Congratulations to White Trash America ...


Official Rx music critic and beer snob
Jun 21, 2003
PimpinAintEasyBros said:
Lander's mad because his minimum wage won't go up at Kinko's, where he works...hahahahahahahhahahahahahahahaha!

Lander - My state voted for Kerry. If the Michigan Militia and Ted Nugent found this out beforehand, Bush wouldn't need Ohio. I have 2 BA's and I know I'm not as smart as you. Heck I couldn't read my ballot. Maybe I'll move to some East-coast city and I'll be 10x smarter.

Since you are so smart, answer me this - How come Edwards couldn't carry his state? If his state cannot support him, why should us hicks? Maybe you Dems can get Ted Kennedy to run with Kerry.

Want some other reasons why I didn't vote for Kerry?

- Michael Moore
-Bruce Springsteen and all of Hollywood
-Theresa Heinz-Kerry
-His wanting to raise the minimum wage
-Kerry as a traitor in his tour of duty in the service.

At least he went down in defeat with class (unlike Edwards). This will greatly help him in 2008.

One other question for you Lander - How come the Dems got their asses kicked in all the House and Senate elections? Even if Kerry would have won, he would have a harder time implementing his plan to a Rep-led House and Senate.

There's always next year, like in 75, 90-93, 99 &
Sep 20, 2004
sportsbet said:
As far as "educating" your "uneducated" ass on Southern is the tally for Philadelphia county...moron:

Kerry 517,054 (80%)
Bush 124,710 (20%) time you have something to say try to at least say something that might be remotely close to the truth. Then again you're a your constant diahrrea of the mouth can't be helped.

Sportbet you are one of the stupid fukers on the site, and considering the audience here that sure IS SAYING SOMETHING.

No crap Philly is big Dem -- most big cities are. That's what you get when you sprinkle a little tollerance, diversity and respect together.

As for the REST of southern wastelan ... err Pennslyvania - it is predominately Bush country.

By hey, don't let a few facts stand in the way of your agenda.

You worthless ***.

There's always next year, like in 75, 90-93, 99 &
Sep 20, 2004
>>Want some other reasons why I didn't vote for Kerry?

>>- Michael Moore
Ok, Bill O'Reilly. Your point?

>>-Bruce Springsteen and all of Hollywood
The KKK and NRA. Your point?

>>-Theresa Heinz-Kerry
She didnt' kill enough people for you? I'm sure there would have been time for a few wreckless driving courses over the next four years ... hell, I'm sure the Senior MA Senator would have offered them. Again, your point?

>>-His wanting to raise the minimum wage
What exactly is your reason for opposing this? Please, please spare me some mass-inflation fabrication prediction.

>>-Kerry as a traitor in his tour of duty in the service.
You mean honorably serving and leading his troop into battle? Your apparent hero Bush even said that he "appreciates Kerry's service", yet you do not. Perhaps you'd have more respect for Kerry if he used political connections and deferments like Bush and Cheney to turn their backs on their country?

Well, on the bright side you've finally made a point, albeit an untrue one based on paid advertisements.

>>At least he went down in defeat with class (unlike Edwards). This will greatly help him in 2008.
Bush is not running in 2008, so again I ask -- your point?

>>One other question for you Lander - How come the Dems got their asses kicked in
>>all the House and Senate elections? Even if Kerry would have won, he would have a
>>harder time implementing his plan to a Rep-led House and Senate.

I'm a registered Republican, turned Independent as a direct result of Bush's failed leadership, partisan bs and outright disgrace to the position of CIF.

The Republicans won more Congressional seats IMO because they had more qualified candidates. The Democrats are weak, hence their/Kerry's inability to beat a horrible incumbent last night.

I'm all for a split between the President on the Senate's dominating parties ... the less these collection of crooks can do to ruin America the better.

In the future, for the sake of America try voting on issues like education, environment, security, economy, jobs, health, abortion, etc ... in whatever order means the most to you.

All your reasons did was nullify a potentially well-informed, well-thought-out vote.

You owe it to America to stop being a jackass with your election criteria.

Can't we ALL just get along?!!
Sep 20, 2000
Lander you're killing me man...your ignorance is only exceeded by your stupidity.

I live in Philadelphia..which is in (get ready for this) Phil-a-del-phi-a COUNTY. Philadelphia COUNTY is in Southern PA...and it went 80 PERCENT for JOHN KERRY.

Again I live in (a big city) Philadelphia. You're ripping on a Democratic area! 2/3 of all people in the COLLAR COUNTIES (that would also be ones in Southern PA smart guy) voted for Kerry. There are a lot of people here without morals...much like yourself.

PA is a very big tried to take a shot at me living in Southern PA and because you're a Demo-cretan you failed to realize that I live in one of the most Demo-cretan areas in the USA. Of course you fail to realize a lot of're a Dem fvckwad!

What a ******* there are some stupid people in this world...I really thought you had SOME intelligence over there Lander. I was way off. Facts? You want facts? How about Bush winning by 3.5 MILLION VOTES! How about the GOP controlling the Senate and the House!

Here's an idea...leave the US! You're an embarrassment to the United States as it is.

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Jun 25, 2002
Here's an idea...leave the US! You're an embarrassment to the United States as it is.
Why don't you leave? Everyone has the right to their opinion. We don't live in nazi germany.

Jun 25, 2002
All your reasons did was nullify a potentially well-informed, well-thought-out vote.

You owe it to America to stop being a jackass with your election criteria
Like many Bush supporters, Sportsbet does not have a reason for why he voted for Bush. Mainly because it would take too much brainpower.

Can't we ALL just get along?!!
Sep 20, 2000
BB Guy I thought you left? I could swear I read a post saying you were done here. I have no reason to leave...the right party and the right man for the job to lead this great country for the next four years won the popular and electoral vote counts (popular by 3.5 MILLION) and the party that should lead this nation is the majority in the House and the Senate! So as far as I'm concerned America is the greatest nation in the world with the greatest leaders in the world running things.

Why did I vote for Bush? Too many reasons to list but I will give you a couple. First of all retired relatives of mine (retired mind in no income) would've been forced to shell out an additional $6,000/yr in taxes over the next four years if Kerry was voted into office. Now they have some money but that extra 24k they will save will make a lot of difference.

Also, a lot of people close to me that work for a company that does a lot of work in Washington DC for the Pentagon, US Customs and Boeing to name a few. They would've been really pinched if Kerry had gotten into office. Kerry's plans would've cut spending in the programs that allow my friends to put food on the table of their loved ones and a roof over their heads. This company has been in business for 50 years and if Kerry was put in office the funding would've been cut and a lot of my friends would've been put out of work. In fact with Bush being re-elected the chances for the budget approval for all of the work this company does in DC greatly increase. I'd rather see my friends and their families working hard as opposed to out of a job.

That's just a couple of reasons...if you want more I can keep going. Bush is the right man for the job to lead this country into the future. There are 59 milllion + people that agree with me. The GOP controls the House, the Senate and the Presidency. It's a great day to be a United States citizen!

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Jun 25, 2002
This company has been in business for 50 years and if Kerry was put in office the funding would've been cut and a lot of my friends would've been put out of work.
Do they make military equipment?

Kerry would not cut anything related to government. Democrats are for a larger government, while republicans are for less government.

That's just a couple of reasons...if you want more I can keep going. Bush is the right man for the job to lead this country into the future. There are 59 milllion + people that agree with me.
Yet 55 Million disagree with you.

You know what I find truly disturbing?? No, it's not you or Bush. Hell I am sure Bush is a very nice guy. As I am sure you and other republicans are nice as well.

The main problem I have with the republican party, is that a couple weeks before the election, republicans were telling voters that a vote for Kerry is a vote for Terrorists and Al Queda. Now if Bush was such a clear cut winner, why would the republican party have to engage in blatent lies to push their candidate to the top?

Kerry is an american and is just as concerned with terrorism as Bush. Perhaps Kerry would not choose to invade Iraq, but I am sure he would do just as good of a job as Bush, if not better.

That Kerry for Al queda thing is really what upset me.
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Can't we ALL just get along?!!
Sep 20, 2000
Not military equipment...actually they do a lot of the audio/visual systems for war rooms and operations centers and such (missile defense systems and things like that). It was actually Tom Ridge who pushed it through the most (being our former Governor helped companies like the one in my example since they have done a lot of work within the state for the government here in PA).

As for 59 vs 55 that's the great thing about the USA...there are strong opinions for both sides of the ledger. Keeping in mind the GOP controls the House and Senate too so I would say the balance is still tilted the GOP way. There were plenty of opportunities for the Dems to put people in positions to win in other races last night and they failed miserably. Daschle for heaven's sake is one that should have the Dems embarrassed.

I'm going to say I hear you on the Kerry for Al Qaeda thing. The Bin Laden tapes didn't help either. Down the stretch on both sides there was a lot of fluff in the media outlets against both candidates. I am of the opinion that putting anyone in the President's seat isn't going to be for Al Qaeda. I would think you would agree with the President being more serious about continuing the fight against the Al Qaeda network than Kerry would have been. It's not that Kerry wouldn't go after them...I just don't think he would be as committed to the war on terror as we know W will be. The Democratic Party is partially to blame...not just John Kerry. I also voted for Bush because when we are at war I'm not very receptive to change at the top. Bush may be a lot of things but one good thing about him is he is going to see this thing through and he won't stop going after the terrorists that endanger our nation and our well being. I lost friends and had to deal with friends of mine that lost friends on 9/11 and there is nothing more important to me than making it as uncomfortable as possible for these terrorist fvcks to not only get in this country but move around. I think W is the better man for the job to protect me and my family and my freedoms than Kerry would've been.

It's nothing against you personally's just my opinion. I'm happy the guy I voted for got thanks to the state I live in and the city I live in (who went 80 percent for Kerry).


Official Rx music critic and beer snob
Jun 21, 2003
Lander - Not sure I see Bill O'Reilly = Michael Moore. Laura Bush is far classier than TH Kerry (she didn't help her husband at the end with her comments about the First Lady). I am against the NRA but they have rights too, not touching the KKK.

I know Bush has some warts on his record, but so does Kerry and I will not vote for a party that will raise my taxes.

Hey I voted for some liberal issues. I voted for gays to have the right to marry in Michigan (failed).

To tell the truth, 1st time I voted Repulican in the presidential race since Bush Sr 1st election.

There's always next year, like in 75, 90-93, 99 &
Sep 20, 2004
If you voted based on the tax issue then that's a different story. I'm in favor of lower taxes too, but ONLY after the government balances the budget and shrinks itself.

Despite the misguided stereotypes, I am far from being a liberal -- in fact the abortion issue usually sways my vote when the others are not distinct enough.

I'm glad to see that you're not a true red that votes blindly (or a true blue, which is just as bad).

Either way -- best of luck.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Lander is living proof that even some of America's trash is beginning to think for themselves, and able to avoid being completely brainwashed by a fascist leader. Maybe there is hope for Dems in '08?:dancefool

Official Rx music critic and beer snob
Jun 21, 2003
lander said:
If you voted based on the tax issue then that's a different story. I'm in favor of lower taxes too, but ONLY after the government balances the budget and shrinks itself.

Despite the misguided stereotypes, I am far from being a liberal -- in fact the abortion issue usually sways my vote when the others are not distinct enough.

I'm glad to see that you're not a true red that votes blindly (or a true blue, which is just as bad).

Either way -- best of luck.
I believe the minimum wage issue was the most important along with the tax issue. You are right in that this decifit must be reduced. I thought I would never see it gone the last time. Now it is worse than ever.

New member
Sep 1, 2002
lander said:
If you voted based on the tax issue then that's a different story. I'm in favor of lower taxes too, but ONLY after the government balances the budget and shrinks itself.

Despite the misguided stereotypes, I am far from being a liberal -- in fact the abortion issue usually sways my vote when the others are not distinct enough.

I'm glad to see that you're not a true red that votes blindly (or a true blue, which is just as bad).

Either way -- best of luck.

As much as you and I have bantered back and forth, I suspect we could easily find common ground rather quickly. I strongly believe the Libertarian party has a platform that would be embraced by many if only the message could be thoroughly disseminated.


p.s. That being said, you continue to deport yourself in a fashion that makes it nearly impossible to maximize your point of view. While I typically take exception to your rants and raves, it is sometimes difficult to discern your true agenda as often negativity over-shadows what might otherwise be legit communication.

Have a nice night.

New member
Sep 19, 2001
lander said:
In the future, for the sake of America try voting on issues like education, environment, security, economy, jobs, health, abortion, etc ... in whatever order means the most to you.
That's why the people voted for Bush. Gay marriage, abortion, terrorism etc..

You seemed intelligent until you started this thread.

New member
Sep 20, 2004
lander said:
.. alll of you under-educated, gun-waiving, fearful imbred fuks get your guy.

America is worse off and will spiral further into disaster because of such, but at least you scumbags finally won something other than some hillbilly pig fuking contest.

Top 9/11 lovers :
1. George Bush
2. Rudy Guliani
3. Dick Cheney
4. GameFarce
5. Bin Laden
Great post Lander!!! I need a big :drink:

Sep 21, 2004
that's silly to vote for bush because of abortion. it is law. and it won't go away. the people he MAY appoint won't make a difference. and terrorism has increased since he took charge. don't ***** when gas is 3.00 a gallon

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