I forgot that one. I hope he does all the great things he promised to do for us. I feel we are in for a big letdown but we will see. I'm sure he didn't lie to us all. Lol. Im already anxiously waiting to see how he lowers my $200 a week health insurance plan.
What would you do? What would anybody do?
You're a 70 Year Old Man who has tasted the finest things in life, wants for Nothing other than leaving a Legacy, when you're given a chance to take one of two paths:
a.) Prove to be just yet another lying letdown to an entire nation of people who need you and betray also a country that gave you so much
b.) do to the best of your ability what you promised, potentially create an amazing Legacy, "Camelot-Like", to leave behind and in the process genuinely help people, improve race relations and lessen tensions/strife/war world-wide
which path do you choose?
This is Real, man.
I grasp there may only be so much that
any President can get done, Old
YUGE MONEY, The IMF, OPEC, United Nations, Foreign Interests etc.....having pulled the strings for so long....
This Guy is the real deal. You would be also, in the same circumstance as he is in.
All else aside he has no choice but to do the best he can for his family.