
New member
Sep 21, 2004
not to bash or be negative, but what good does posting this at 10:06 do???

if you're trying to help people, then why would you post late??

either way, gl
Sep 21, 2004
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by no chance in hell:
be ready at 10:07pm: 3 units on Anaheim is coming...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

You missed by a minute NCIH. It's not like you needed to see the post. You knew it would be the chalk. I was suprised to see a Kodiac like play. 10 units on one game. Who didn't know that was going to happen soon. I thought he would at least wait until after the allstar break until he started going way up on the units in attempt to get even.

Teenagers are so predictable

Sep 20, 2004
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Tomorrow's Newspaper:
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by no chance in hell:
be ready at 10:07pm: 3 units on Anaheim is coming...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

You missed by a minute NCIH. It's not like you needed to see the post. You knew it would be the chalk. I was suprised to see a Kodiac like play. 10 units on one game. Who didn't know that was going to happen soon. I thought he would at least wait until after the allstar break until he started going way up on the units in attempt to get even.

Teenagers are so predictable<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I am so glad to see you continue to show me how much I control your life and how much without me, you basically have no Life...

PaperGirl, dont be showing more of your weakness by talking about someone that is not here and behind their backs...I know that is what you have to do, cause your a weak ass...always talking behind other peoples backs just like a Bitch...And dont deny it either....We all read in other peoples threads you bad mouthing me...I am just under your skin, huh fella....To weak to control yourself huh...LOL...This problem between you and me, all started because you couldnt control yourself and keep your nose out of someone elses business...Weak!

Anyways PaperGirl, I woundnt be talking about increasing units on one game, because although it is one game, they are all different and separate bets....Unlike you who needs to increase your so called 3 Units Play to now be a 5 Unit plays, stating the reason your doing this is because you will be only posting a few plays from now on out.....Hmmm, a few plays huh, you been posting more plays since than, in fact, as many as 10 plays in one day....I dont really care what you post, but Your funny!

Oh and BTW, why the need to all of a sudden NAME your 5 Unit Plays, which were the 3 Unit Plays, the "GRAND SLAM PLAYS"?...Why the name, huh?.....Also, why only after you had success with the 3 units that you now decided to Name your Top Plays?....Maybe to help intice people to come view your threads more...Trying to get more attention for yourself....LOL....Well, if not, then why the naming of your so called TOP Play the 5 Unit Play "Grand Slam", which again was your 3 Unit Play just a few weeks ago....LOL...and which again is reflecting a record that is not entirely of 5 Unit Plays but of 3 unit plays....kind of misleading dont you agree?....But hey, do what it takes to fill your need for more attention and praise from others, Right...Go get em PaperGirl...LOL.
Sep 21, 2004
The difference is you are chasing. Trying to get to even. I am upping my units because I am playing with THEIR money. Using it to make more. Just like I lowered my total plays to 1 unit because they were cold. Something you should know all about.

Post all you want about me and everyone else that is "bashing" you. I am done. You are old news. I think everyone knows your value here. My only hope is that some newbie doesn't come across your shit and believe it causing them to lose "REAL" money.

good luck with your picks, life and getting out of the rubber room. I am actually starting to feel sorry for you.
Sep 20, 2004

no need to feel sorry for anyone.

we all make our own choices, and we need to live with that.

I tried to be a prophet and warn people, but no matter how hard i tried to save someone else from making a mistake, they tried even harder to fight me.

some where down the line they will make the wrong choice, that's life.

handicapping or gambling has so many lessons that need to be lived, not told.

Sep 20, 2004
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Tomorrow's Newspaper:
The difference is you are chasing. Trying to get to even. I am upping my units because I am playing with THEIR money. Using it to make more. Just like I lowered my total plays to 1 unit because they were cold. Something you should know all about.

Post all you want about me and everyone else that is "bashing" you. I am done. You are old news. I think everyone knows your value here. My only hope is that some newbie doesn't come across your shit and believe it causing them to lose "REAL" money.

good luck with your picks, life and getting out of the rubber room. I am actually starting to feel sorry for you.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Well, again it amazes me how people can just go off and make a statement on what another one is supposedly doing, because of their own arrogance and ignorance....

As far as chasing like you mentioned, I am doing....I have already explained, that the money I lost earlier has already been recouped through the other sources of income I get....Do you think that my only source of income is gambling...C'mon, that is ridiculous as anyone with half a brain knows that you should never keep all your eggs in one basket...So as for chasing, if you have money then what are you chasing?...The past, try to enjoy instead the now and shoot for the future...The past is done already...You know what I mean...

If you want to see chasing, then look at yourself as you chase everyday the need for more attention for yourself...If I wanted to get them Units back and make the Generals record of me better, then believe me, I would easily be able to do just that by posting my BIG GAME PLAYS FOR the true amount of Units I play them for which is many many times more than what I post them here for...

If your wondering why it is that I post them here at the units I do...If is to keep a structured value system with the plays, and also so that others dont get out of hand, which they would if they actually saw how much I do play these BIG GAME PLAYS...Well, like I stated before, I dont use a strict money mangagement system like some people here do...Sometimes I pound a game and then repound it again, cause I found something else I like in the play....But am I going to repost my upping my need....I already posted the play at a certain unit value to show to everyone the value at which I see this play, no necessarily the amount that I am playing it at....

People get so caught up with records, and assuming that 1 unit=$100 all the time.....No so, as was discussed in the FB forum awhile back, you could see how each poster had a different amount they play for each units....I personally feel that I can help people out more by providing them with a long indepth Write-Ups to show them why it is deemed a BIG GAME PLAY for me, instead of posting a Big Unit amount on the play....Sometimes people see Big Unit amounts, and they get carried away and start betting more than they should....This is how they get hurt....Eventhough my BIG GAME PLAYS have an outstanding record, they are not infallible....nothing is...So by providing people with my hard work provided with most of my Big Plays, I feel that they will be able to determine for themselves how much to play on the game....istead of them getting influenced by someone posting that this is 25 Unit, or 50 Unit play or 100 unit play, which btw, is a more of an accurate amount to what I am personally playing these BIG GAME PLAYS at...But, what I chose to play and how much I play them for, is my business, as what others chose to play and for what amount is theirs....I dont tell people how much to play or what to play, no I just share with them what I see has a good opportunity to make money off of, I give them my reasoning in a Write-Up most times, and then I give each play a value rating....The rest is left up for each individual to decision how they see fit to use which will benefit their lives....Plain and Simple...

I know about upping units and lowering units to meet with cold or hot streaks....But you stated that your doing this because you decided to post less plays and not because of a cold streak...Their is a differenc....I dont change my unit values which I rate my plays at...but I do look for other opportunities that may exist....I hardly ever play the 1st half RL and 1st half Ml....but I saw a good opportunity to hit it in this one....I wish I didnt, cause they lost, but that is what happens sometimes....All part of the game...

Now, as to me posting what I want about you...Let me set the record staight for you and everyone else here....I never followed you or looks to use what you posted in any of the sports to help me in any way with my battles with the man....Their is only very few cappers here whose abilities I respect and whose opinions I would take as credible....Sorry, and no offense, but you were never one of them....I am not trying to put you down, but this is the truth....So, all of this BS started when you chose to stick your nose in my business and jump in on with the other weak ass bashers...Why?....Well, we already know the answer to this concerning you...So pleasse, dont make this out to be something that I am doing to you.....I dont bash anyone, unless they bash me unfairly first....And TN, you have done just that on your own, and without any help from me....I respond to your BS and bashing of me, not the other way around.....Please dont try to make like your the innocent one here....You bashed me, talked behind my back in others threads, and I responded....If you were able to be strong and control yourself from showing your insecurity with me and your arrogance in yourself, then we wouldnt have a problem at all...If you kept to minding your own business, we would of never had a problem at all.

Like I stated, I am not here to hurt anyone in anyway....and that is why I try to provide a lot of reasons and meanings behind my plays, especially my BIG PLAY...something very few people here does...I do this to show others why I am playing a game so big....I have nothing to hide, and am confident in my abilities, and I think you as well can see that others are as well...Just look at the consistant daily amounts of views I get in all sports, and this is happening whether I am winning or losing...Why?...Because I know that others have seen and benefitted from the hard work I put in and they have the confidence in me and my abilities....So I am down in the bases at the moment, I have made a lot of money for myself and others, in FB and CBB my two strongest sports to cap...And I will do it again...bases is my weakest sport, but I always find a way to make my weaknesses my strengths in time....

So I have to say to you, that you go on to post your BS and assumptions of me, like "Real Money", and keep showing your ignorance with a statement like that is just a ridiculous statement to make as you know nothing about what I do...and it is also a statement that shows your jealousy with me, cause you know I have real money and you know that I am a fortunate individual to live where I live and do what I do...But hey, is it my fault....No, so why try to make it like it is....Just accept your faith or be a Man and change it....No need to continually show your weaknesses, unhappiness, and spread your negativities....Do you no good, but bring YOU down....

If you live your life on your own merits and achievements, and you show others your true worth and value by providing and sharing with others here more positive and less negatives....Then you might be able to sway some....But it takes a strong man to be able to not Bash and talk shit about another....Are you strong enough to do this....Well, I guess we shall see....Like I stated earlier, I did really know anything about you or even paid any attention to you or your plays at all, but you needed to unfair talk shit to me, and you needed to continue to talk shit about me...Well, no you say that your done....Well, that is some funny shit....

Lastly, dont need to waste your time feeling sorry about me, I am not hurting anyone here....By being placed unfairly in the RR room, it is only hurting others who enjoy viewing my thread...but they can always go to the other forums and get them....Plus, I think it matters for most where I post my plays, they want it and they will look for it....Just look at the amount of views still coming in, here and at the other forums....

Well TN I wish you happiness with your life and hope you someday get what you so desire in the respect and popularity from others....Just remember the lesson you learned, that money cannot buy you happiness or fill the voids in your life...Only you can, but you must first accept and love yourself and everyone else...Peace be with you...and look at the Bigger picture to see where and what you should do with your life....I hope you the best...Aloha CC.

Sep 20, 2004
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by truelyhandicapping:

no need to feel sorry for anyone.

we all make our own choices, and we need to live with that.

I tried to be a prophet and warn people, but no matter how hard i tried to save someone else from making a mistake, they tried even harder to fight me.

some where down the line they will make the wrong choice, that's life.

handicapping or gambling has so many lessons that need to be lived, not told.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Truly, I couldnt agree with you more....I am glad that you have finally realized who you are...I also am glad that you have learned that you cannot tell others what to do...Also that when you want to bring down another and create controversy and spread negativity about another...people will just see you as a very weak insecure jealous person....I am glad that you realized this....Lastly, I am glad that you realized that you have no grounds to judge anyone at all....No one is better than God, and at least he waits till you die before he judges you....Judging someone, especially someone you know nothing at all about, is simply ignorant...Dont you agree?

Lastly, just some advice for you to use how you see fit to use....DONT EVER CLAIM TO BE A PROPHET!...That is just as bad as when you came in here and in your first month and made guarantees to everyone that you will hit 65% of your plays...GUARANTEED!...Now that killed you....But what also did damage to you was when you created another Alias, no need for that kind of crap....If you fail than accept it move on and get better....No need to run and hide...People know this of you and that is one reason why they dont trust you as much now....If your good, no need to run and hide...when you lose....everything should hopefully equal out in the long haul....But when you create and Alias and comeback with a new and clean record....You kill all your credibility....Just like when you show your weakness in Bashing another, and when you make stupid Guarantees...No Guarantees in Life my friend, except that one day we will all die...

Glad that you finally realise that your no "Prophet"....LOL...Damn, man didnt you remember that false Prophets got crusified....Anyways, like I stated earlier.....I agree with some of what you stated....We all learn lessons in life good and bad...but we need to take care and live our lives and let others do the same...No one knows anyone here on these forums, so claiming that you are here with the intentions of helping others, simply wont work by slandering and causing shit for someone else...Very hypocritical if you ask me...But hey, what do I know...I mean I only have a down record in the bases at the moment so that should also state that I dont know what I am talking about either right....Ok, if you say so....LOL.jk.

Have a Blessed Day my friend...and Aloha CC.

Sep 20, 2004
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by no chance in hell:
not to bash or be negative, but what good does posting this at 10:06 do???

if you're trying to help people, then why would you post late??

either way, gl<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

First, I am a busy person most times....I dont just sit by the computer waiting for people to post so I can reply....It seems this way, but nowadays, I just pop in and out throughout the day....Today was a busy day, with several parties, so I was rushing all day...

But why is it so much a concern of you what the fvck I do..Dont question me, because my friend, you are simply going to get an answer that you dont want to hear and is unable to accept...Cut the shit out No chance in hell, we all know your intentions...So get lost...Go find help from someone else if you need it so badly....I aint going to help no worthless basher who wants to always question me....

Now the plays lost, so feel lucky...Unless you were waiting to FADE them, well in that case what can I say...I got lucky...LOL...Good day and next time you have a question for me, stop and control yourself....GL and Aloha CC.

Sep 20, 2004
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by truelyhandicapping:
thanks for all the help cocaptain and answering the ?'s.

maybe you should take care of your own garden.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Truly, if you havent been noticing...I am taking care of my own garden, that you felt that you could shit in...So now I am picking up all your shit, and then dumping back in your yard....What you dont like the shit you dished out to me....Oh well, then next time think before you try to shit in my yard, little fella...LOL.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
it's not a concern to me, it's just hilarious how you talk and how you post late now (on purpose, because we all know you just sit around the computer all day long)

either way, gl

and yes, I had LA, knowing that you would play the angels (captain obvious)

i am sorry i am a jealous basher. I know it's gotten old to bash you (and way too easy)

Sep 20, 2004
Aloha Gang.....I am still sick after yesterdays Yanks, Clev, Boston, Toronto under, and Det debacles....Still hard to stomach them Bad losses....Anyways, back to the grind....Lets Start Munching...


Balt -127

Milw -119


St Louis -163

Balt -1.5 +168


Milw -1.5 +196

**Ok Gang, I will back with more later.....Until then lets do some damage with these BAD BOYS...GL to all today and LETS GO GET EM!....ALOHA CC.

Sep 20, 2004
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by MadCapper:
Piggybacking me again.

Smart move.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Yeah I definately like your plays on the Cards ML, Milw ML, and Milw RL...

Stay tuned, because I will be posting some plays from the world famous Russo himself...LOL.

Aug 20, 2002
I dont play that much chalk.

But when you saw I have the Cards RL and BAL you jumped aboard. Thats why you waited.

Smart move.

Sep 20, 2004
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by MadCapper:
I dont play that much chalk.

But when you saw I have the Cards RL and BAL you jumped aboard. Thats why you waited.

Smart move.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Did I, or did I not follow your plays MadComplainer, like you said....Oh wait, maybe it was plays I got from the World Famous Handicapper Russo himself....Hmmm...Confused now...Oh well, I hope they win anyway...LOL.

Aug 20, 2002
Following my plays would be smart.

You are not smart...

So I really dont know forsure.

Sep 20, 2004
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by MadCapper:
Following my plays would be smart.

You are not smart...

So I really dont know forsure.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Yeah, but didnt you get slaughtered yesterday?...Losing over 30 Units...

Aug 20, 2002
No. I lost 20. But I am still up 42 units.

I think YOU lost 20 units yesterday and you are now down 85.25 units.

I had a very very nice 1st half.

I am now up 123 units since the start of the 2003 MLB season!!!!

Baseball has been very very good to me.

I am happy to see that you come look at my plays.

Smart move.

Sep 20, 2004
Oh Sorry 20 Units....I am glad you are having success....But I go there some times to view T-rex's plays not yours...Sorry.

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