:biggrininPimpinAintEasyBros said:Lander's mad because his minimum wage won't go up at Kinko's, where he works...hahahahahahahhahahahahahahahaha!
Lander - My state voted for Kerry. If the Michigan Militia and Ted Nugent found this out beforehand, Bush wouldn't need Ohio. I have 2 BA's and I know I'm not as smart as you. Heck I couldn't read my ballot. Maybe I'll move to some East-coast city and I'll be 10x smarter.
Since you are so smart, answer me this - How come Edwards couldn't carry his state? If his state cannot support him, why should us hicks? Maybe you Dems can get Ted Kennedy to run with Kerry.
Want some other reasons why I didn't vote for Kerry?
- Michael Moore
-Bruce Springsteen and all of Hollywood
-Theresa Heinz-Kerry
-His wanting to raise the minimum wage
-Kerry as a traitor in his tour of duty in the service.
At least he went down in defeat with class (unlike Edwards). This will greatly help him in 2008.
One other question for you Lander - How come the Dems got their asses kicked in all the House and Senate elections? Even if Kerry would have won, he would have a harder time implementing his plan to a Rep-led House and Senate.