Congrats to JAM, the 3K RX "King of the Hill" for the NFL..


For G-Baby
Oct 22, 2004
What EXACTLY happened? What did Jam do? Clearly I haven't been paying attention. Just curious. Can someone give an unbiased account of what happened?

Fuck it, I'll take biased too.

Dec 14, 2004
Unbiased and Uneducatied answer.

Jam picked 5 out of the 6 same plays in the final week as snoop to all but lock up the contest it seems. (I never followed this contest so I have no clue if that is fact) That is the coles notes verison.

For G-Baby
Oct 22, 2004
Tokens he definitely INTENTIONALLY did that just to make sure he didn't lose? He didn't actually like the plays? That seems to be the general consensus, but did he admit to that?

New member
Mar 15, 2005
Damn I cant comment anymore on this thread. But let me say one thing :

JAM YOUR A FUCKING ASSHOLE :finger23: :finger:

Pop-culture, entertainment, sports and contest Mod
Dec 20, 2002
dmmd98 said:
Unbiased and Uneducatied answer.

Jam picked 5 out of the 6 same plays in the final week as snoop to all but lock up the contest it seems. (I never followed this contest so I have no clue if that is fact) That is the coles notes verison.

That version isnt quite right...

He DID take 5/6 games as Snoopol did, however, had no knowledge of what the other game would do....

So what he basically did was bring the contest down to a "1 game" vs. "1 game" playoff against snoopol.....this was not a contest where he was 'leading" and decided to copy plays to protect his lead, both players are equal at the he basically brought it down to his Dallas pick vs. snoopol's denver pick......they both ended up winning, however snoopol failed to place his tiebreaker in by the deadline....had he wanted, he could have under/over shot Jam's tiebreaker, to regain the advantage that Jam tried to get, however he failed to make the deadline.....

I agree it was chickenshit way to end a good contest, however it wasnt against the rules....and for the same people that keep saying to EMAIL THE PLAYS the final week, obviously do not understand the concept of this contest, as it is NOT A TOTAL SCORING CONTEST, OR CUMMULATIVE contest....therefore knowing your opponents picks is not an advantage another format, i can see it, they guy in first, copies the guy in second's picks, so the guy in second can't gain any ground...or the guy behind, plays all opposite plays to try and make up alot of ground...but this is different type of contest...

i still dont like the strategy used, but it could just as easily backfired as it did win....and the ONLY REASON it won was Snoopol didnt put a tiebreaker in before the deadline, the STRATEGY didnt beat him......

However, its a joke that we have to go through this, when the RX tried to do something nice by giving away cash.....Not alot of sites, have nice CASH contests.....there are usually accounts, rollovers, etc....This is free cash, and this is what we get......So like i said before, i dont think i will be asking to do another baseball this year, followed by football and NBA like we did this year.......Its just becoming expected around here that we "owe" the posters money and contests, rather than them being something nice and reason to give money away if people dont apreciate it.......

And thats a shame, cuz as you all well know, i LOVE CONTESTS....I have done nothing but strive to bring bigger/better contests here in the 3 years i have been here....I have worked very hard at it, and am proud of it...

However, i am NOT proud of this display at all.....

New member
Jun 8, 2005
Bucs this contest was terrific, you did a great job and it is terrific of THErx to give away money. Hell the whole format of the contest is a lot of fun.

My displeasure is with Jam ONLY. As one of the final 5, I checked out the thread too see who was winning, I was very disappointed to see Jam's tatic. Too me it is him and him alone that is too blame for the way the contest enden on a sour note. And then his chickenshit excuses made matters worse.

I think the advantage he gained was a BIG one, as he was able to pick his BEST game, and Pick the one of 6 of Snoops he disliked the most. He screwed it up and it didn't work, but the reality is had Snoop picked a tie breaker Jam would have been able to go the way he liked on that too.

Anway you and the RX are blameless, Jam is a piece of crap.

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