Congrats to JAM, the 3K RX "King of the Hill" for the NFL..


Pop-culture, entertainment, sports and contest Mod
Dec 20, 2002
Congratulations go out to Jam, for winning the RX Title of King of the Hill, for the NFL......

Unfortunately, the contest ended on a late entry, as Snoopol didnt get his tiebreaker in until after the deadline, an unfortunate incident, however we have to go by the rules.....earlier players were eliminated from the contest, for missing the deadline as well, but we have to adhere to the rules......

Congratulations however, to both guys, as they won some nice $$$$$$

The final money winners are.....






I need each of the 5 winners to email me at with their (1) Posting name, (2) Real Name, (3) Mailing address...

I will forward the info to the office, and the money will then be sent out....

Seeing as its the holidays, i would guess they will be sent out around the 2nd or 3rd of January......

Congrats to all the winners, and THANKS to the RX Management for another great contest.....:dancefool for CASH PRIZES..........

Rx. Senior
Sep 20, 2003
Nice job Jam. I had underestimated your handicapping abilities and I was wrong. You have proven you are one of the sharper poster.

Time to go :dancefool .:103631605

New member
Sep 7, 2005
GreenDoberman said:
Nice job Jam. I had underestimated your handicapping abilities and I was wrong. You have proven you are one of the sharper poster.

Time to go :dancefool .:103631605

I must be pretty sharp too since he copied my picks.

New member
Mar 15, 2005
GreenDoberman said:
Nice job Jam. I had underestimated your handicapping abilities and I was wrong. You have proven you are one of the sharper poster.

Time to go :dancefool .:103631605

Jam is a JAGOFF!!!!!! HE DIDNT HANDICAP JACK SHIT. He picked one game, didnt make it his 6 pointer and then bitched about the tiebreaker. He ruined what was a great contest with his lame ass way of going about the final round. POS is what he is. I would rather go 0-15 than to win like that candy ass did. FUCK HIM.

Snoop, I posted a thread about this that got moved to the RR (knew it would). I am sorry for calling you an asshole in that thread. The more I thought about it the more I realize I was wrong in insulting you. Couldnt edit it to change it to Jam is the only asshole in this situation!!!


New member
Sep 21, 2004
BIG thanks to the Rx and bucsfan67.


As for snoopy, guy, you need to be appreciative you got as far as you did.

Here was the total scoring for the top 5 guys heading into the final round.

jam 159
soli 146
polaris 145
koidog 141
snoopol 135

NOT EVEN CLOSE! Furthermore, you came tied for last TWICE at the end of rounds AND in the 2nd Elimination Week of the Final 5 you advanced by going 1 of 6 because another guy went 0 for 6. Frankly, you had no business being in the final two.

Ordinarily, I wouldn't have played it the way I did at the end, but your inqury about carrying forward points after the 1st week of the elimination round really set me off. Talk about nerve.

I didn't "copy" your picks yesterday... I went with 5 of the same games and changed one. I also hedged the difference-making late game, something you had the opportunity to do and should be thankful for. If you didn't, I guess you ain't that sharp.

Green Doberman, thanks for your comment.



New member
Mar 15, 2005
jam said:
BIG thanks to the Rx and bucsfan67.


As for snoopy, guy, you need to be appreciative you got as far as you did.

Here was the total scoring for the top 5 guys heading into the final round.

jam 159
soli 146
polaris 145
koidog 141
snoopol 135

NOT EVEN CLOSE! Furthermore, you came tied for last TWICE at the end of rounds AND in the 2nd Elimination Week of the Final 5 you advanced by going 1 of 6 because another guy went 0 for 6. Frankly, you had no business being in the final two.

Ordinarily, I wouldn't have played it the way I did at the end, but your inqury about carrying forward points after the 1st week of the elimination round really set me off. Talk about nerve.

I didn't "copy" your picks yesterday... I went with 5 of the same games and changed one. I also hedged the difference-making late game, something you had the opportunity to do and should be thankful for. If you didn't, I guess you ain't that sharp.

Green Doberman, thanks for your comment.



Put a picture of Richard Simmons in your avatar, that will fit you more.

The scoring for the top 5 guys heading into the final round means jack shit since as you put it the points DO NOT carry over. So snoop barely survived a week or 2 big deal, the rules state you must qualify in a certain postion to move on. Whether he had 1 or 20 points doesnt matter, he moved on.

YOU DID COPY HIS PICKS, dont think anyone cant see that. All you did was put Dallas in there as a 3 pointer which was supposedly your best bet. If its your best bet put it in as a 6 pointer.

As for Snoop setting you off about carrying the points forward and that made you do what you did, now thats a fricking laugh. As we all see you doubting Snoops handicapping abilities you should have been able to pick 6 games and beat him on your own if he is so damn bad. You did "COPY" his plays.

Congrats on ending what was a great contest on such a ***** move!!:finger23:

New member
Jun 8, 2005
Great Contest. Thanks Bucsfan and the RX.

Good job by Snoop too.


New member
Sep 21, 2004
who the hell are you? snoopol's brother, no doubt.

Let me talk very sloooooooowly so you can try and understand this.

The reason I didn't make Dallas my strongest play? I simply spotted it where I thought he was most vulnerable, the Denver play. I also bet on Denver as a hedge, something he should have done with Dallas.

You want to know what's absurd? snoopol bitches about me 'copying' his picks... then when he submits his late tie-breaker, he copies mine. lmao

What I did, leaving myself a hedge opportunity, was smart. If I was an asshole, I would have copied his picks exactly, added a tie-breaker and that would have been that.

Now go away. Don't try and ruin my Christmas spirit with your ignorance.

And look for my NFL picks next year... I'll be selling them through kodiak7's mailing list, lol.


Rx Post Doc
Feb 8, 2005
Great contest and great win JAM! Congrats to the winners!! tulsa

New member
Mar 15, 2005
koidog said:
Great Contest. Thanks Bucsfan and the RX.

Good job by Snoop too.


Koidog, you seem to be the only other smart one in this thread to see what the ***** did.

Jam, what you did was bush league and even a ***** like you can see that. Quit making such a big deal about the tiebreaker. If you would have actually handicapped your games and snoop put his tiebreaker in later than the required time then you could bitch. His tiebreaker was null and void once he entered it past the deadline.

Also, shut the hell up about your hedging bet crap. You try to make yourself sound so damn smart because you hedged a fricking bet. Who gives a crap about how you hedged your bet, it had nothing to do with this contest.

I will say this though, I went back and looked at the standings throughout the year and you did finish in the upper half of the standings at every cut off point. In that you are to be congratulated for. That is what makes this so disappointing and bush, you didnt have to resort to copying his plays minus the one play.

P.S. Just dont sell your hockey plays to anyone!!!!

New member
Jun 8, 2005
jam said:
who the hell are you? snoopol's brother, no doubt.

Let me talk very sloooooooowly so you can try and understand this.

The reason I didn't make Dallas my strongest play? I simply spotted it where I thought he was most vulnerable, the Denver play. I also bet on Denver as a hedge, something he should have done with Dallas.

You want to know what's absurd? snoopol bitches about me 'copying' his picks... then when he submits his late tie-breaker, he copies mine. lmao

What I did, leaving myself a hedge opportunity, was smart. If I was an asshole, I would have copied his picks exactly, added a tie-breaker and that would have been that.

Now go away. Don't try and ruin my Christmas spirit with your ignorance.

And look for my NFL picks next year... I'll be selling them through kodiak7's mailing list, lol.


So you basically were able to match your strongest play of the week against his play you liked the least.

And you hedged? Over a $500 difference? That doesn't make much sense.

Certainly what you did wasn't against the rules, just a very weak move.


New member
Sep 21, 2004
koidog, I'll tell you what's weak... YOU finishing in a tie for last place in two rounds as well and exiting the contest with a big ZERO.

Admit it, the best man won. Poor losers.

As for letgetiton, I don't know what your problem is.. were you even in this contest? I schooled these clowns all year and I picked within the rules. Like I said, snoopol had no business even making it that far.

As for hockey, those in the know would have a good laugh at that comment. I'm WAY sharper at the NHL than the NFL. A lot of those contest plays are the opposite of real money bets I made.

You're a real class act... posting trash in this thread. What's your agenda? Why so bitter? Snoopol ghost? Get lost and spread your negative flavours elsewhere.


Self appointed RX World Champion Handicapper
Nov 20, 2001
exactly why when a contest gets down to the last few weeks , the players in contention should email their their picks to an unbiased party.

the picks are then posted at game time and all at the same time.

i didnt follow what happened here as i was knocked out of the final 5 by a couple of points.

just saying in general...

Oct 5, 2004
Gerat Job Jam!!!...dont let the haters ruin a solid win for you...if people keep bitching, the RX will think twice in the future when having these great FREE contests...

New member
Mar 15, 2005
jam said:
koidog, I'll tell you what's weak... YOU finishing in a tie for last place in two rounds as well and exiting the contest with a big ZERO.

Admit it, the best man won. Poor losers.

As for letgetiton, I don't know what your problem is.. were you even in this contest? I schooled these clowns all year and I picked within the rules. Like I said, snoopol had no business even making it that far.

As for hockey, those in the know would have a good laugh at that comment. I'm WAY sharper at the NHL than the NFL. A lot of those contest plays are the opposite of real money bets I made.

You're a real class act... posting trash in this thread. What's your agenda? Why so bitter? Snoopol ghost? Get lost and spread your negative flavours elsewhere.


This is my last post regarding this matter. First off I am not snoops ghost nor do i give a rats ass who snoop is. Secondly, some class act you are with your rebuttal to Koidog who was a finalist. You are the KING ***** no doubt. I guess the almighty Jam never had a bad week picking games as Koidog did in the finals. Your such a POS. Oh wait I guess I will be accused of being Koidogs ghost now. Not bad I am 2 ghost that made it to the finals. Damn I fooled Bucs and the RX all along.

Your a no class jerk not only for what you did but how you rub things in cause your the almight King *****.

As for your hockey plays and people in the know, WHATEVER. So what your telling me is that in the Bodog contest you are up the positive amount of your contest picks. If that is the case and I doubt it is then you playing the last week of this contest the way you did is an even bigger laugh.

Your a fuckin *****!!!

As for those saying it was a solid win, you people are jagoffs to. If that is the way you want to win something by being a *****, then go ahead. Bunch of candy asses around here.

I am done with this thread. Fire away!!!

New member
Jun 8, 2005
Lawrence said:
Gerat Job Jam!!!...dont let the haters ruin a solid win for you...if people keep bitching, the RX will think twice in the future when having these great FREE contests...

Whose bitching? Contest was terrific and Bucfans did a great job. I certainly went out fair and square with my own shitty week of picks.

What Jam did is bush league, we all know that. IT was within the Rules so even Snoop doesn't have a leg to stand on.

But we can call Jam a worthless piece of crap and that's fair. Don't you notice how he has changed his story in this thread?

He was mad... er no he hedged err... he justifies it because he had more points in other weeks...err... Snoop was late with the tiebreaker.... err anyone who critizes he's lack of class act is a ghost.

New member
Sep 7, 2005
Jam if you have balls we can decide who is the real "king of the hill" in week 17. This time everybody would send his picks to Bucsfan and then he can post them before the deadline. I'm waiting for response.

You wrote that the best man won prove it!!!

Pop-culture, entertainment, sports and contest Mod
Dec 20, 2002
Guys, i would REALLY APPRECIATE IT, if we could stop all the bickering about the FREE CONTEST that RX management was nice enough to give us.....

I would like to continue to do the King of the Hill contests, but if this is whats gonna happen, then i see no reason to do it....

I am moving this to the rubber room, and leaving a CLEAN version in offshore, i would appreciate if it stays that way...

Thank you...

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