cocaptain has taken a pounding the last 2 days...

Sep 20, 2004
Capt: Your line of B/S is greater with each post, I now find it funny that you are banned at the other site:puppy: . Hmmm is it because your a honorable stand up guy? Not knowing for sure, but from what I am learning of you I would have to say no, that of course is just a hunch. Now you are basing ones credibilty by the # of post they have made, wow I sure hope you selections for your clients has a firmer base than that so they have at least 1/2 a chance. Bringing others ethnic back grounds into a war of words really proves the type of guy you are and should expose your true quailty as a person.

Sep 20, 2004

You seem to be a very angry and sad person...and I am very concerned at why your life is this way....Really, is there no positiveness or something you could be happy about going on in your life?

Try meditation, to find inner peace and tranquility for yourself....I will pray for you meanwhile....We all should be positive and we all should find happiness in our lives...Negativity, complacency, and pessimism (sp) are things we should try to avoid...Know also that when we judge or easily see the negatives and bad in other people ...all we are doing is seeing what is inside of ourselves....This is why it is so easily recognizable to you...

Again, I will pray for you to have a happier and more fulfilling life for yourself....Aloha CC.
Sep 20, 2004
Capt: I have plenty of inner peace and happiness in my life and I thank you for your concern and prayers I do know they are very sincere:monsters- It grows more obvious with each post that you are a desperate man. I wish you well with all your endeavors, however I do think your true qualities have been exposed. You still have not addressed why you were banned over at covers, than again guys like you live thru denial and deception to others for self promotion. You are good at it:puppy:

Sep 20, 2004

Please stop with all the self-denial...and self grandstanding....It is obvious that you are suffering to find peace and happiness...cause if these things did exist in your life you would be to busy enjoying be bashing, criticising, complaining, condemning, and judging others in the RR...It seem you have been doing this and living in this forum for some time it easy to see that you are not happy with yourself...

Happy and postive people dont waste their times filling their lives with assumptions and spreading rumors...twisting things or spinning things against others, who basically have no bearing on their lives at all....They are to busy living and enjoying themselves and not trying to find or create controversy for others...This is why I say you have been in I have never seen you in here so much before...

Like someone is very easy to find something wrong or something to disagree with when it comes to another who seems to have what you want...or seems to be living a life in happiness and fulfillment, to which you are not....Easy to conger up all types of scenerios and situations about others...that really are not there or are not as bad as your imagination, which is fueled on by your own jealousy and need coming from your own unhappiness with your life,...will create and lead you to believe whole-heartedly...And, this is very sad.

I think the one who is desperate is you know nothing about me...but you do know about yourself..and your ability, as mentioned above, to easily judge and condemn others is due to these negative things being inside of you or present in your life..

Again, I feel for you...and hope you seek positiveness in your life...and try not to concern yourself so much with what others, who have no bearing on your life, do or dont do...Really, you cant change anyone....and you wont also find anything, especially happiness by trying to bring others down through slander and negative assumptions of what You think you know...just so that you can find some way to justify your unhappiness with yourself and your life..

GL though to you with finding happiness with yourself....Aloha CC.
Sep 20, 2004
Be asured I am not the desperate one that is you and all that care to view any post you make understand that. I am and have not once tried to self promote in this thread as you have stated, again you show a desire to twist the truth(lie), you are good at it by the way. I started posting in this thread because I found it humorus that when you lost it was not your $$ and if you think a second I will cower to your bashing and physco analyis of me you are wrong. I am a guy with inner peace,happiness and a solid job able to fund my own habits and hobbies, not sure you can honestly answer yes to any of these but that is ok. A QUESTION YOU KEEP AVOIDING, WHY WERE YOU BANNED FROM POSTING AT COVERS??? Very simple question, why do you avoid this question? You live in denial Capt. The truth is you would not go down with the ship, you would take the life boat for urself and leave the rest to die(your clients ) Looking forward to why you were banned at covers and still looking for any of your clients to say you make them $$.:nopityA:

Sep 20, 2004

You make your self-denial and self-grandstanding more and more evident with every post you make....Believe me, you really do....And, the desperation is clearly on your you come to show your weakness and unhappiness at my party...which you try to bring me down out of pure jealousy and unhappiness with yourself...Hey, if you cant see this, then you are really in bad shape...Really bad shape, friend.

Ok since you need to hold on to something, like I mentioned doesnt concern or have a bearing on your life at all...but you seem to need to hold on to this situation about which you now want to twist and fill your need to justify your sadness in your own life...I will do you a favor and answer it for you...

As far as Covers is was a disagreement I had with another poster, who basically is one who also resides here in Hawaii...I guess you can say he we had different views when it came to Hawaii most know, I like to support the boys...and he likes to disrespect them...And season in FB...when we came down the stretch in FB...when Hawaii went on a tear...and to which I won the last 4 games, including the Hawaii Bowl game....we both had alot of views and were two getting alot of notiriety at Covers..

If you didnt know by now...Hawaii games are basically one of the most bet on games in college FB as it most times is the last one on the board...So you can see how and why we both were getting alot of support either for or against...He faded Hawaii that year...and I instead saw it fit to hit them hard...especially during the ending part of Timmy Chang season...last year...and we hit the Big Time with Big Time Profit....

Well to make a long story short...we got into a mix of words, which was very it was taken out of context....However, one thing I didnt realize is that, like here over there, they also have a MOD, who seems to be mixing up his job by getting allowing his own personal feelings get in the way of being fair and imparsial....And what I also didnt realize is that this MOD and this poster, seem to have a very long time relationship and friendship (via Covers I assume)...and thus defending this and him was now against me...

Well things quieted down abit after FB season...but it started up again in CBB with Hawaii, of course...and like here where comments are made in your threads about know in a round about way...This MOD took it upon himself to again defend this poster and he started to move my threads for stupid reasons...I mean my threads their were like here, getting one of the most hits, daily, etc...and with alot of support as well...but yet, it was being moved and that is something which was brought up to Covers admin...but of course, like always, and like everywhere else...the org will take the side of their employees first and foremost...especially since I also posted in their Site Promo forum...and especially since this MOD also post plays and does generate traffic as well to the site...

But, you need to also remember that Covers does support a bunch of Touts who actually have their own area to promote themselves to everyone...and since I was getting a shit load of hits and views..whether my threads were in the main forum or in the Site Promo forum, like it is here...It is easy to see that I was also a threat to them guys who sponsor Covers or who Covers sponsors..whatever way it works..

Thus to make a long story short...easier to suspend my posting priveleges instead of allowing me to post...Basically it was a MODs which he himself was not allowed to address or let me address him either....unlike it is here...You know in a fair way and in an open venue as well....Rule there seem to be tightly held and upheld behind closed doors, if you know what I mean...But so be I was at the time also trying to post at several other I have been their almost as long as I was here at the RX...and so many more solid forums were popping up with many more solid posters as going someplace else wasnt a problem, but rather a thing I wanted to do...

One thing about Covers is that it seems to be a place with a shit load of posters...and they take the numbers justify the amounts that a forum can use to charge for advertising be it, that is not my concern...but it is hard to when someone like myself...and a few others dominate the board and get all the views and comments from others members their....It kind of make others who want to post not feel the need to want to continue posting as they dont get any views or enough to make them feel like people even give a shit or enough for them to fill their egos to keep posting also....And remember, the numbers at these forums are very important...and if a few or even one is causing it to go down ...then better to get rid of them or him, especially also if they are a service as well....Know what I mean?

So it was done...I think it was done for many reasons...but one had to do with a deference of opinions between me and a over zealous Mod there...Nothing new and something which happens at many forums as you already be it....But your trying to Twist or Spin it into something bigger or worser than it really is NOT really ignorant, simply because it is not and shouldnt be either...And this is why...

I have been posting at Covers for about 2 years..and it was getting abit old for when they changed their database (or whatever you call it) made posting things, inlength, there very difficult and time consuming to do...for me....Ie, this post would have to be made in approx 3 different post as they have a limit on number of characters...just was getting a bit of a humbug...if you know what I mean....Another thing I forgot to mention is the FACT that I never was given a direct reason WHY I was not being allowed to post....And I think I still have the Emails to prove this....So be it...I was looking around to other places to post..and frankly it was time as well to do so...

Anyways, the reason why this is not a big deal as your trying to make it out to the FACT that I still currently post at two big forums regarlarly (by choice), the Rx being one of them...and I still can post at everyone of the other many major forums out there as, OPU/BC/RX/UC/MJ, etc....So not posting at Covers for whatever reasons...seems to be a moot case...and its not a big deal either...because also, many of the poster from there see me at the other forums...and they know me from all over, as I mentioned I been at Covers for about 2 years..

Also, whats the big deal anyways??....I think there is way more information and better posters at the many other forums to which, again...I am welcomed and have been able to post and am posting now...and Covers doesnt hold the market on where to post and they are not the only forum in town, my friend....LOL.

I look at it like...working at several different places or playing for several different pro teams...hey just cause your not working there anymore or not playing the same team anymore...does this make you bad person or a poor player....HELL NO!...But people, like yourself always want to make it out to be that way...LMFAO!...Your seriously need to get a GRIP...Here, think of me as a free agent or a private firm...and that I can go to wherever I want to go..and I am not tied down to any one team or any particular company...Know what I mean, jelly bean..

So you see, like I said....because you are unhappy with your life is very easy to find something wrong or something to disagree with when it comes to another who seems to have what you want...or seems to be living a life in happiness and fulfillment, to which you are not....Easy to conger up all types of scenerios and situations about others...that really are not there or are not as bad as your imagination, which is fueled on by your own jealousy and need coming from your own unhappiness with your life,...will create and lead you to believe whole-heartedly...And, this is very sad.

But YOU continually want to do this...and this is WHY I said that it is obvious that YOU are the one who is DESPARATE...And this is more evident now, that I have just taken the time to explain this whole meaningless situation to you..Someone that what happened to me, has no bearing on you life at all....See what I mean.....

As also stated....You know nothing about me...but you do know about yourself..and your ability, as mentioned above, to easily judge and condemn others is due to these negative things being inside of you or present in your life..

Again, I feel for you...and hope you seek positiveness in your life...and try not to concern yourself so much with what others, who have no bearing on your life, do or dont do...Really, you cant change anyone....and you wont also find anything, especially happiness by trying to bring others down through slander and negative assumptions of what You think you know...just so that you can find some way to justify your unhappiness with yourself and your life..

GL though to you and I hope this helps you to finding that inner peace and happiness which is so clearly missing from your life ....Sorry, but I have to say that this was simply a very Pathetic attempt....but it did confirm to all of us, your situations.....Sorry that I had to spank your ass and make you look foolish...but it needed to be done for your benefit....GL to you and Aloha CC.:103631605

Now any further Jealousies or Insecurities you may will need to deal with on your own....Oh and before you take or try to twist things out of context that is said here....First grow a spine and Get a Grip on yourself before your life passes you by even more.....DR Co-Capt OUT!...LOL

PS: I hope you enjoy the read and can accept it...if not, next time dont show your WEAKNESS..
Sep 20, 2004
Capt: Where have I ever grandstanded in this thread for myself , not once! Only calling you out on your ability and effort to twist the truth by all who confront you. I find it hard to believe none of the people(clients) you are making money for would not step forward to say co-capt is a winner. You are a winner in your own mind and that is great. I remember the riff now at covers it was you and Hawaai Guy, he would always compelment you on your write ups and wish you well and because he took a a different position on some games you started bashing him. You were class back then and are still class today. You have again been exposed for the low down character you are:puppy: Don't worry we won't tell your clients, there are people who need you in their life so they can feel better about themselfs, very sad but true.:suomi:

Sep 20, 2004
SAD VERY SAD....Is that all you got!...Bringing up shit from the past and from another forum as well....FUCKIN WEAK KID!...LMFAO! :puppy:

Heres what I already stated in this thread to another ignorant and pathetic unhappy soul...SEEMS YOU HAVE THE SAME IGNORANCE.....LOL.

Now you bring up...that no one comes to my rescue...Why would I need to be rescued, first of all???....Second, why should they?.....Also, unlike others...I dont ask them to do that, nor will I ever do that....You see they are my clients because they see a value in being a client of which I do my best to take care of them....

Sure in this business there is no guarantees ...and I never make any of them to anyone....but yet they still come back...Wonder why that is????...I dont win all the time....But why do they come back??...Think!

You see, you think that if someone comes in to this thread to defend me...then I must be ok, huh....LOL....Does it work that way????...Again, I dont ask anyone to defend me at all....I am not doing anything which needs defending....and ask others to help out is weak and unnecessary...

So pleassse get your facts straight....Oh, but lets say someone did come to my rescue...LOL...Guess what...We already know that...all you would do to be ignorant again...calling them shills or idiots..and does anyone want to be subjected to that kind of stupidity...Well, I surely wouldnt...and I surely wouldnt want any of my clients to have to go through that as well....Think about it friend!...C'mon man Think!

Cash, I think I still have your emails where your on my jock trying to get my plays...but I stopped sending them to you for FREE...and that pissed you off, huh...Your looking like a Fool again...a beggin pathetic one at that...Tried to help you out but your in denial...Tried sending you plays but you wanted it forever...Get a grip.....And now, your trying to sell us that your not unhappy and that you have the skills to pay the bills, huh....and that my friend is sad and humourous at the same time...

Thanks for the shit and giggles...Aloha CC.:103631605

Rx. Poster
Dec 26, 2004
capt, are you a woman? i have never seen a guy go on, and on, and on like you do. those posts are amazing,it would take me a week to do that. i could never understand how girls could write such long essays when i was in school.
Sep 20, 2004
I believe you may have me confused with someone, I do not recall ever receiving picks from you via email, but if you say I did, it must be true:puppy: . You are the pathetic one trying to fund your habits with others $$. I am very stable in my financial position and do not rely on others $$ to fund my habits. I like what I see in the mirror each day, you may want to get a full length mirror and take a good look at what you really are:smokingbb

Sep 20, 2004
Again...more denial...Figures as much from a Weak-Ass...who was just made a fool of....LMFAO!....OK, IF YOU SAY SO...:thumbsup2:

Btw...Why are you still trying to sell us all on yourself...Give it a rest already...we all know your situation.

Sep 20, 2004
husker said:
capt, are you a woman? i have never seen a guy go on, and on, and on like you do. those posts are amazing,it would take me a week to do that. i could never understand how girls could write such long essays when i was in school.

Well if I was a girl...I surely wouldnt be wasting my time playing with these clowns...I would be playing with my breast instead....LOL..

Anyways....not hard to write all this shit..when it is based on the truth and nothing else....Just repeating the truth of what happened and whats involved...and it's not hard to do and easy to remember...when you dont have to make shit up or lie either...Know what I mean....Aloha CC.:103631605
Sep 20, 2004
You are so confused it is comical, me selling myself?? I don't have to sell myself because I do not sell my picks nor will I ever . You on the other hand are selling yourself, it's what you do. Husker mentioned you were a girl , if thats the case do you know hwat that makes you? Keep smiling Capt you are the one digging a deeper hole with each post:kissingbb

New member
Jun 16, 2005
cash,i think cocopuff is one of those guys who wants people he respects (subconsciously) to punish him,(childhood,dr phil type of stuff) look what bucsfan did to him yesterday,,,a normal person (emotionally mature & healthy) would have realized it was time to back off,,obviously a lot more going on here than gambling.happy trails

Sep 20, 2004
cashflowmatters said:
You are so confused it is comical, me selling myself?? I don't have to sell myself because I do not sell my picks nor will I ever . You on the other hand are selling yourself, it's what you do. Husker mentioned you were a girl , if thats the case do you know hwat that makes you? Keep smiling Capt you are the one digging a deeper hole with each post

You arent selling yourself, you say....Fuck, do you know that right now you are trying to sell all of us that your not selling yourself...How stupid can you actually be?...LOL.

Digging a deeper hole...LOL...Kid, you just got slapped on both sides of your ass with the truth, which you ignorantly tried to Spin into something which was NOTHING AT ALL!....Just cant handle it can you...

Sad friend...very sad....Keep on selling us on yourself...cause your making yourself look foolish...while giving me many more opportunities to show just how foolish you really are...Kaaaamon Bring It! :pushups:

New member
Jun 16, 2005
see what i mean,he misses you & attacks you so you will(hopefully punish (spank) him.

New member
Jun 16, 2005
i want to clarify that i Am NOT BASHING cocopuff,this is a compulsion,he CANNOT not do what he is doing.
Sep 20, 2004
Capt U'da man! I will bet your email is full of wanna be clients. You spend more researching games for your clients so they are not all jumping ship. I think you are more Jerry Springer not Dr Phil. :puppy:

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