Connecting the dots on Hillary Clinton


Aug 6, 2006
I've known Tobin for 25 years and there's no way he wrote that top line:

Sort the valuable from the worthless, as in I hope we'll get a preview of the auction so we can separate the wheat from the chaff. This idiom alludes to the ancient practice of winnowing grain.
[h=3]Separate wheat from chaff -[/h]

New member
Jan 9, 2009


Put on Florida Democratic Party's campaign-endorsing council

Published: 11 hours agoimage:
JEROME R. CORSI About | Email | Archive


Hillary Clinton (White House photo)
NEW YORK – The Florida prosecutor who brought battery charges against Donald Trump’s campaign manager, Corey Lewandowski, supports Hillary Clinton’s campaign for president.
An article published by the Palm Beach Post on Nov. 17, 2015, has been circulating since Tuesday evening because it lists Palm Beach County State Attorney Dave Aronberg as a member 150-member Florida Leadership Council, which was established by the Democratic Party to promote Hillary Clinton’s presidential candidacy.
The article states that Palm Beach County State Attorney Dave Aronberg and Tax Collector Anne Gannon “are also part of Clinton’s Florida team.”
Hillary for prosecution, not president! Join the sizzling campaign to put Mrs. Clinton where she really belongs
Mike Cernovich, writing Tuesday in the blog, cited the Palm Beach Post article in arguing the charges against Lewandowski were politically motivated. He contended “there was no assault,” because reporter Michelle Fields “was heading towards Trump and was brushed away due to security concerns.”
Palm Beach County State Attorney Dave Aronberg’s office hasn’t yet weighed in on what it will do, Bob McGovern reported in the Boston Herald on Wednesday.
“That’s probably because this high-profile case will be tough to prove in court. In Florida, you have to show that Lewandowski ‘actually and intentionally’ touched Fields against her will.”
McGovern wrote that the “ball is in Aronberg’s court now.”
Related story: Secret Service source gives NEW version of Trump scuffle
“And even though he’s a well-known Hillary Clinton supporter, those who know Aronberg’s office say there is little reason to believe he’ll try to score political points by throwing the book at Lewandowski.”
The official website for the Office of State Attorney for the 15th Judicial Circuit in Palm Beach County, Florida notes Aronberg, elected state attorney for the 15th Judicial Circuit in November 2012, is a former assistant attorney general, a White House fellow in 2000 and a Florida state senator.
“Dave Aronberg was born in Miami,” the Palm Beach County website continues. “He attended public schools before going on to graduate with honors from Harvard College and Harvard Law School. After graduation, he worked in the litigation department of a large South Florida law firm while also working closely with then-Insurance Commissioner Bill Nelson to investigate European insurance companies that refused to honor World War II-era policies sold to victims of the Holocaust.
“In 2010, Aronberg returned to the Florida Attorney General’s Office as a special prosecutor for prescription drug trafficking,” the website continues. “In his role as the Attorney General’s ‘Drug Czar,’ Aronberg led an anti-pill mill initiative that helped clean up the pain clinic industry and reduced the record number of people dying each day from oxycodone abuse.”
Concerned individuals may contact the Palm Beach County State Attorney’s Office by email or by calling (561) 355-7100.
A Newsmax TV interview April 7, 2015, pitted Aronberg against Sid Dinerstein, chairman of the Republican Party of Florida, regarding how the antagonism between President Obama and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu would impact Florida voters.
See the report:

3-30-16, Left-leaning Palm Beach County Florida State attorney and right-leaning chairman of the Republican Party of Florida debate the impact of the battle raging between President Obama and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on the liberal base of the Democratic Party, in particular Jewish voters, and whether this could truly offer the GOP an opportunity in 2016.

Former Breitbart reporter Michelle Fields filed assault charges against Lewandowski this week, alleging the campaign manager roughed her to the point of bruising her arm. She claims video of the incident proves she was wrongfully handled.
What do YOU think? Is Trump’s campaign manager guilty of battery? Sound off in WND’s poll!
Trump, meanwhile, has defended Lewandowski, saying the video actually clears his campaign manager of wrongdoing. The candidate suggests Fields is using Florida law – which defines battery as just about any type of unwanted physical contact – for a political or personal agenda.
Like the reporting you see here? Sign up for free news alerts from, America’s independent news network.
In a tweet, Trump wrote, as WND previously reported: “Wow, Corey Lewandowski, my campaign manager and a very decent man, was just charged with assaulting a reporter. Look at tapes – nothing there!”
Watch security footage of the incident:

Trump says Corey Lewandowski is innocent after he was charged with battery of Breitbart reporter

One unnamed Secret Service agent, meanwhile, has given a different version of events, saying in a statement to the London Daily Mail that Fields “crossed in between agents and our protectee after being told not to,” and touched Trump first, WND reported.
Close-up image of security footage shows Trump campaign manager Corey Lewandowski reaching for Breitbart reporter Michelle Fields

Trump tweeted a photo of what appeared to be Fields’ hand brushing his elbow. He asked, “Why is this reporter touching me as I leave news conference? What is in her hand?”
Hillary for prosecution, not president! Join the sizzling campaign to put Mrs. Clinton where she really belongs


Life's a bitch, then you die!
Jul 10, 2007
I've known Tobin for 25 years and there's no way he wrote that top line:

Sort the valuable from the worthless, as in I hope we'll get a preview of the auction so we can separate the wheat from the chaff. This idiom alludes to the ancient practice of winnowing grain.
Separate wheat from chaff -

I wrote that line on purpose. You have a knack of picking up on those types of things.

Urban Dictionary

Wheat Shaft

Ironically a LARGE 15" pointed cock, in which the diameter is 5 inches.

Harsha had a huge wheat shaft which produced a halo of heat when it was inserted into Jon's vagina. shaft

Interesting that you would comment on that and not the substance of the article. If I didn’t know better I would say you’re anal retentive. :)

Life's a bitch, then you die!
Jul 10, 2007


Put on Florida Democratic Party's campaign-endorsing council

Published: 11 hours agoimage:
JEROME R. CORSI About | Email | Archive


Hillary Clinton (White House photo)
NEW YORK – The Florida prosecutor who brought battery charges against Donald Trump’s campaign manager, Corey Lewandowski, supports Hillary Clinton’s campaign for president.
An article published by the Palm Beach Post on Nov. 17, 2015, has been circulating since Tuesday evening because it lists Palm Beach County State Attorney Dave Aronberg as a member 150-member Florida Leadership Council, which was established by the Democratic Party to promote Hillary Clinton’s presidential candidacy.
The article states that Palm Beach County State Attorney Dave Aronberg and Tax Collector Anne Gannon “are also part of Clinton’s Florida team.”
Hillary for prosecution, not president! Join the sizzling campaign to put Mrs. Clinton where she really belongs
Mike Cernovich, writing Tuesday in the blog, cited the Palm Beach Post article in arguing the charges against Lewandowski were politically motivated. He contended “there was no assault,” because reporter Michelle Fields “was heading towards Trump and was brushed away due to security concerns.”
Palm Beach County State Attorney Dave Aronberg’s office hasn’t yet weighed in on what it will do, Bob McGovern reported in the Boston Herald on Wednesday.
“That’s probably because this high-profile case will be tough to prove in court. In Florida, you have to show that Lewandowski ‘actually and intentionally’ touched Fields against her will.”
McGovern wrote that the “ball is in Aronberg’s court now.”
Related story: Secret Service source gives NEW version of Trump scuffle
“And even though he’s a well-known Hillary Clinton supporter, those who know Aronberg’s office say there is little reason to believe he’ll try to score political points by throwing the book at Lewandowski.”
The official website for the Office of State Attorney for the 15th Judicial Circuit in Palm Beach County, Florida notes Aronberg, elected state attorney for the 15th Judicial Circuit in November 2012, is a former assistant attorney general, a White House fellow in 2000 and a Florida state senator.
“Dave Aronberg was born in Miami,” the Palm Beach County website continues. “He attended public schools before going on to graduate with honors from Harvard College and Harvard Law School. After graduation, he worked in the litigation department of a large South Florida law firm while also working closely with then-Insurance Commissioner Bill Nelson to investigate European insurance companies that refused to honor World War II-era policies sold to victims of the Holocaust.
“In 2010, Aronberg returned to the Florida Attorney General’s Office as a special prosecutor for prescription drug trafficking,” the website continues. “In his role as the Attorney General’s ‘Drug Czar,’ Aronberg led an anti-pill mill initiative that helped clean up the pain clinic industry and reduced the record number of people dying each day from oxycodone abuse.”
Concerned individuals may contact the Palm Beach County State Attorney’s Office by email or by calling (561) 355-7100.
A Newsmax TV interview April 7, 2015, pitted Aronberg against Sid Dinerstein, chairman of the Republican Party of Florida, regarding how the antagonism between President Obama and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu would impact Florida voters.
See the report:

3-30-16, Left-leaning Palm Beach County Florida State attorney and right-leaning chairman of the Republican Party of Florida debate the impact of the battle raging between President Obama and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on the liberal base of the Democratic Party, in particular Jewish voters, and whether this could truly offer the GOP an opportunity in 2016.

Former Breitbart reporter Michelle Fields filed assault charges against Lewandowski this week, alleging the campaign manager roughed her to the point of bruising her arm. She claims video of the incident proves she was wrongfully handled.
What do YOU think? Is Trump’s campaign manager guilty of battery? Sound off in WND’s poll!
Trump, meanwhile, has defended Lewandowski, saying the video actually clears his campaign manager of wrongdoing. The candidate suggests Fields is using Florida law – which defines battery as just about any type of unwanted physical contact – for a political or personal agenda.
Like the reporting you see here? Sign up for free news alerts from, America’s independent news network.
In a tweet, Trump wrote, as WND previously reported: “Wow, Corey Lewandowski, my campaign manager and a very decent man, was just charged with assaulting a reporter. Look at tapes – nothing there!”
Watch security footage of the incident:

Trump says Corey Lewandowski is innocent after he was charged with battery of Breitbart reporter

One unnamed Secret Service agent, meanwhile, has given a different version of events, saying in a statement to the London Daily Mail that Fields “crossed in between agents and our protectee after being told not to,” and touched Trump first, WND reported.
Close-up image of security footage shows Trump campaign manager Corey Lewandowski reaching for Breitbart reporter Michelle Fields

Trump tweeted a photo of what appeared to be Fields’ hand brushing his elbow. He asked, “Why is this reporter touching me as I leave news conference? What is in her hand?”
Hillary for prosecution, not president! Join the sizzling campaign to put Mrs. Clinton where she really belongs

Gibbs rule # 39.

Sep 21, 2004
147 FBI Agents Working on Hillary Clinton’s Email Investigation


6 Kevin Lamarque AP

by PATRICK HOWLEY28 Mar 20161,077
The Hillary Clinton private email server investigation is being worked on by 147 FBI agents.

The Washington Post reports that 147 different agents are working all sides of the probe, according to a lawmaker who spoke with FBI director James Comey about what is transpiring behind the scenes.
The FBI recently kicked its investigation into high gear, as agents and prosecutors are setting up interviews with Clinton’s top aides, presumably including Huma Abedin and Cheryl Mills.
The case hinges on whether Clinton violated a provision of the Espionage Act of 1913.
The law (18 U.S. Code & 793 subsection f) makes clear that anyone who has materials “relating to the national defense” cannot lose or give them away. The law is broken “through gross negligence permits [materials] to be removed from its proper place of custody or delivered to anyone in violation of his trust, or to be lost, stolen, abstracted, or destroyed.”
The penalty? A fine, a prison term of up to ten years, or “both.”
Clinton used a non-secure BlackBerry to conduct classified State Department business, and there is evidence that her device was compromised on her first official trip to China as secretary of state.
On March 11, 2009, a State Department official, whose name is redacted, sent an email to another State Department official, whose name is redacted. That email, obtained in a lawsuit by Judicial Watch, might be the smoking gun in the Hillary Clinton email case.
The official stated that Hillary Clinton approached Ambassador Boswell and asked him about BlackBerry use. Specifically, Clinton asked about the fact that the Department had “intelligence concerning the vulnerability during her recent trip to Asia.”
The official wrote:
After this mornings “management meeting” with the A/Secys, Secretary Clinton approached Ambassador Boswell and mentioned that she had read the IM and that she “gets it.” Her attention was drawn to the sentence that indicates we (DS) have intelligence concerning this vulnerability during her recent trip to Asia.
Secretary Clinton has asked Ambassador Boswell for this information. Please prepare a short informal paper OR provide the A/Secy with a briefing on this matter. Your assistance is appreciated. The Secretary did not provide a “due date”…BUT the Ambassador would like to close this loop as soon as possible.
Clinton continued to use her BlackBerry as late as 2011, two years after this warning,according to former State Department official Wendy Sherman.
Since the FBI seized Clinton’s emails in August, the scandal has haunted her campaign.
Senior White House adviser Valerie Jarrett threw Clinton under the bus, saying that the White House provided guidance to the State Department, telling employees to use official government email accounts.
Breitbart News first reported, based on high-level government sources, that of seven emails originally being analyzed by investigators to determine their classification status, two were deemed “top secret,” and at least two were already classified when they were sent, meaning Clinton was sending and receiving classified information that she knew to be classified. The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) made the classifications.
Our exclusive report galvanized our readers and other media outlets, quickly picking up more than 12,000 social media shares and 5,000 comments. The Clinton campaign could not find a suitable talking point on the issue. The campaign tried to claim that Clinton did not send emails that were classified “when originated.”
But Intelligence Community Inspector General I. Charles McCullough III, now under attack by Team Clinton, confirmed, “IC classification officials reviewed two additional emails and judged that they contained classified State Department information when originated.”
The inspector general went on to make a comprehensive report, filed earlier this month. He found that “several dozen” emails had classified information in them. “These declarations cover several dozen emails containing classified information determined … to be at the confidential, secret and top secret/sap levels,” McCollough wrote in a letter to Congress. A “sap” level is an even higher classification status than “top secret.”
Clinton’s server was highly vulnerable to attack, like the kind that occurred to several of her email contractors and could have happened to her when she opened a virus-infected email from her friend.
Breitbart News reported that Clinton’s server was operating on the same email network, and was housed in the exact physical space, as the server for the Clinton Foundation, indicating that they were sharing a server. Additionally, that space was in New York City, not in the basement of Clinton’s Chappaqua, New York, home, as she claimed. Daughter Chelsea Clinton’s office was also using the email network.
Numerous Clinton Foundation employees used the server for their own email addresses, which means that they were using email accounts that, if hacked, would have given any hacker complete access to Hillary Clinton’s State Department emails, as well.
Clinton’s server had an open webmail portal that gave potential hackers unrestricted access to Clinton’s personal information.
In fact, Clinton’s server went down at least three times during her tenure as secretary of state, including weeks after the Benghazi terrorist attack. Clinton never even told her own IT Help Desk at the State Department that she was using a private server, keeping them in the dark about her secret activities.
Furthermore, Clinton went so far as to hide the identity of the people running her private server, paying a company called Perfect Privacy, LLC. That company, based in Jacksonville, enters its own meaningless contact information into official Internet databases so that its clients’ identities will not be exposed.

Another Bogus Russ Dot blown to bits by The Truth. But, at This Point, what difference does it make? Guy has no interest in Truth:

Fed Source: About 12 FBI Agents Working on Clinton Email Inquiry


Sources close to the FBI investigation of Hillary Clinton's email are knocking down suggestions that 147 federal agents are working on the case, a figure first reported — and now revised — by the Washington Post, citing a lawmaker.
The Post updated the figure on Tuesday, stating that while the "FBI will not provide an exact figure," there are "fewer than 50" FBI personnel involved in the case.
But a former federal law enforcement official with direct knowledge of the Clinton investigation tells MSNBC an estimate anywhere near 50 agents is also off base.
Former Secretary of State and Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton testifies before the House Select Committee on Benghazi, on Capitol Hill in Washington DC, Oct. 22. SHAWN THEW / EPA file
"There are currently about 12 FBI agents working full-time on the case," says the source, who would only speak anonymously about an open investigation.
A former FBI official, also speaking anonymously, says many in the law enforcement community view the large estimates of people assigned to the case as completely improbable.
"147 was such a ridiculous number," said the source, adding that 50 also sounded unrealistic for this kind of inquiry. "You need an act of terrorism to get 50 agents working on something," said the former FBI official.


New member
Oct 29, 2010
Another Bogus Russ Dot blown to bits by The Truth. But, at This Point, what difference does it make? Guy has no interest in Truth:

Fed Source: About 12 FBI Agents Working on Clinton Email Inquiry


Sources close to the FBI investigation of Hillary Clinton's email are knocking down suggestions that 147 federal agents are working on the case, a figure first reported — and now revised — by the Washington Post, citing a lawmaker.
The Post updated the figure on Tuesday, stating that while the "FBI will not provide an exact figure," there are "fewer than 50" FBI personnel involved in the case.
But a former federal law enforcement official with direct knowledge of the Clinton investigation tells MSNBC an estimate anywhere near 50 agents is also off base.
Former Secretary of State and Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton testifies before the House Select Committee on Benghazi, on Capitol Hill in Washington DC, Oct. 22. SHAWN THEW / EPA file
"There are currently about 12 FBI agents working full-time on the case," says the source, who would only speak anonymously about an open investigation.
A former FBI official, also speaking anonymously, says many in the law enforcement community view the large estimates of people assigned to the case as completely improbable.
"147 was such a ridiculous number," said the source, adding that 50 also sounded unrealistic for this kind of inquiry. "You need an act of terrorism to get 50 agents working on something," said the former FBI official.

The percentage of bullshit articles in this thread is close to 100 percent. Russ is quite a dot connector.

Life's a bitch, then you die!
Jul 10, 2007
Another Bogus Russ Dot blown to bits by The Truth. But, at This Point, what difference does it make? Guy has no interest in Truth:

Fed Source: About 12 FBI Agents Working on Clinton Email Inquiry


Sources close to the FBI investigation of Hillary Clinton's email are knocking down suggestions that 147 federal agents are working on the case, a figure first reported — and now revised — by the Washington Post, citing a lawmaker.
The Post updated the figure on Tuesday, stating that while the "FBI will not provide an exact figure," there are "fewer than 50" FBI personnel involved in the case.
But a former federal law enforcement official with direct knowledge of the Clinton investigation tells MSNBC an estimate anywhere near 50 agents is also off base.
Former Secretary of State and Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton testifies before the House Select Committee on Benghazi, on Capitol Hill in Washington DC, Oct. 22. SHAWN THEW / EPA file
"There are currently about 12 FBI agents working full-time on the case," says the source, who would only speak anonymously about an open investigation.
A former FBI official, also speaking anonymously, says many in the law enforcement community view the large estimates of people assigned to the case as completely improbable.
"147 was such a ridiculous number," said the source, adding that 50 also sounded unrealistic for this kind of inquiry. "You need an act of terrorism to get 50 agents working on something," said the former FBI official.

"There are currently about 12 FBI agents working full-time on the case," says the source, who would only speak anonymously about an open investigation.

Must be this guy.


New member
Jan 9, 2009
Guesser quotes an anonymous source LOL. I just post the articles you can go from there. If we have only had 12 people on that investigation that is absurd. That should be getting priority. How many other people are they investigating that are running for POTUS. Good Grief.

New member
Jan 9, 2009
[h=2]Hillary Clinton Loses Temper With Greenpeace Activist Over Fossil Fuel Donations[/h]SHARE

BY: Aaron Kliegman
March 31, 2016 5:18 pm

Hillary Clinton lost her patience with a Greenpeace activist Thursday who confronted the Democratic presidential frontrunner about taking money from the fossil fuel industry.
The Weekly Standard picked up the video, which can be seen on its website.
Clinton got right in the woman’s face and raised her voice angrily.
“I am so sick, I am so sick,” Clinton said, wagging her finger at the activist, “of the Sanders campaign lying about me. I’m sick of it.”
The presumptive Democratic nominee also appeared to tell the activist that she does not have any money from fossil fuel companies, although it is difficult to make out exactly what she was saying in the video.
The Weekly Standard posted Greenpeace’s description of the exchange:
“At a Hillary Clinton rally at SUNY Purchase campus today, the presidential candidate lost her patience with a Greenpeace activist who thanked her for her commitment to climate change then asked her whether she’ll reject fossil fuel money moving forward. Pointing her finger at activist Eva Resnick-Day, Clinton claimed she only takes money from people who work for fossil fuel companies and called the accusations lies.”

New member
Jan 9, 2009
[h=2]Legal Analyst: FBI Probe Enters ‘Dangerous Phase’ for Clinton[/h]SHARE


BY: Alana Goodman
March 31, 2016 4:50 pm

The FBI investigation into the transmission of classified information over Hillary Clinton’s private email server has entered a “dangerous phase” for the candidate, according to Fox News judicial analyst Judge Andrew Napolitano.
With reports that federal prosecutors are preparing to question Clinton’s top aides about the server, Napolitano writes that Clinton will likely face a choice soon about whether to agree to an interview with law enforcement.
If Clinton consents to talk, any inconsistencies between her statements and the statements of her aides could create legal problems for the candidate and her inner circle. Napolitano writes that the FBI will also consider whether Clinton’s interview matches statements she has made publicly:
If she were to talk to federal prosecutors and FBI agents, they would catch her in many inconsistencies, as she has spoken with great deception in public about this case. She has, for example, stated many times that she used the private server so she could have one mobile device for all of her emails. The FBI knows she had four mobile devices. She has also falsely claimed publicly and under oath that she neither sent nor received anything “marked classified.” The FBI knows that nothing is marked classified, and its agents also know that her unprotected secret server transmitted some of the nation’s gravest secrets.
The prosecutors and agents cannot be happy about her public lies and her repeated demeaning attitude about their investigation, and they would have an understandable animus toward her if she were to meet with them.
If she were to decline to be interviewed — a prudent legal but treacherous political decision — the feds would leak her rejection of their invitation, and political turmoil would break loose because one of her most imprudent and often repeated public statements in this case has been that she can’t wait to talk to the FBI. That’s a lie, and the FBI knows it.
If Clinton declines to be interviewed, which many attorneys recommend if their client is a potential target of a criminal probe, she could face public backlash during the campaign. Clinton has repeatedly said she is open to cooperating and talking with the FBI as part of the investigation.
The Los Angeles Times reported on Monday that federal prosecutors are starting the interview process with Clinton’s top aides. Clinton’s IT staffer, Bryan Pagliano, has already been cooperating with investigators for several months.
Former U.S. Attorney Joseph diGenova told the Washington Free Beacon this week that if prosecutors are in the interview phase, the investigation may not be completed for several more months.
“If they’re interviewing people, it’s probably into the summer,” said diGenova.


New member
Jan 9, 2009
Guesser just doesn't get it but check this out. Hillary was caught in a another lie back in December.

America’s Choice 2016
Hillary Clinton's fuzzy math on her Wall Street donors

by Heather Long @byHeatherLongDecember 21, 2015: 5:34 PM ET

ABC's Democratic debate in two minutes

Hillary Clinton is raking in donations from Wall Street, and her attempts to downplay it are under fire.

Bernie Sanders and Martin O'Malley both hit Clinton hard for her Wall Street ties in Saturday night's Democratic debate.

Clinton responded with this claim: "I think it's important to point out that about 3% of my donations come from people in the finance and investment world. You can go and check that. I have more donations from students and teachers than I do from people associated with Wall Street."
The audience applauded, but factcheckers were quick to challenge it. CNN's Reality Check Team called the claim "false," and Martin O'Malley's campaign dubbed it "one of the most glaring false statements of the night."
On Monday, added its thumbs down. It says Clinton's Wall Street cash is actually 7.2% of the total -- more than double what she stated in the debate.
"Hillary Clinton, thank you for using OpenSecrets. Next time, just call us, maybe," wrote Will Tucker of OpenSecrets in a blog post.
Related: Wall Street has made Hillary Clinton a millionaire
Hillary has received a lot from Wall Street
Here are the numbers: Clinton received $2 million in itemized contributions from Wall Street (listed as "Securities and Investment"), out of a total of $77.5 million.
That works out to just under 3%.
OpenSecrets acknowledges that Clinton's claim is "technically right," but it says that's bad math.
First, when talking about Wall Street, OpenSecrets says it's appropriate to add contributions from commercial banks as well. That brings Clinton's Wall Street total to $2.5 million.
But the bigger flaw in Clinton's math is that it doesn't include any donations to super PACs, the political action committees that can raise and spend unlimited amounts of money.
This is important because Wall Street is the second highest contributor (behind only Hollywood) to super PACs that have said they are supporting Clinton and only Clinton.
Clinton's Wall Street haul jumps to $6 million when super PAC money is included.
According to OpenSecrets, Clinton's Wall Street donors make up 7.2% -- not 3% -- of her fundraising because that's what you get when you divide $6 million by $83 million (the total for Clinton campaign contributors + Clinton super PAC money - small donors that Open Secrets can't trace).
How to come up with Clinton's number
The other part of Clinton's claim is that students and teachers have given her more.
According to OpenSecrets, people who work in the education field donated just under $2 million.
That suggests Wall Street gave more, no matter how you look at it. But the Clinton campaign provided its data to CNNMoney to argue that teachers are bigger Clinton backers.
The key is small donors -- people giving under $200. Campaigns don't have to report the names and information for donors giving under $200, and small donors make up a sizable amount (about 17%) of Clinton's fundraising.
According to the Clinton campaign, Wall Street donors (big and small) have given a total of $2.4 million while teachers and students have given "just over $3 million."
But again, those totals do not include super PAC money.
OpenSecrets also doesn't usually count students as being in the "education" industry since their income doesn't typically come from education. Students have given over $834,000, according to campaign data shared with CNNMoney.
Related: Democratic debate: CNN's Reality Check team inspects the claims
Wall Street is hot issue in Democratic race
How to regulate Wall Street has become one of the most divisive issues in the 2016 Democratic primary race. Sanders and O'Malley want to break up the big banks and bring back a law known as Glass-Steagall. It was in place from 1933 until 1999 -- when President Bill Clinton and Congress repealed it.
The act essentially forced banks to chose between serving Wall Street (think: trading, mergers and deal making) or serving Main Street (think: taking deposits and doing home and small business loans).
"The CEOs of large multinationals may like Hillary. They ain't going to like me and Wall Street is going to like me even less," Sanders said on Saturday.
Hillary Clinton argues that Glass-Steagall is a blunt tool that doesn't make sense for today's banking world. She has put forward what she calls a tougher solution to put the brakes on Wall Street.
But Wall Street responded to Clinton's plan with mostly a shrug.
As Jaret Seiberg of Guggenheim Partners wrote in a note to clients, "We continue to believe Clinton would be one of the better candidates for financial firms."

From the above:
On Monday, added its thumbs down. It says Clinton's Wall Street cash is actually 7.2% of the total -- more than double what she stated in the debate.

(More than double what she claimed.... really)


New member
Oct 29, 2010
Doesn't matter how times Russ's bullshit stories get exposed as lies.....he keeps coming back with more.

New member
Jan 9, 2009
Doesn't matter how times Russ's bullshit stories get exposed as lies.....he keeps coming back with more.

I just post them dumbass. Lies - that would be Hillary's autobiography (which would of course be written by a ghost writer).
I just exposed another Hillary lie and you don't even address something that is truthful. WTF
Alinskyite through and through. You don't get it and you never will.

New member
Oct 29, 2010
I just post them dumbass. Lies - that would be Hillary's autobiography (which would of course be written by a ghost writer).
I just exposed another Hillary lie and you don't even address something that is truthful. WTF
Alinskyite through and through. You don't get it and you never will.

The " I just post them excuse" is getting old. You keep using the same shitty, lying sources for these articles. How about you stop posting speculation and lies? This entire thread is built on Alinsky are more Alinsky than anyone here.

Sep 21, 2004
I just post them dumbass. Lies - that would be Hillary's autobiography (which would of course be written by a ghost writer).
I just exposed another Hillary lie and you don't even address something that is truthful. WTF
Alinskyite through and through. You don't get it and you never will.
Why don't you post the retractions and clarifications of your bogus stuff which often comes? We know why. You don't get it and never will. :):)

New member
Jan 9, 2009
Why don't you post the retractions and clarifications of your bogus stuff which often comes? We know why. You don't get it and never will. :):)

You have never had an original thought in your lifetime. You even copy me LOL. I just post the stuff and 99.9% of it is right on. Would you care to comment on post 3032 concerning Hillary getting caught in another lie. Right. What a loser (Alinskyite)

Sep 21, 2004
You have never had an original thought in your lifetime. You even copy me LOL. I just post the stuff and 99.9% of it is right on. Would you care to comment on post 3032 concerning Hillary getting caught in another lie. Right. What a loser (Alinskyite)
Duh. Hillary is bought and paid for by Wall Street. That's why I'm for Bernie, even though he has zero shot. We need to overturn Citizens United, which allows this shit. Guess which party is for overturning it, and guess which party is for keeping it. You don't get it and never will. Rinse, repeat.:):)

New member
Jan 9, 2009
Duh. Hillary is bought and paid for by Wall Street. That's why I'm for Bernie, even though he has zero shot. We need to overturn Citizens United, which allows this shit. Guess which party is for overturning it, and guess which party is for keeping it. You don't get it and never will. Rinse, repeat.:):)

And Bernie will not get the nomination so you will vote for Hillary simply because she is a Dem/Lib regardless of her lying past. You only posted a half truth. You are for Bernie but you are going to vote for Hillary when all is said and done. get real - you don't rinse you flush LOL

Sep 21, 2004
And Bernie will not get the nomination so you will vote for Hillary simply because she is a Dem/Lib regardless of her lying past. You only posted a half truth. You are for Bernie but you are going to vote for Hillary when all is said and done. get real - you don't rinse you flush LOL
Already offered you, or anyone else, a $$$$ Bet that I will easily prove I did not vote for Hillary. As usual, you and your gutless ilk ran away fast, and far, when you actually have to back your nonsense statements with cash.

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