
Sep 20, 2004
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Tomorrow's Newspaper:
Just like I thought. YOU DONT GAMBLE. The only reason you would not say where you gamble is cause you are scared you will be caught in one of your lies. With your made up lies and your made up "got this one last night" bullshit. I play at Pinnacle, Bowmans, and quite a few others. All your gambling is done in your mind. And it shows because you have lost it too. Good night loser. 12 hours a day on a forum ..... GET A SUMMER JOB AND STOP LIVING OFF MOM AND DAD !!!!!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

OK little girl....if you say so...Your right, I dont gamble....I just put out plays with Write-Ups for my own health.
...Ok PaperGirl...Now can I change my paper subscription to only Mon, Tues, Weds, and Sunday....As Thurs, Friday, and Sat, I usually am partying like a mutha....LOL

Ok PaperGirl...have a wonderful day living in your own BS fantasies and assumptions...Your a hoot and a holla...I will call you when I need you...

Aug 20, 2002
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>I just put out plays with Write-Ups for my own health. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Not even 15 writeups all FUKING season and over 450 plays!!! You have a writeup for about 5% of your plays.

Stop fooling youself.
Sep 21, 2004
and most of his few write-ups are just cut and paste jobs with a bunch of aloha's added in. Now go take out the trash so mom will give you your allowance.

Sep 20, 2004
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by MadCapper:
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>I just put out plays with Write-Ups for my own health. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Not even 15 writeups all FUKING season and over 450 plays!!! You have a writeup for about 5% of your plays.

Stop fooling youself.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>


Sep 20, 2004
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Tomorrow's Newspaper:
and most of his few write-ups are just cut and paste jobs with a bunch of aloha's added in. Now go take out the trash so mom will give you your allowance.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>


Sep 20, 2004

What you two knucklehead dont realize, is that the majority of viewers want to see why you are playing a game...They want info, insights, etc...not just someone to post records and plays...People want to feel confident about chosing to follow someones plays...and though a good record can give someone some confidence in a persons ability...They still want to read why it is one would play a game so big....Past posted records reflect past games that is over and done with and they do not reflect or help anyone with todays games...Also, just because one wins today doesnt guarantee that he will win tomorrow, so more so, people will want to see your thoughts and feelings on todays games, beside just your plays....Think about it.

If it was that important for people to just see plays and records, then why doesnt it reflect in more views for this so called person who is just posting plays and records, huh....You want to help people out....Then share why it is that you are playing a game....especially a Big game...That is what people want...It doesnt have to be big ass writeups like I do...No, I think even I go overboard sometimes...LOL....But, a simple statement, one to two sentence, a word or two, a paragraph or two, etc, is not that much to ask for and we are all capable of doing this....And this is what will help others out and this is what people want to see....In all my time here, only 4-5 people ask for my record...Thats not even .05%....and the funny thing is that these people asking me for my records were the so called handicappers themselves...

Now why would another capper who picks his own plays need to see my records?...Hmmm, maybe because of jealousy and an attempt to make himself look like he is better than another capper, based on his better record....Who the hell cares?...The amount of views, not just in one day, but on a consistant basis says a lot about the quality and value of a capper in the eyes of others....Trying to create some sort of controversy or slander campaign against another capper is ridiculous.....Our beefs should be with the Man ONLY and not with each other...Still though, you have some very insecure cappers here who are just upset and jealous because they arent getting the attention and respect from others that they think they deserve, because they are winning at the moment....Well, whose fault is that?....Answer is no ones....But to go on a slanderous and BS campaign against another is simply a weak and pathetic thing to do...and it does you no good.....People are not that dumb into believing one who talks shit about another...We know that when one Bashes or talks shit about another that is simply based on pure jealousy with this person or an insecurity with themselves...or why do it...Think about it!

Remember, if your so successful, then why would you have the time, energy, or need to bash another....Hell, you should be enjoying your life and your accomplishments that you have achieved..period...You should be a happy camper....But to do the opposite, especially when your winning, clearly states to everyone that in the totality of your Life, the only game that is important, you are simply losing....That is a shame....But you need to remember, that you will never find happiness through money and you will never find respect for yourself and from others when you chose, through your own insecurities and jealousies, to take away from or take from another person their accomplishments, popularity, or respect that they have achieved for themselves....You will lose in the end, because you cannot stand on your own merits and accomplishments and other will see right through your so called strengths and see that you are actually a very weak person....Bashers, Criticizers, Complainers, Instigators, Questioners, Whinners, etc...are all weak and insecure people...and Everyone knows it....Winning in bases, yet losing in Life....Now that is a shame...

When you chose to Bash another, you simply rob yourself of any self-respect and ability to make use of your life the best way you can...So in reality, you do not have control of your own you cant mine your own business and be happy for what you got and have done...I really feel for people like you...I wish I could help you out, but in this part of someones life, they need to find the strength, confidence, Love, and happiness in themselves, on their own...I only can wish you good luck to you all in finding this happiness and acceptance of yourself....Aloha CC.

PS: and remember Gang...our battles should be with the Man and ONLY the Man...He is the one who really wants to take our money and livelihoods away from us...Fight him, Not eachother....Dont forget this, cause when you do it makes him one step closer to beating all of us! PEACE OUT! CC.

New member
Jun 21, 2001
This sh^t just keeps getting better and better!

Co-cap quote of the day:

...Past posted records reflect past games that is over and done with and they do not reflect or help anyone with todays games...

Is this how you justify your losing record over the long haul?

Big Lou

Sep 20, 2004
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Big Lou:
This sh^t just keeps getting better and better!

Co-cap quote of the day:

...Past posted records reflect past games that is over and done with and they do not reflect or help anyone with todays games...

Is this how you justify your losing record over the long haul?


NO....This is how you take things I say out of context, and then twist what I am saying around, to fill your need to BASH me and bring attention to yourself....Grow Up!...It wont work and but Nice Try!
...Aloha CC.

Sep 20, 2004
Also Big Lou...Dont you agree that we should be only battling the Man and not eachother here....Do you agree that this is best for everyone here to be successful? CC.

Anyways while you think about it, I am done for awhile playing in here...Carry on without me...GL and Aloha CC.

[This message was edited by Co-Captain on June 29, 2004 at 09:24 PM.]

New member
Jun 21, 2001

I didn't twist anything around. I copied a post made by you and asked you a question about it.

As far as helping each other, this site may have started out as a gambling site meant to help each other but that ended a while ago. The owners prefer controversy over content. That's why they love you!! You stir everybody up with your "everyone is against me" mantra and non-stop replies to everything everyone posts about you.

I'll ask again.

...Past posted records reflect past games that is over and done with and they do not reflect or help anyone with todays games...

Is this how you justify your losing record over the long haul?

BTW...Did you see my BIG GAME PLAY--UNDERDOG GAME OF THE MONTH WINNER, with a HUGE ASS WRITE-UP...I just released for FREE for all to Bank Big Time On!....

By releasing for "FREE" do you mean you will be charging for picks soon?

Keep up the entertainment. The bigwigs love it!

Big Lou

Sep 20, 2004

No....and Who knows.

Well, now your going to have to carry on without me in here, as I will be at another site sharing and absorbing what I can to help with my battles against the Man...Be back later...See ya..CC.
Sep 21, 2004
Great post Big Lou. More hits mean more advertising $$$$$. I just hope people don't get burned by following Co-Clown blindly. If you read his posts he sounds like a winner, and then...... I guess if they are dumb enough to follow the sheep to slaughter they get what they deserve.

Does he really believe people would rather have writeups and a bunch of bs but lose rather than follow someone that has a proven record and wins, I guess that is his choice. He brags about how many more people read his posts than mine but looking at the numbers they seem around even and I dont bump my post every 10 minutes. Seems most people figured him out.

I try to help some out by giving people a few winners and make some money for those that may not be the best handicappers but they love to gamble. I have friends call me every day for a couple of picks. It's nice to help out. I wish I had someone reliable when I was young to help me out. Lord know I took my poundings learning the ropes. Keep fighting the good fight Big Lou. Looking forward to your NFL playoff stuff again this year.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
You know i was trying to be objective but this really got me.


Philly -1.5 +110 (got this one to, last night)

Okay so he put in Phillies overnight, okay fair enough, i'll believe him here. However, Montreal changes pitchers, bet should be no action. BUT....

Originally posted by MadCapper:

His Phillies play was from last night. Before the change. Its no action. I doubt he even knows theres a change.


I didnt know of this change...until this morning...but my local still honored the bet....They do things like this for me as I am a consistant player with them, year round....Offshore books just cancel it, that is why I always play with several offshore accounts and several local Houses...

I don't know of many Locals who take overnight bets, let alone have overnight lines. Maybe i'm wrong but come on, we're not morons.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Madcapper, i wasn't really asking him about his opinion on the game in his thread, just trying to get some facts. Just so you know

Aug 20, 2002

He continues to lie day in and day out.

Yea he gets overnights from LOCALS and they let him keep a +110 rl when after the pitching change it becomes -135.

What a crock of SHIT!

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Yeah i kinda knew it but that it just funny. He probably called his local after the games last night and put the game in......

I'm sure that is exactly what he did.

I kinda asked that question knowing that he would trip up somehow and say something stupid.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Just curious, but didn't Montreal also scratch their pitcher later in the day, not this morning as noted by Captain Crunch. He knew of it this morning though. Wow books didn't change the line till later on in the day but Captain knew it this morning. If only i had the same info he does.

Sep 20, 2004
What is stupid, is that you guys dont live here in Hawaii Nei....Your on the mainland I presume...You dont know what I do, or who I do it with, yet you act like you do....Us Hawaiians is not the same as you MOFO's....Hey Wake the Fvck Up.....If you dont know, shut the Fvck Up....If you dont know or cant prove any of your speculations or assumptions...Stop right there, as you are only wasting you time trying to guess and assume that you know what goes on with me or anyone else for that matter....You are simply making a fools of yourself by questioning another....Why do you even care so much?...Dont tell me you love me that much...Ah, thats sweet.

If not, then what is it to you what I do or say...Do you even have your own life to live....or are you just feeling you exist by hoping I fail and lose....What a waste!...Well, go ahead and assume all you want, while I Live On....See ya kiddies, CC OUT..

BTW,rscl31....Morning to me is evening to you, and evening to me is late night for you....and morning for you is late night to me...

Sep 20, 2004
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by MadCapper:
....and lying to everyone and being down 60 units is....<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Hey the only lying that is going on here is you, lying to yourself thinking that you are a happy and secure person....when clearly you are not....Dont you have something better to do with your life then to always be causing shit and controversy in others lives....

MadComplainer....your an arrogant ass, because you think that your better than everyone else in the bases....Who the fvck cares?....I dont give a rats ass if you are up and I am down...I really could care less what you do or how you do it....Why?...Because it does nothing for me to make me happier, better looking, pay my bills, or enjoy my life....So its a waste to even be so concerned about what another does or says....especially if he is not hurting me or not preventing me from living and enjoying my life....

You need to seriously take some of that Units you won and go buy yourself some Self Confidence....or at least go get laid....Dam what a waste of a life you lead...I am Out! CC.

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