You tried pullinng this shit last year ab obviously it didnt work. Now your back atter again and she still aint workin out. Tout, you had a decent bowl ruun for one year, big fuckin deal. Ill send you the dollar, let me know where, then ill post your plays in the foots forums. Wayne Root and all touts give out plays and you see them all over the forums under service threads and such, you dont see them cutting customers off, so why should you. 100 bucks for a tout package...So send me the info, ill give you your dollar and post your cmu,emu,msu,um plays every weekend for everyon just to see how you end up. Who knows, could be good for buisness if you hit for a nice %
Dont pull this bs if you post the plays your cut off, thats pusy are you a puzsy tout?