wesley Williams wrote to the editor of the now-defunct George magazine. The letter was also included in the Wilkie archive.
“I liked Jim, he made me laugh,” wrote Williams in the March 12, 1998 letter, which also claimed the prison guards’ were negligent when it came to giving McDougal his medication. “He was one of the few patrons that openly proclaimed his guilt.”
“In the T.V. room he’d have his arm slung over another chair,” Williams added. “If someone came up and asked to sit there he’d say, ‘no, I’m saving this for Bill.’”


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Nov 10, 2010

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Nov 10, 2010
[h=2]Clinton clinches the Democratic nomination as support from super delegates pushes her over the top - but Bernie still won't give up[/h]

Hillary Clinton will be the first woman to top the presidential ticket of a major U.S. political party, having captured commitments from the number of delegates needed to become the Democratic Party's presumptive nominee. It was a victory that arrived Monday - nearly eight years to the day after she conceded her first White House campaign to Barack Obama and famously noted her inability to "shatter that highest, hardest glass ceiling." Campaigning this time as the loyal successor to the nation's first black president, Clinton held off a surprisingly strong challenge from Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders to break through. Clinton reached the 2,383 delegates needed to become the presumptive nominee with a decisive victory in Puerto Rico and a burst of last-minute support from party insiders known as superdelegates. Bernie Sanders' campaign says Hillary Clinton's nomination as the Democratic Party's presidential pick is dependent on superdelegates who can still change their minds between now and the July convention.



After the AP's announcement was made, Hillary Clinton dashed off this tweet, likely because she's concerned that voter turnout will be depressed if supporters think the race is over


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Jan 9, 2009


Curiel awarded scholarship to illegal immigrant

Published: 13 hours agoimage:
JEROME R. CORSI About | Email | Archive


President Obama addressing the Council of La Raza
NEW YORK – The federal judge presiding over the Trump University class action lawsuit is a member of the San Diego La Raza Lawyers Association, a group that while not a branch of the National Council of La Raza, has ties to the controversial organization, which translates literally “The Race.”

U.S. District Judge Gonzalo Curiel, who has been criticized by Donald Trump as a “hater” appointed by President Obama who should be recused from the case, listed his membership in the “La Raza Lawyers of San Diego” on a judicial questionnaire he filled out when he was selected to be a federal judge. He was named in a brochure as a member of the selection committee for the organization’s 2014 Annual Scholarship Fund Dinner & Gala. Meanwhile, the San-Diego based law firm representing the plaintiffs in the Trump University case, Robbins Geller Rudman & Dowd, was listed as a sponsor of the event.

WND reported the San Diego firm paid $675,000 to the Clintons for speeches, and the firm’s founder is a wealthy San Diego lawyer who served a two-year sentence in federal prison for his role in a kickback scheme to mobilize plaintiffs for class-action lawsuits.

Get a first-hand account of the Democratic Party presidential front-runner’s character in “Hillary The Other Woman.” Then take action with the Hillary Clinton Investigative Justice Project and let others know, with a bumper sticker calling for “Hillary for prosecution, not president.”

While critics of Trump have argued that the San Diego La Raza Lawyers’ association is not affiliated with the National Council of La Raza, consider the following:

  • The San Diego La Raza Lawyers Association is a member of the La Raza Lawyers of California, affiliated with the Chicano/Latino Bar Association of California.
  • On the website of the La Raza Lawyers Association of California, at the bottom of the “Links & Affiliates Page,” the National Council of La Raza is listed.
  • The website of the San Diego La Raza Lawyers Association is joint-listed as San Diego’s Latino/Latina Bar Association.
  • On the “endorsements” page, the combined website lists the National Council of La Raza as part of the “community,” along with the Hispanic National Bar Association,, a group that emerged with a changed name from the originally formed La Raza National Lawyers Association and the La Raza National Bar Association tracing its origin back to 1971.
Further, while the San Diego La Raza Lawyers Association and the National Council of La Raza are legally separate incorporated entities, the two groups appear to have an affiliation that traces back to the emergence of MEChA, the Moviemento Estudiantil Chicanos de Atzlán.

MEChA is a 1960s radical separatist student movement in California that espoused the mythical Aztec idea of a “nation of Aztlán,” comprising much of the southwestern United States, including California.

As David Horowitz points out on his website Discover the Networks that La Raza, Spanish for “the race,” also has roots in the early 1960s with a “united front” organization, the National Organization for Mexican American Services, NOMAS. The group initially was funded by the Ford Foundation, and subsequently by George Soros’ Open Society Institute and the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation.

In 1968, the Southwest Council of La Raza was organized with Ford Foundation funding. In 1972, the group changed its name to the National Council of La Raza and opened an office in Washington, D.C.


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Jan 9, 2009
[h=2]Clinton Laments Income Inequality While Wearing $12K Armani Jacket[/h]SHARE

Hillary Clinton celebrates after winning the New York primary / AP

BY: Morgan Chalfant
June 6, 2016 3:07 pm

Hillary Clinton wore a jacket that costs more than $12,000 when she discussed income inequality and other economic issues following her victory in the New York primary earlier this year.
According to the New York Post, Clinton sported the $12,495 Giorgio Armani jacket when delivering remarks in New York City in April after defeating competitor Sen. Bernie Sanders (I., Vt.) in her home-state primary.
The price of the jacket constitutes roughly 40 percent of what the average American worker makes in a year. According to the most recent data provided by the U.S. Census Bureau, the median income for U.S. workers in 2014 was $30,815.
While wearing the Armani jacket, Clinton emphasized her commitment to a “progressive” agenda, lamenting economic inequality and promising to raise wages and create jobs should she win the presidency.
“We all know many people who are still hurting. I see it everywhere I go. The Great Recession wiped out jobs, homes, and savings, and a lot of Americans haven’t yet recovered. But I still believe with all my heart that as another greater Democratic President once said, there’s nothing wrong with America that can’t be cured by what’s right with America. That is, after all, what we’ve always done. It’s who we are. America is a problem-solving nation,” Clinton said during the speech.
“In this campaign, we are setting bold progressive goals backed up by real plans that will improve lives, creating more good jobs that provide dignity and pride in a middle class life, raising wages and reducing inequality, making sure all our kids get a good education no matter what zip code they live in, building ladders of opportunity and empowerment so all of our people can go as far as their hard work and talent will take them,” she continued.
Clinton’s personal wealth has long been the subject of reports, and her earnings from paid speech engagements to Wall Street companies and other institutions have been especially scrutinized. Clinton has been criticized for not releasing transcripts of her private speeches to Goldman Sachs executives, which netted her $225,000 each.
Clinton has sought to minimize her wealth, insisting during a now-infamous 2014 interview that she and former President Bill Clinton were “dead broke” when they left the White House in 2001.
The Clintons have earned $6.7 million from delivering speeches since the start of 2015, according to recently released financial disclosures.


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Nov 10, 2010



Dressed for success: Clinton wore an Armani jacket the night she won the New York primary




Separating wheat from chaff: Clinton showed off her upgraded wardrobe in Iowa in August in a $4,000 jacket




Her outfits have outclassed her Democratic rivals, but at an upgrade price estimated at up to $200,000. The Armani Collezioni outfit she wore at the Las Vegas debate has been pegged at $1,200




Clinton kicked off her Instagram account with a rack of red, white and blue pantsuits and a joke about 'hard choices'




Clinton waves to the crowd at the Democratic National Convention in Denver



Fashion assist: Clinton was spotted leaving Ralph Lauren Women's and Home Flagship store in Manhattan last month



Clinton attends the wedding of Andrea Catsimatidis and Christopher Nixon Cox at the Greek Orthodox Cathedral Of The Holy Trinity in 2011



Clinton danced with her husband at the Arkansas inaugural ball in 1993


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Nov 10, 2010
Typical socialist: "do as I say not as I do".

When the media trashed Sarah Palin for buying a new designer wardrobe! Guess it's only OK to be an elitist if you're a democrat.


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Jan 16, 2013
Not only does Donald Trump edge out Hillary Clinton with current Florida polling, but the
cross tabs of the demographics destroy two very specific media narratives:

  • Female voters have a higher unfavorability opinion of Hillary Clinton that Donald
  • Trump by a margin of 56% to 55%.
  • Female Voters support Donald Trump (45%) over Hillary Clinton (44%) by the
  • same margin as the general electorate result. 45/44
In addition 14% of registered Democrats support Donald Trump. Conversely only 9% of
registered republicans would support Hillary Clinton.

Aug 6, 2006
She is definitely having a better June than Trump is so far. I think Trump is more concerned about his lawsuit than his candidacy and he keeps saying dumb shit and getting criticised by fellow Pubs.

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Nov 10, 2010
Hillary makes history: Clinton claims victory as the first woman Democratic nominee and urges Bernie to let her take on 'unfit bully' Trump in race for the presidency


Hillary Clinton put new cracks in the nation's highest glass ceiling tonight as she became the first woman to win the popular vote in a major party's primary. Speaking to her supporters from Brooklyn, New York, just down the road from her national campaign office, Clinton said her accomplishment belongs not just to her - 'tonight belongs to all of you.' 'It is not about one person, it belongs to generations of women and men,' the 68-year-old former first lady, U.S. senator and secretary of state, said, declaring herself the 'Democratic nominee.' Paying tribute to her 2008 speech at the end of the line, when she narrowly lost the nomination to Barack Obama, Clinton told her supporters, 'It may be hard to see tonight, but we are all standing under a glass ceiling right now.' 'This campaign is about making sure there are no ceilings no limits on anybody.'


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Nov 10, 2010



Hillary Clinton saw her prospects rise this week, gaining two points when she was pitted just against Donald Trump, likely getting a bump because of her well-received foreign policy speech in San Diego



When a third party is added to the equation, Hillary Clinton's support gets sucked away and Donald Trump becomes the winner of the White House, early polling shows


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Nov 10, 2010
[h=2]Obama is still holding off an endorsement out of 'respect' for voters casting ballots Tuesday but could finally make public comment within hours - with attention focusing on his first 'Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon' appearance Thursday[/h]
President Obama is holding off on making a formal endorsement 'out of respect' for people voting in California and New Jersey Tuesday - but he could make his views known within hours.

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Jan 9, 2009
[h=1]California contraction: Hillary loses 30% of votes from 2008[/h]JUNE 8, 2016

Hillary Clinton’s base of support appears to have hit its high watermark eight years ago.
The election results from the California and New Jersey primaries are just the latest examples of the contraction of enthusiasm her campaign seems to be experiencing.
With 94.4% of precincts reporting, Clinton won 1,841,285 votes in California on Tuesday, compared to Bernie Sanders’s 1,416,742, Politico reports.
That’s nearly a 30% drop in total support from 2008, when shereceived 2,608,184 votes, or 51.47%. (Barack Obama got 2,186,662 votes or 43.16%.)

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The results weren’t much better in New Jersey. While Clinton won the state — as she did in 2008 — she saw a decline in support there, too.
On Tuesday, Clinton received 542,656 votes, or 63.35% of the ballots cast compared to Sanders’s 315,194 votes, according to the Politico totals.
That’s a 13% decline in support from her 2008 turnout, when she received 613,500 votes — or 53.76% of the total votes, compared to 501,374 ballots cast for Obama.

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Jan 9, 2009
[h=1]Pat Caddell: Two-Thirds of Americans Think Hillary Clinton ‘Is Not Telling The Truth’ on Key Issues[/h]



by DAN RIEHL8 Jun 2016Washington, DC2

[h=2]During his Wednesday morning appearance onBreitbart News Daily, on SiriusXM Patriot Channel 125 with hosts Stephen K. Bannon and Alex Marlow, veteran political strategist Pat Caddell said of Hillary Clinton, “I think she has probably as deep a credibility problem as has ever existed at the presidential level.”[/h]Caddell cited a recent Quinnipiac poll from earlier this week on how people viewed the candidates on specific issues: “Almost two-thirds of the American people said she wouldn’t even try, i.e. she is not telling us the truth” on at least two of her signature issues.
Hillary Clinton would not even try to remove secret money from politics, 63 percent of voters say, while 9 percent say she would succeed and 18 percent say she would try and fail.
She also would not try to curb the power of Wall Street, 56 percent of voters say, as 15 percent say she would succeed and 21 percent say she would try and fail.
Caddell also expressed outrage “over the Associated Press prematurely declaring the Democratic presidential primary over, and coronating Hillary Clinton as the nominee, before Tuesday night’s important votes were cast.”
“I have to tell you, somebody’s got to say that what the AP did, in announcing that she had won, the nomination was over, on the eve of the voting of these seven primaries, was so irresponsible an act,” Caddell said. “And it was a purposefully irresponsible act, in my opinion.”

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